Sorry for the necro and really late reply, but I thought some of you would like closure.
Both the original and the my fork are dead. My fork managed to redo the biome selection system to place biomes based on biome type, temperature and vegetation and then smooth it all, with the possibility for modded Biomes (modded ores don't need any special treatment due to oregen being done separately anyways). I never got around to cleaning up my code, making an XML import system and optimizing anything before I dropped it... so the entire thing is kinda a big abandoned mess.
I ultimately gave up when I realized that exporting entire maps just doesn't work well with Minecraft's 256 block height limit and would only really make sense if something like Cubic Chunks was a thing. (also, I didn't feel like having to redo all the work every time DF or MC updates) I do, however, believe that there was an DF to MC exporter for embark sites, but can't remember who made / maintained it at the moment.
So... yea. Closure. It might be a year late, but at least I did it... eventually... xD
EDIT: Thanks for the answer on the Bay12 Forums, this is pretty much a duplicate post of that one. I'll try seeing if I can add features 'n stuff to it.
This is a brilliant idea! Has this project been abandoned in favor of other projects? (Your last post was on the mirrored thread in August, but my account is still awaiting authentication on that site)
I would be very much interested in seeing progress in this utility. It was also mentioned on the Bay12 that there was a possibility of generating the minecraft map on the fly to allow for 1:1 Minecraft block to in game DF tile? That sounds like an awesome idea to me that could sort out a lot of the complaints about ugly rivers or how DF forts couldn't be generated alongside the map itself due to scale differences. Even if that isn't a possibility any more, work on the original utility would be much appreciated.
Some ideas moving forward could be:
Biome selection based on the biome, vegetation, temperature and evilness maps and support for custom biomes like those from ExtraBiomesXL or BIome 'O Plenty.
More cave generation functionality? Things like multiple cavern layers, where these layers begin and end, height, width and density of these layers, percentage of floor to be mycellium being set for each layer (with the possibility for 0% and 100%).
Toggleable tunnels on top of caverns? (MC tunnel generation on top of the caverns)
Toggleable Lava lakes at y-level 12? (for those who need lava in the overworld)
Less blocky generation due to scale differences, generate curves to bridge random blocky terrain borders.
If you are willing to allow another access to the source code, I wouldn't mind helping / trying out these ideas?
I would just like to say thank you for making such a great mod. I was actually planning on trying to bridge the gap between TiC and Metallurgy for quite some time but then chanced across a reference to your mod on the FTB subreddit. I hope you continue to develop this mod as I am very much looking forward to future updates.
Sorry to spoil your fun; I just thought MachineMuse might enjoy a little break for once. Looks like she went for it anyway though... XD
I think I like the first one, it just looks cleaner and swoopier(!) to me. Nice work either way though~
That was a clap of achievement, not disapproval... perhaps I should have clarified. You managed to get the You-WILL-Do-What-I-Want poster to keep quiet with only three words on his side.
Also, I liked the first one too, the second was for if it was too much like another one. (lets say, the mining pick turned on it's side?)
One of my favourite features of this thread is watching all those who don't follow the rules get torn to shreds. Especially by Muse.
I've been really pressed for time (accidentally started sleeping an extra four hours, bah) but I think I might have an okay looking rototiller thing going. It's based off the other tool modules, for consistency.
Here are the two variations I've come up with. Var1:Var2:
I apologise for the lack of posts in the past week or so, life just started taking up a lot of my time. I'm still going to make the images, but before I get to it (again sorry for the delay), is there anything else that I should work on aside from the following?
-Spinning Blade
-Flight Control
I think I'll be able to snag an hour of spare time to work on a bunch of new images sometime this afternoon.
All right, it's a bit late, but my computer has not been co-operating lately. Download (I'll continue to package all previous images I made / want included in every batch I upload, just so that none of it is lost)
The Thaum Goggles Upgrade should continue using Thaum Goggles as an image. I've provided two (animated) slightly different Night Vision goggle images (your choice as to which one is used) I've also included a digital clock icon and an animated invisibility core. (which might look a bit strange, I'll probably update/change it in the future if I am still not happy with it)
I've also decided to give you two options for the 'upgrade' modules.
1. All 'upgrade' modules are green, including aqua affinity and the diamond drill. This is to keep consistency across 'upgrades'.
2. All 'upgrade' modules are color coded, depending on which armor part adds it. (This'll allow for a little diversity) Yellow is head, green is legs, purple is body, blue is tool and boots are undecided. (I'll probably make boots yellow and head red if we manage to get any boot upgrades.
I've also provided two alternate images for the diamond drill upgrade. (they look a bit derpy, but if you'd like to use them, they are there)
Finally, I've worked on the Extreme voltage battery and capacitor. I based the battery off the crystal one, but made it larger and a darker shade of blue. (possibly requiring the crystal one and lapiz in the recipe Or something of the sort) I've also provided two versions of the extreme capacitor. Which one you use is, again, up to you.
Are there any other specific images you'd like worked on, or should I just go through the todo list?
Looks a bit too high-quality for my taste, but still, pretty sweet.
Heh, too big a jump for dwarf fortress? (in reference to your avatar) I'm sure there'll be some low quality/textured versions of the armour. Not to fear, there'll be something for everyone.
Also, I've been working on a bunch of icons and shall probably upload a batch later tonight. (1 - 8 hours from now)
EDIT:Add another 24 hours to that value, sudden homework procrastination/realisation has taken it's toll.
The end goal is a two dimensional evolution simulator (with only one 'species' of bot and one food source). The project is a sort-of precursor to another project which might utilize a neural network to do all sorts of nifty things. (and by precursor, I mean a test to see if we can successfully make a functioning, evolving neural network)
The idea is to link a mass of inputs and outputs into a randomly generated tree structure and then utilize genetic algorithms to slowly morph it into a whole process tree that is ideal for survival in the generated world.
Lol, no worries. You know, that sounds quite neat, but it's probably more than I could do anything with at this point. I've only just begun looking at neural simulation in practice, and my programming skills are very modest as of yet. I've slowly learned that diving into things headfirst, without a solid grounding to stand on beforehand, generally results in a lot of mostly-useless floundering, and not much else. X3 I really appreciate the offer, though, and perhaps I'll ask you about it again sometime, when I'm more confident in my skills. Perhaps you should post it somewhere anyway, though, if you're keen to share? May be better than letting it moulder on a lonely hard drive.
Heh, that's how I initially started programming, no skills whatsoever and I ask a friend to try and teach me something 'small'. That first project ended up being a multi-classed, multi-threaded port scanner, needless to say it took forever and could have been done a lot better, but I guess I sort-of survived.
Also, it seems like it's your lucky day, my friend and I just decided to rewrite the evolution sim using neural networks and genetic algorithms, something we are both rather excited to fool around in. It should be rather fun.
I hope I don't sound like a hyperactive three year old when I butt into a conversation like this, but a friend and I have been an evolution sim that uses neural networks to simulate the 'brains' of each simulated 'bot'. It's very primitive, has been abandoned and can be vastly improved (like doing all the neural calculations on the GPU instead of it being bottlenecked by the CPU) and has been programmed in C++. (which, if you know basic control structures, is easy to follow-ish) If you'd be interested, I could probably upload the source for you to fool around in.
Oh and @MachineMuse, are animations allowed? (If so, would I make them as a single file that is about multipleof16*16 pixels... or would I have to make separate
Hmm... In that case I think I'm going to fool around with some other designs for the physical upgrades. I think I'll use these upgrade-type icons for those that would mainly be expressed as circuitry. (such as the flight control circuit) Should I also start toying with the todo modules (when done with the current ones) so that, when complete, the icons shall be there?
I'll post again / update this post when I have free time to work on more.
Yeah absolutely, wrenches are also on the todo list. I haven't got around to it because there are sooo many interfaces I'd have to implement.
I am a bit picky about code but you're welcome to create a MPS addon like Andrew2448 (added some extra modules) and Zorn_Taov (is working on a Megaman mod using MPS as a base for the armor).
Graphics, on the other hand, would be a huge help. My original icon artist is MIA and the ones who've volunteered have done like 2-3 icons and then disappeared. Right now we still have a few modules using placeholder icons (flight control and active camouflage come to mind...) and the only thing we need for a fantasy-oriented version is icons and models.
Hmm... How do you like these for the Thaum, Night Vision and Flight control upgrades? (
(they are in both green and yellow, I made all three just so that there was some consistency) They come in both yellow and green depending on whether we we should separate the different armour electronic upgrades. (Eg: Blue for tool, yellow for helm, green for legs?) Download If people like these electronic 'upgrade-type' module images I could rework some of them in order for everything to be consistent, but that all depends on what you and the mod users think.
Sorry for the necro and really late reply, but I thought some of you would like closure.
Both the original and the my fork are dead. My fork managed to redo the biome selection system to place biomes based on biome type, temperature and vegetation and then smooth it all, with the possibility for modded Biomes (modded ores don't need any special treatment due to oregen being done separately anyways). I never got around to cleaning up my code, making an XML import system and optimizing anything before I dropped it... so the entire thing is kinda a big abandoned mess.
I ultimately gave up when I realized that exporting entire maps just doesn't work well with Minecraft's 256 block height limit and would only really make sense if something like Cubic Chunks was a thing. (also, I didn't feel like having to redo all the work every time DF or MC updates) I do, however, believe that there was an DF to MC exporter for embark sites, but can't remember who made / maintained it at the moment.
So... yea. Closure. It might be a year late, but at least I did it... eventually... xD
Woo! Now I won't feel so bad if I start up a longer-term world with this.
On to beta testing with a heavy modload-ho!
This is a brilliant idea! Has this project been abandoned in favor of other projects? (Your last post was on the mirrored thread in August, but my account is still awaiting authentication on that site)
I would be very much interested in seeing progress in this utility. It was also mentioned on the Bay12 that there was a possibility of generating the minecraft map on the fly to allow for 1:1 Minecraft block to in game DF tile? That sounds like an awesome idea to me that could sort out a lot of the complaints about ugly rivers or how DF forts couldn't be generated alongside the map itself due to scale differences. Even if that isn't a possibility any more, work on the original utility would be much appreciated.
Some ideas moving forward could be:
Biome selection based on the biome, vegetation, temperature and evilness maps and support for custom biomes like those from ExtraBiomesXL or BIome 'O Plenty.
More cave generation functionality? Things like multiple cavern layers, where these layers begin and end, height, width and density of these layers, percentage of floor to be mycellium being set for each layer (with the possibility for 0% and 100%).
Toggleable tunnels on top of caverns? (MC tunnel generation on top of the caverns)
Toggleable Lava lakes at y-level 12? (for those who need lava in the overworld)
Less blocky generation due to scale differences, generate curves to bridge random blocky terrain borders.
If you are willing to allow another access to the source code, I wouldn't mind helping / trying out these ideas?
Keep up the good work!
That was a clap of achievement, not disapproval... perhaps I should have clarified. You managed to get the You-WILL-Do-What-I-Want poster to keep quiet with only three words on his side.
Also, I liked the first one too, the second was for if it was too much like another one. (lets say, the mining pick turned on it's side?)
Too many requests. (of all kinds, not just weapons) It's in the original post.
*slow clap*
One of my favourite features of this thread is watching all those who don't follow the rules get torn to shreds. Especially by Muse.
I've been really pressed for time (accidentally started sleeping an extra four hours, bah) but I think I might have an okay looking rototiller thing going. It's based off the other tool modules, for consistency.
Here are the two variations I've come up with.
-Spinning Blade
-Flight Control
I think I'll be able to snag an hour of spare time to work on a bunch of new images sometime this afternoon.
Anyhoo, keep up the awesome mod.
Download (I'll continue to package all previous images I made / want included in every batch I upload, just so that none of it is lost)
The Thaum Goggles Upgrade should continue using Thaum Goggles as an image. I've provided two (animated) slightly different Night Vision goggle images (your choice as to which one is used) I've also included a digital clock icon and an animated invisibility core. (which might look a bit strange, I'll probably update/change it in the future if I am still not happy with it)
I've also decided to give you two options for the 'upgrade' modules.
1. All 'upgrade' modules are green, including aqua affinity and the diamond drill. This is to keep consistency across 'upgrades'.
2. All 'upgrade' modules are color coded, depending on which armor part adds it. (This'll allow for a little diversity) Yellow is head, green is legs, purple is body, blue is tool and boots are undecided. (I'll probably make boots yellow and head red if we manage to get any boot upgrades.
I've also provided two alternate images for the diamond drill upgrade. (they look a bit derpy, but if you'd like to use them, they are there)
Finally, I've worked on the Extreme voltage battery and capacitor. I based the battery off the crystal one, but made it larger and a darker shade of blue. (possibly requiring the crystal one and lapiz in the recipe Or something of the sort) I've also provided two versions of the extreme capacitor. Which one you use is, again, up to you.
Are there any other specific images you'd like worked on, or should I just go through the todo list?
Heh, too big a jump for dwarf fortress? (in reference to your avatar) I'm sure there'll be some low quality/textured versions of the armour. Not to fear, there'll be something for everyone.
Also, I've been working on a bunch of icons and shall probably upload a batch later tonight. (1 - 8 hours from now)EDIT:Add another 24 hours to that value, sudden homework procrastination/realisation has taken it's toll.
The idea is to link a mass of inputs and outputs into a randomly generated tree structure and then utilize genetic algorithms to slowly morph it into a whole process tree that is ideal for survival in the generated world.
Heh, that's how I initially started programming, no skills whatsoever and I ask a friend to try and teach me something 'small'. That first project ended up being a multi-classed, multi-threaded port scanner, needless to say it took forever and could have been done a lot better, but I guess I sort-of survived.
Also, it seems like it's your lucky day, my friend and I just decided to rewrite the evolution sim using neural networks and genetic algorithms, something we are both rather excited to fool around in.
Oh and @MachineMuse, are animations allowed? (If so, would I make them as a single file that is about multipleof16*16 pixels... or would I have to make separate
I'll post again / update this post when I have free time to work on more.
Hmm... How do you like these for the Thaum, Night Vision and Flight control upgrades? (
(they are in both green and yellow, I made all three just so that there was some consistency) They come in both yellow and green depending on whether we we should separate the different armour electronic upgrades. (Eg: Blue for tool, yellow for helm, green for legs?)
If people like these electronic 'upgrade-type' module images I could rework some of them in order for everything to be consistent, but that all depends on what you and the mod users think.