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    posted a message on [1.2.5] ThaumCraft 2.1.6d (OUTDATED)
    I'm trying to run this with mcpatcher. I keeping getting this conflict

    ModLoaderMP 1.2.5 v1
    Only the files from minecraftforge-client- will be used.
    Only the files from minecraftforge-client- will be used
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on A minecraft 1st for me.
    I was making a new world to play Thaumcraft in, the seed minecraft give me by hitting f3 is 1697073313.

    I typed in magic world, but typing that in seems to spawn me in a random place every time.
    This seed spawns you in y67 under water inside a closed off cave, pitch black. It was scary.

    So if you would like to check this out use the seed 1697073313. or you can try to use magic world.
    Posted in: Seeds
  • 0

    posted a message on Evocatus - Towny, Heroes, PvP, No Whitelist
    IGN mentalchaos

    My arms have mutinied against me brutes! My fingers fidget like ten idle brats, My back's been stiff for hours, damned hours. Death never gives his squad a Stand-at-ease.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on Help me remember a title to a game.
    wow with a stroke of luck I just found it. Its Haven and Hearth. The version I saw was called Salem, or Haven and Hearth II. This can be closed.
    Posted in: General Gaming
  • 0

    posted a message on Help me remember a title to a game.
    A few months ago I was looking at a minecraft thread, and someone had posted a link to a game that really caught my attention. It has the look of sword of mana, with game play simlier to minecraft, and animal crossing. The story was that your people had set sail on to a new world, and you are to survive the wilderness, and grow in to a new nation. Everything has Victorian style to it, from armor, to housing. From what I remember the game is a sequel not 100% on that.

    I know that it has multiplayer. On the site at the time there were a few alpha videos of the game showing armor, and the farming system. Could some tell what this game is?
    Posted in: General Gaming
  • 0

    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from Zisteau »
    Quote from Eclipse008 »
    So is Canopy Carnage safe from forest fires ignited by lightning? :S

    It is definitely NOT safe from lightning. After 3 hours of play I was on the forest floor, heard lightning, looked up, and saw the entire forest ablaze in a massive conflagration.

    I used the single player commands mod to disable all weather, to avoid any lightning fires. I saw that you might not make a series with this map because of the fire issue. So maybe this should help.
    Posted in: Maps
  • 0

    posted a message on [1.2.5] MoreCreeps & Weirdos v2.62 SLOT MACHINES - OLD LADIES - RAGING BULL - PET RADIO - NEW ITEMS!
    Um version 1.96 was compatible with Mo' creatures now 1.97 isn't. Has anyone gotten this to work?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on [Surv]WoWChaos map *NEW*
    This is my first map. Its a huge stone cavernous system. The goal of the map is the start at the top, and make it to the bottom, with the items I supplied in the chest. Sounds easy right? well wrong This map will make you hate life. :SSSS: And yes there will be jumping alot of jumping.

    The rules are simple
    Play on hard
    you make break any stone that is your way.
    And all you have to do is make it to the bottom.

    Here are some screens

    The Map file
    Posted in: Maps
  • 0

    posted a message on Found a mind blowing cave on the seed qube
    Quote from Erithon »
    The 404, and any other cave system, isn't hard to stay alive in when played normally and precautions are taken. Likewise, this cave won't be difficult to survive in, either. What makes 404 difficult are the ludicrous restrictions for the iron man challenge, specifically the 'no torches', 'enter the sinkhole on the first night' and 'no leaving the cave' restrictions. If you want to play with arbitrary restrictions, that's entirely on you, but it seems like you're trying to leech off of the 404 challenge by saying this cave is harder to survive in than that one. They're caves. To the cautious, careful caver, no one is more difficult than the other.

    I didn't even think about it like that with the rules of 404. When typing that I was thinking in terms of how many times I died in this cave compared to 404.
    Posted in: Seeds
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    posted a message on Found a mind blowing cave on the seed qube
    Quote from ByakuyaTheTroll »
    Its pretty far out in the world 0.o

    Yes its far out from the original spawn, but its so worth going to it. I've just spent well over 2 hours in this cave. Mining and trying to survive. I'm playing on hard with the rpg mods so its a real challenge.
    Everyone thought 404 was hard to stay alive in well this tops that, when it comes to natural cave systems.

    If you have a youtube page with a lets play this cave will entertain you subscribers.
    Posted in: Seeds
  • 0

    posted a message on Found a mind blowing cave on the seed qube
    I wish someone would give this a try. I know my pics are not the best, but if you could just take my word for it. You won't regret it.
    Posted in: Seeds
  • 0

    posted a message on Found a mind blowing cave on the seed qube
    The seed qube to me is one of the best seeds I've ever played on. It has all the, so called epicness everyone likes, and more. It will take some exploring to see what this seed has to offer. Anyway I was doing some exploring, testing out my new texture pack, just walking around, and out of nowhere I almost fall in to the huge pit. I looked down in to it thinking hmmm... I wonder whats down there?
    Lets just put it this way its a huge tunnel system that will get you lost in a matter of minutes of being down there.

    pics of the map

    So If you are bored and want and "epic" map to build on, and explore check out this seed. If you are up for a challenge make your way to this hole in the ground. You can find it at x729 y71 z-1074

    Pics of the cave
    The hole I put the dirt stairs there.

    Posted in: Seeds
  • 0

    posted a message on ♕Herocraft 🌟 Minecraft RPG Server Multiplayer 🌟 THE ORIGINAL RPG SERVER (2010) Heroes RPG!
    My IGN is mentalchaos

    Location and Age: Nevada TX 40 miles east of Dallas. I'm 21

    Previous bans: none


    Reason you should you be accepted:
    So you can take my whitelist virginity. I've never been on a whitelisted server. Honestly no real reason. I'm still some what new to the game, and learning different building techniques, so I guess by being accepted I will become a better player.

    Additional info:
    I would like to find a group people I can relate to, and to get better at building, learn from the pros.
    Special Key: Leaving this blank means you didn't read the rules! {HCM10}
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on Qube Town - New City-style Server *Economy*
    IGN mentalchaos
    I've been a minecraft player for about 3 months.
    My building style is random, and it depends on the area I chose to build on.
    No two buildings are alike for me.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on [REQ/IDEA] Progressive (Tiered) Mining
    I think this is an awesome idea. I've 0 modding experience just wanted to give my approval.
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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