Head Over to my site to see info on the game, spread the site around..
Btw, the game is a quick & easy project, since i have now joined in a team working on a much larger project ;]
Main Menu Song:
Website Completion: 75%
Game Completion: 98%
NEED TEXTURE'S !! mine suck.. =L
- memp3
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Last active Thu, Mar, 22 2012 04:29:21
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Dynaflame posted a message on [JUSTIN BEIBER] KILL HIM!You've got to be kidding me.Posted in: General Gaming
It's a guy that sings terribly, that's no reason to kill him. :dry.gif: -
x2robbie2x posted a message on Minecraft Modding Made Easy (40+ Videos!)**** Modding Made Easy will be halted until 1.4 as I will be learning and teaching you guys the new modAPI that will come with Minecraft. In the mean time, I will be learning the bukkit code as the modAPI will be fairly similar ****Posted in: Tutorials
Quote from MineCrak
What a fantastic Resource! I'll be checking through these videos myself.
btw: A couple months ago I compiled a list of basic MC 1.2.5 Development resource links that would be helpful for anyone wanting to Mod for v1.2.5. You can use it if you want.
[ Original ]
Minecraft v1.2.5 - Dev Kit (Core):
5 Apr 2012
Minecraft v1.2.5 - Dev Kit (Core):
Minecraft v1.2.5 Server - [ Linux Server ] [ Windows Server ]
Minecraft Launcher (Current) - [Win Launcher] [JAVA Launcher] [MAC Launcher]
Minecraft v1.2.5 Client - BackUp .minecraft folder then Delete everything inside of it. Run Minecraft Launcher from above, type in Username and password then Launch. Wait for at least 5 minutes or until your .minecraft folder is larger than 46 MB in size. [ Even though the Start-up screen makes it look like v1.2.5 is now ready it will actually take a little time for it to finish downloading all Audio files and such. ] Once it is all Downloaded Archive the entire .minecraft folder to .zip or some such and label it "Minecraft v1.2.5 Client".
* JAVA SE - JDK 6u31 [Use this with MCP, NOT Java 7]
* Prior versions before 6u31 and 7u3 have a major Security flaw, and Firefox blocks them now.
JAVA JDK Portable = Install JDK 6u31 onto your computer. Then copy the "jdk1.6.0_31" folder to USB etc
Eclipse IDE for Java (All Platforms), Eclipse Portable - For Java
MCP - MCP 6.2 for mc v1.2.5 (Minecraft Coder Pack)
ModLoader - ML 1.2.5v1
ModLoaderMP - MLMP 1.2.5v1 [ Client ] [ Server ]
AudioMod - AM 1.2.5v1
Forge - Recommended Build for mc v1.2.5 [ Client ] [ Server ]
bukkit Server - CraftBukkit 1.2.5-R1.0
Spout - For mc v1.2.5: [ Client ] Spoutcraft (Build 1362), [ Server ] SpoutPlugin (Build 1093)
-- Modding Tutorials Forum + Modding Discussion + Mod Development --
-- Mapping and Modding SubForums --
-- Minecraft WIKI: Modding --
-- MCP Tutorials --
-- Mods Forum + WIP Mods (Work in Progress) --
-- Java Tutorial: Oracle --
Techne - Free 3D Modeler for Minecraft (Also exports Java Code for models)
Dropbox - A good place for a Mod Team to Host a shared Mod Dev Folder, and also Host your Mod Downloads for Free. This is what I use for both purposes.
* Easier to Copy and Paste version (won't break the links):
[b]5 Apr[/b] 2012 [size=x-large][u]Minecraft v1.2.5 - Dev Kit (Core):[/u][/size] [url="http://www.minecraft.net/download"][b]Minecraft v1.2.5[/b][/url] [b]Server[/b] - [ [url="https://s3.amazonaws.com/MinecraftDownload/launcher/minecraft_server.jar?"]Linux Server[/url] ] [ [url="https://s3.amazonaws.com/MinecraftDownload/launcher/Minecraft_Server.exe"]Windows Server[/url] ] [url="http://www.minecraft.net/download"][b]Minecraft Launcher[/b][/url] (Current) - [[url="https://s3.amazonaws.com/MinecraftDownload/launcher/Minecraft.exe"]Win Launcher[/url]] [[url="https://s3.amazonaws.com/MinecraftDownload/launcher/minecraft.jar"]JAVA Launcher[/url]] [[url="https://s3.amazonaws.com/MinecraftDownload/launcher/Minecraft.zip"]MAC Launcher[/url]] [url="http://www.minecraft.net/download"][b]Minecraft v1.2.5[/b][/url] [b]Client[/b] - BackUp [url="http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/437213-worlds-how-to-have-higher-deeper-worlds-65504-vs-128/#findminecraft"][b].minecraft[/b][/url] folder then Delete everything inside of it. Run Minecraft Launcher from above, type in Username and password then Launch. Wait for at least 5 minutes or until your .minecraft folder is larger than 46 MB in size. [ Even though the Start-up screen makes it look like v1.2.5 is now ready it will actually take a little time for it to finish downloading all Audio files and such. ] Once it is all Downloaded Archive the entire .minecraft folder to .zip or some such and label it "Minecraft v1.2.5 Client". * [url="http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html"][b]JAVA SE[/b][/url] - [url="http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk-6u31-download-1501634.html"]JDK 6u31[/url] [[b]Use this with MCP[/b], NOT Java 7] * Prior versions before 6u31 and 7u3 have a major Security flaw, and Firefox blocks them now. [b]JAVA JDK Portable[/b] = Install JDK 6u31 onto your computer. Then [b]copy[/b] the "[b]jdk1.6.0_31[/b]" [b]folder[/b] to USB etc [url="http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/eclipse-ide-java-developers/indigosr2"][b]Eclipse IDE[/b][/url] for Java (All Platforms), [url="http://portableapps.com/node/28647"][b]Eclipse Portable[/b][/url] - For [url="http://sourceforge.net/projects/eclipseportable/files/Eclipse%20Portable%20%28Java%29/EclipsePortable_3.7.1_Java_Edition.paf.exe/download"]Java[/url] [url="http://mcp.ocean-labs.de/index.php/MCP_Releases"][b]MCP[/b][/url] - [url="http://www.mediafire.com/?c6liau295225253"]MCP 6.2[/url] for mc v1.2.5 (Minecraft Coder Pack) [url="http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/75440-v125-risugamis-mods-everything-updated/"][b]ModLoader[/b][/url] - [url="http://adf.ly/1849S"]ML 1.2.5v1[/url] [url="http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/86765-125-sdks-mods-v1-apr-4-modloadermp-only/"][b]ModLoaderMP[/b][/url] - MLMP 1.2.5v1 [ [url="http://adf.ly/74Eeb"]Client[/url] ] [ [url="http://adf.ly/74EhX"]Server[/url] ] [url="http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/75440-v125-risugamis-mods-everything-updated/"][b]AudioMod[/b][/url] - [url="http://adf.ly/184Ot"]AM 1.2.5v1[/url] [url="http://www.mod-buildcraft.com/forums/forum/minecraft-forge/"][b]Forge[/b][/url] - [url="http://lexmanos.no-ip.org:8080/job/Forge/Recommended/"]Recommended Build[/url] for mc v1.2.5 [ [url="http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?0wm7ux6m5i4amqb"]Client[/url] ] [ [url="http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?kh232p5y35a0zcc"]Server[/url] ] [url="http://bukkit.org/"][b]bukkit Server[/b][/url] - [url="http://cbukk.it/craftbukkit.jar"]CraftBukkit 1.2.5-R1.0[/url] [url="http://www.spout.org/"][b]Spout[/b][/url] - For mc v1.2.5: [ Client ] [b]Spoutcraft[/b] ([url="http://get.spout.org/"]Build 1362[/url]), [ Server ] [b]SpoutPlugin[/b] ([url="http://get.spout.org/"]Build 1093[/url]) -- [url="http://www.minecraftforum.net/forum/55-tutorials/"][b]Modding Tutorials Forum[/b][/url] + [url="http://www.minecraftforum.net/forum/57-modding-discussion/"][b]Modding Discussion[/b][/url] + [url="http://www.minecraftforum.net/forum/140-mod-development/"][b]Mod Development[/b][/url] -- -- [url="http://www.minecraftforum.net/forum/56-mapping-and-modding/"][b]Mapping and Modding SubForums[/b][/url] -- -- [url="http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Modding"][b]Minecraft WIKI: Modding[/b][/url] -- -- [url="http://mcp.ocean-labs.de/index.php/Category:Tutorials"][b]MCP Tutorials[/b][/url] -- -- [url="http://www.minecraftforum.net/forum/51-minecraft-mods/"][b]Mods Forum[/b][/url] + [url="http://www.minecraftforum.net/forum/141-wip-mods/"][b]WIP Mods[/b][/url] (Work in Progress) -- -- [b]Java Tutorial[/b]: [url="http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/"]Oracle[/url] -- [url="http://techne.wikkii.com/wiki/Main_Page"][b]Techne[/b][/url] - Free 3D Modeler for Minecraft (Also exports Java Code for models) [url="http://db.tt/GaV1L85"][b]Dropbox[/b][/url] - A good place for a Mod Team to Host a shared Mod Dev Folder, and also Host your Mod Downloads for Free. This is what I use for both purposes. .
I have decided to make my own "modding" series on YouTube, where I try to make tutorials and teach others the basics of modding.
Besides just giving you the code and letting you paste it, I try to explain everything in the code, and I even give tips on modding and the use of Eclipse.
If you have never programmed before, check out this video:
>> <<
If you want to have a look and start learning some basics of modding, check out the playlist:
>> Minecraft Modding Made Easy <<
**If I were you I'd subscribe because I sometimes forget to add my uploads to playlists, so to see it first in my sub box it's worth to subscribe. I have other content too BTW**
I highly recommend that you know at least some Java language because otherwise this will be nothing but "copy and paste" for you, and you will not really learn anything. I purely try to teach you the basics, and you can then take your imagination to create any sort of mods you want.
Current Tutorial List:
- MCP Setup [5.0] for MC [1.0]
- Custom Ores/Blocks and generating them in the world
- Custom items and crafting recipes
- Custom crossbow with extreme accuracy and explosive ammo
- Custom item and block textures
- Blocks dropping custom items + XP orbs when mined
- Mod Organization and Fixing Bugs
- Custom Ingots and Smelting in a Furnace
- Custom Tools, Metal Material, and Bug Fixing Recipes
- Custom Armor, Armor Material
- See through blocks (Glass), Fire blocks, Slow/Fast blocks
- Launching MC in Eclipse with Custom Textures
- Custom Food
- Eclipse Tips and Trick / Suggestion and Error handling
- Custom Chat Messages
- Custom NPCs (Mobs & Animals)
- Crafting Catalysts
- Different Custom Textures on Sides of Blocks
- Entity Spawning from an Item
- Item Durability and Consumption on Use
- Block and Entity Drop Rates
- Transforming Items into new Items
- Custom Trees and Generation
- Saplings and Custom Bonemeal
- Custom Furnace Fuel
- MCP Setup [5.6] for MC [1.1] + Updating Your Mod
- Mobs Dropping Multiple Items
- Surface and Biome Specific Generation
- Custom Block Models
- Texture Folder Organization
- Preparing Mod for Upload (Recompiling)
- MCP Setup [6.0] for MC [1.2] + Updating Your Mod
- Solar Panel, Brightness, Redstone Power
- Custom Blocks in Creative Menu
- Potions
- Custom Ammo
- NPC Modeling
- Additional "Uses" on Items
- New Liquid
- Nether Generation
- Different Dimension
- Block Change Based on Environment
- Blocks Changes the Environment (Grass Spreading)
- Block Change with Redstone
- Throwable "spears"
- Building Spawning
- Zooming on Keybind
- Crops/Vegetation
- One All-Purpose Tool
- Jump/Speed Change
- Rechargeable Fuel Source
- Mob Spawning on Block Touch
- Day/Night recognition
- Half Blocks
- Knockback
- GUIs
- Fences
If you want to make your SSP mod into an SMP mod, follow this tutorial, it is AWESOME!
Code Download
The latest source code download can be found here: CODE DOWNLOAD: MMMEv5
*This is a link back to my YouTube channel, I don't use AdFly so at least I can promote my own channel- the code download is on the right side in the links column. "MMMEv5 (Source Download)"*
Common Errors
- Blocks can only have ID's up to 255
- Items can only have ID's above 256
- Forgot .setBlockName("namehere"); or .setItemName("namehere");
- Forgot ';' after line of code
- Different number of opening { than } COUNT THEM!
- Don't have JDK installed, Google it, and install it
Code Fixes - After Video is Out
- Sapling TextureQuote from Yvei
Not positive on this but everyone seems to have the same problem on flowers were the grey block appears. What i figured and i think will work is if you switch image to the top so like my code looks like this.
public mod_Bluetulip() { Bluetulip.blockIndexInTexture = ModLoader.addOverride("/terrain.png", "/Bluetulip.png"); ModLoader.RegisterBlock(Bluetulip); ModLoader.AddName(Bluetulip, "Blue Tulip"); }
so what i am guessing its the same as the flower with the sappling so you gotta move the image above RegisterBlock so if that helps let me know if not then hopefully u figure it out soon.
Post ALL your Minecraft screen error messages along with the code you are having problems with inside of the "[ code] [ /code]" brackets and put both the code and the error message inside of the "[ spoiler] [ /spoiler] brackets.
If you enjoyed the tutorials and want to support this, hit that (+) button down there to vote this up
Bigg_Redd posted a message on Am i weird for...I have a Star Wars LEGO collection... I'm 15. Over 20 sets.Posted in: General Off Topic -
darkleemar posted a message on BalloonminecraftPosted in: Culture, Media & ArtsQuote from Hal-9000
When I am not playing Minecraft to the point of obsession I enjoy making high end balloon art. When worlds collide...
I present you with the Honeydew bust.
wow. How long does it take you to do that? -
Redworthy posted a message on [Story] The Herobrine DiariesThis is a diary about my experiences with the Herobrine mod with a little bit of story mixed in to keep it entertaining!Posted in: Fan Art
Thank you burnner_ for the mod, keep the updates coming!
Diary Entry 1:
I built the Herobrine totem, now he's in my world.
The instant I lit the totem an eerie voice said 'You don't know what you've done'.
The first time it saw him he was in the distance, I ran to where I saw him and the only trace of him was a big letter 'H' made of glowstone, but there was no sign of HIM.
Then all of a sudden he fell out of the sky in front of me and vanished into a puff of smoke, I'll never forget his face, just like mine but with blank white eyes.
Diary Entry 2:
I saw him again, he fell from the sky and disappeared again. But this time I took a picture but all I caught was black smoke.
I also found a random piece of glass in the middle of a desert, what is he doing?
It's getting dark, I better make a bed and sleep. Hopefully he won't attack me in my sleep.
Diary Entry 3:
It's a new day and I'm safe... for now.
I killed a pig for it's meat then I heard a spooky noise, and there he was!
He dissapeared before I had a chance to get a proper look at HIM.
He's appeared a lot now, I think I'll only write diary entries about the big and important ones from now on.
Besides if I keep stopping to write about all the times he appears he might attack me!
This can't be normal
Things are just getting weirder.
Diary Entry 4:
He's at it again! This time he pushed me and threw all my items to the floor.
Hopfully he won't do that while i'm near a cliff or lava.
Diary Entry 5:
Finally I got a picture of HIM. He was in the distance and he didn't see me.
I got as close to HIM as I felt was safe and took mutiple pictures of HIM, even a few of his face.
Finally I have proof that i'm not just seeing things.
Diary Entry 6:
I went over to see what he was doing, all I saw was a brick block with a redstone torch on it and some fire nearby.
Then all of a sudden BAM! He was there, right in front of me. I quickly took a picture.
It was a perfect shot, it clearly shows him standing right in front of me.
I can't stop shaking, i'm scared.
Diary Entry 7
I befriended some wolves to protect me, not that they'll be able to stop HIM.
OMG I just saw HIM, two of HIM?!?! There were two HIMs on a hill then all of a sudden TNT appeared and was set on fire.
BOOM! The TNT detonated and the HIMs dissapeard. I pray to Notch that the TNT killed HIM. But I doubt it.
Diary Entry 8
Two times within the space of five minutes he attacked me and threw my stuff to the ground.
I want him to stop, but I don't remember where the totem is so I can't destroy it.
Diary Entry 9:
A moment doesn't go by where I don't fear for my life now that he's in my world.
I just wish that he'll leave me alone, I don't know how much more of this I can take!
Diary Entry 10:
Something isn't right, I haven't seen a sign of HIM for ages!
What is he planning? What does he want?
I pray to Notch that he's just decided to leave me alone.
Diary Entry 11:
No luck, he's still here.
I found another random glass block on the ground.
It's weird, I feel like i've been here before. But i've been traveling for ages!
It's probably just my imagination though.
Diary Entry 12:
He's back! I just saw HIM, well actualy two HIMs, placing glass blocks and lighting fires in the distance.
But that's not the worst of it, I'm back where i've started.
Right after the HIMs dissapeared I turned around there it was, the totem!
Something evil's happening, this can't just be HIM playing stupid games with me. This is something big, I know it.
Diary Entry 13:
Wait, i've got it!
If I destroy the totem he'll be out of my world once and for all right?
Yes, that has to work! If he came into this world because I lit the totem then he must leave it if I destroy it!
But it's getting dark. I'll destroy it tomorrow, I don't feel safe destroying something of HIS while it's dark.
Wish me luck...
P.S. Just before I was about to settle down for the night I saw a tree on fire.
He's angry, he knows what i'm about to do.
I pray to Notch that this works out. (yes I know I do that a lot, but I need something, anything, to hold on to during this dark time)
Diary Entry 14:
No, it can't be!
Hes surrounded the totem in obsidian and netherack.
I can't describe it but the whole thing looks... hellish? It looks like something from the Nether.
There's fire and lava everywhere. I can't get close to the thing without burning to death.
He doesn't want me to destroy it, he wants to stay here in my world.
Diary Entry 15:
No! He can't stay here! This is my world, my home!
He has no right to invade this peaceful place and wreak havoc!
I don't care how dangerous it's going to be but i'm going to destroy that totem and get rid of him once and for all!
But first I need to get rid of that obsidian. That stuff is almost impossible to destroy, not even TNT can blow that stuff up.
I know! Diamonds are the only thing strong enough to destroy obsidian.
That's it, all I have to do is get some diamonds..... wait.
You can only get diamonds underground. I'll have to mine some.
But that'll involve me going under the earth, in the dark, leaving myself exposed to... HIM.
But it has to be done! Starting tomorrow i'm going to go underground and ending this!
Diary Entry 16:
I slayed my dogs today.
Hopefully the sacrifice will keep HIM away from me untill I build a shelter and make a mine.
You have no idea how hard it was for me to kill them. They were the only friends I have.
I've never had a family, or friends. I've been alone my whole life.
I don't know where I've come from, I don't remember anything besides waking up on a beach and seeing the totem in front of me.
On the floor in front of it was a flint and steel, and I heard a voice in my head that said "Light the top of the totem".
I regret doing that now, hopefully that mistake won't cost me my life!
Diary Entry 17:
I built a cosy little cabin not far from the totem and my dogs graves.
It's not much but it has the basics, a bed, a crafting table, a few furnaces and a chest.
Thankfully he's left me alone for a while, but I don't think the peace and quiet will last long.
Tommorrow I'm going to build a mine below my house, then the quest for defeating HIM will begin!
Diary Entry 18:
There's some good news and some bad news.
The good news is he's left me alone for a while now.
The bad news is he's not gone, he built a big letter E not far from my house. And not far from that there is a pool of lava.
I better start building my mine before he starts attacking me again!
Diary Entry 19:
I have built a room below my basement, like a sub-basement. This is where I will build my mine.
I have already dug down a few layers, but I still have a long way to go.
Very soon I'll hopefully hit bedrock, and the I'll find the diamonds I need to get HIM out of my world.
Wish me luck!
Diary Entry 20:
I found some iron while mining today. I know it's not as good as diamonds but it's a start.
I've been digging for a while now and I think I'm getting close to the bottom.
Diary Entry 21:
I made some iron tools, this should make the mining easier.
I made a iron pickaxe, a shovel and a sword (to fend off the monsters).
Time to get back down to the mine and find those diamonds!
Diary Entry 22:
I found a cave! I was just mining down like I've been for a while and I found an opening.
There's a pool of lava down there. I'm going to head back to my house and get some ladders to get down there.
Diary Entry 23:
I placed some ladders and now I'm in the cave.
The pool of lava isn't that big, but It's still dangerous.
I still haven't seen HIM yet, so I better find some daimonds before he shows up!
Diary Entry 24:
The cave speads off in multiple directions, all of them dark
Luckily I found some coal and made some more torches, that should make things easier.
I hear monster's nearby. They better keep away or I'll slay them with my new iron sword!
Diary Entry 25:
I ran into a lot of monsters today. Creepers, Skeletons ad Zombies!
And every time I see one I hear a creepy laugh coming form behind me.
I don't think he wants to attack me, he's sending him minions to do it for him!
But he's go another thing coming, I'm going to find those daimonds, get out of this cave alive and finally finish this!
Diary Entry 26:
I was so close to finding diamonds today!
I was walking through the caves and there, right in the corner a blue sparkle.
I ran to it as fast as my legs would carry me, only to find out that it was only Lapis Lazuli.
Notch my heart is pounding fast!
Diary Entry 27:
I've been mining for ages now, I haven't found any diamonds yet.
I've been fending off monsters for days now and all I have to show for it is some louzy Lapis!
I can't take this anymore!
Diary Entry 28:
There, in the distance. Diamonds!
I see at least two blocks of it, but it's surrounded by lava.
I'm going to place some cobble and make my way towards it.
I hope I don't fall in!
P.S. There's actually four blocks of diamonds there! Must get closer.
Diary Entry 29:
I can't believe it.
The instant my pick touched the diamonds they turned into cobwebs!
He did this, I know it! He's going to do anything to stop me, I can't win.
Maybe I should just jump in the lava and end this suffering.
Diary Entry 30:
I hear a whisper, A voice.
It's telling me to follow it. Should I?
What if it's HIM, is it a trap?
Wait, daimonds. I see diamonds!
I must mine them, quickly.
Yes I just broke a block and got a daimond. There's more behind it, wait.
Is that TNT?
Diary Entry 31:
How long have I been unconscious for?
My head hurts. It's dark, really dark. I better put up a torch.
OH MY GOD! Daimonds, everywhere. At least five of them!
The TNT must of blown up the blocks and the daimonds survived the blast!
Yes! Finnaly!
Now I have to get out of this cave.
Diary Entry 32:
I can see the ladder leading out of the cave.
Yes, I can escape!
I'm running as fast as I can up the stairs.
I'm almost there.
So close.
No! Lava, flowing down the stairs!
I must make a detour and mine up!
Digging, digging. Sunlight!
I'm out!
Diary Entry 33:
My house! My house is on fire, and covered in lava!
The trees around my house are on fire too!
Wait, I have no time. I must make a crafting table and make a diamonds pickaxe and stop HIM from doing anything else!
Diary Entry 34:
I must destroy the totem!
Come on, come on! This obsidian is taking for ever to break.
Yes, I'm through!
What the?
There's no totem in here!
Wait, there's a hatch.
There's a tunnel going very far down.
I better go down, and see what's down there.
Diary Entry 35:
What is down here?
I hear strange noises coming from the bottom.
I smell smoke, fire.
I'm close to the bottom.
What the?
There's a room, make of netherack. And there's a portal in here.
In front of the portals there are signs. They say "If you want me, Come and get me".
No, I can't. He want me to go through the portal, to the nether.
But I have to! It's the only way I can destroy HIM.
I have to go to the nether, find HIM, and finish HIM once and for all!
Diary Entry 36:
I don't want my story to be lost.
I have to leave my diary behind.
I hope that some day someone will find this diary and tell my story.
I'll lock it in this chest, along with the rest of my diamonds and lapis.
Now I have to go, to the Nether.
Herobrine, I'm going to find you! And I'm going to kill you!
And I will make Minecraftia safe from your evil!
eragon2112 posted a message on My parents use me as there little slave around the house.They feed, clothe, and shelter you. You are already in debt from that and this is helping make a small dent in it. Suck it up.Posted in: General Off Topic - To post a comment, please login.