• 0

    posted a message on (1.2.5)RazeCraft [FULL Creative][Greif-Proof] [24/7][No-White List][Non-Hamachi][Bukkit]
    This server appears to have a whitelist/nowhitelist as if using a whitelist based on another site's forums that's updated manually is different then using the automated whitelist scripts built into bukkit plugins.
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on My New Creative Server
    I guess this server is not a creative mode server....
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on [1.1][Whitelist] Creative server! Let's code! [ComputerCraft][Mature community]
    thank you for the explanation, I have now been able to access the server.
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on [1.1][Whitelist] Creative server! Let's code! [ComputerCraft][Mature community]
    I'm unable to connect to your server i'm getting a
    "internal exception: Java.io.IOException: bad packet id 230"
    This occurs in the browser and when using the client.
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on KingCraft - Need Experienced Builders And Staff - WorldGuard, Worldedit, Voxelsniper, & more!!!!!
    Minecraft Username:Megalomaniac_tom
    Do you agree to follow the rules?Yes
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on [1.1][Whitelist] Creative server! Let's code! [ComputerCraft][Mature community]
    * In game name:megalomaniac_tom
    * Age (minimum 12 years):20
    * Screenshot/world save/text file/anything that shows
    that you know programming:Lol, i just started learning to program using python, and i have done some scripts with c#

    here is a little getto python script.
    from sys import *
    from os import *
    from io import *
    namelist = ["Jack", "Peter", "Pauline", "Chris"]
    emaillist = ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"]
    print '------------------------------'
    print 'Welcome to P&J\'s address book!'
    print '------------------------------'
    print 'COMMANDS:\n Add\n Del\n Load\n Save\n Search\n Display\n Exit'
    print '------------------------------'
    def addentry():
            input = raw_input('Type the Name of Who you wish to add to this address book.\n>: ')
            input2 = raw_input('Now type the email address of the person.\n>: ')
            input = input.replace(' ','')
            input2 = input2.replace(' ','')
            print '------------'    
            print 'Entry Added'
            print '------------'
    def savebook():
            filename = raw_input("Input the file you wish to save to.\n>: ")    
            FILE = open(filename, "w")
            ix = len(namelist)
            databasecopy = ""
            for i in range(0, ix):
                    currentname = namelist[i]
                    currentemail = emaillist[i]
                    currentname = str(currentname)
                    currentemail = str(currentemail)
                    databasecopy = databasecopy + currentname + ":" + currentemail + " " 
            databasecopyer = "%s" % databasecopy
            databasecopyer = unicode(databasecopyer)
            print '------------'
            print "Files saved as %s" % filename
            print '------------'
    def loadbook():
            filename = raw_input("Input the file you wish to load.\n>: ")
                    FILE = open(filename, "r")
                    contents = FILE.read()
                    contents = contents.replace(':',' ')
                    database = contents.split()
                    ix = len(database)
                    namelist[:] = []
                    emaillist[:] = []  
                    for i in range(0, ix, 2):
                    for i in range(1, ix, 2):
                    print '------------'
                    print "File %s loaded." % filename
                    print '------------'
    def display():     
            ix = len(namelist)
            print '------------'
            for i in range(0, ix):
                    currentname = namelist[i]
                    currentemail = emaillist[i]
                    print currentname
                    print currentemail                
            print '------------'
    def delentry():
            input = raw_input('Type the Name of Who you wish to delete from this address book.\n>: ')
            if input in namelist:
                    position = namelist.index(input)
                    del namelist[position]
                    del emaillist[position]
                    print '------------'
                    print 'Entry Deleted'
                    print '------------'
                    print '------------'
                    print 'not found'
                    print '------------'
    def findentry():
            input = raw_input ('Who do you wish to find?\n>:')
            if input in namelist:
                    position = namelist.index(input)
                    print '------------'
                    print namelist[position]
                    print emaillist[position]
                    print '------------'
                    print '------------'
                    print 'not found'
                    print '------------'
    def addressbook():
            input = raw_input('What do you wish to do?\n>: ')
            if input == 'Add':
            elif input == 'Del':
            elif input == 'Load':
            elif input == 'Search':
            elif input == 'Save':
            elif input == 'Display':
            elif input == 'Exit':
                    print '------------'
                    print 'I do not understand!'
                    print '------------'

    and here is a script that gens a house for the old mcforge classic server software.

    //Needed imports
    using System;
    using System.IO;
    //The start of the command, define the basic requirements of a command.
    namespace MCForge
        public class Cmdtesthousehuge42 : Command
            public override string name { get { return "testhousehuge42"; } }
            public override string shortcut { get { return ""; } }
            public override string type { get { return "other"; } }
            public override bool museumUsable { get { return false; } }
            public override LevelPermission defaultRank { get { return LevelPermission.Admin; } }
            public Cmdtesthousehuge42 () { }
            public override void Use(Player p, string message)
                switch (message.ToLower())
                    case "2":
                    case "house": p.Blockchange += new Player.BlockchangeEventHandler(AddHouse); break;
                    default: p.Blockchange += new Player.BlockchangeEventHandler(AddHouse); break;
                Player.SendMessage(p, "{Place a block where you want a house to spawn.");
                p.painting = false;
    //This is the processing for the house generation.
            void AddHouse(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, byte type)
    //Defines all the ver to be used.
                Random Rand = new Random();
                byte blocktype;
                byte cubeheightmax;
                byte cubewidthmax;
                byte cubelengthmax;
                byte cubeheightmin;
                byte cubewidthmin;
                byte cubelengthmin;
                byte posoffsetz = 0;
                byte posoffsetx = 0;
                byte posoffsety = 0;
                byte cubewidthlengthshrinkx;
                byte cubewidthlengthshrinky;
                ushort yy;
                ushort zz;
                ushort xx;
    			ushort windowtracker;
    			ushort windowtracker2;
    //make cube for house base.
                blocktype = Block.rock;
                cubeheightmax = (byte)(60 + posoffsetz);
                cubewidthmax = (byte)(60 + posoffsety);
                cubelengthmax = (byte)(60 + posoffsetx);
                cubeheightmin = (byte)(0 + posoffsetz);
                cubewidthmin = (byte)(1 + posoffsety);
                cubelengthmin = (byte)(1 + posoffsetx);
    //Generate walls windows and door
                for (yy=cubeheightmin;yy<=cubeheightmax;yy++)
                        for (zz=cubewidthmin;zz<=cubewidthmax;zz++)
                            for (xx=cubelengthmin;xx<=cubelengthmax;xx++)
    						    //outer corner pillers
    							if ((zz+1)==(cubewidthmax+1)&&(xx+1)==(cubelengthmax+1))
    							else if ((zz-1)==(cubewidthmin-1)&&(xx-1)==(cubelengthmin-1))
    							else if ((zz+1)==(cubewidthmax+1)&&(xx-1)==(cubelengthmin-1))
    							else if ((zz-1)==(cubewidthmin-1)&&(xx+1)==(cubelengthmax+1))
    							//genwalls and windows
    						    else if (zz==cubewidthmax||zz==cubewidthmin||xx==cubelengthmax||xx==cubelengthmin||yy==cubeheightmax||yy==cubeheightmin)
    							    if ((zz==cubewidthmax)&&((xx%4==0+1)&&(yy%4==0+3)))
    								else if ((zz==cubewidthmax)&&(yy==1||yy==2||yy==3)&&(xx ==5||xx==6))
    								//make innerwalls
    							    //make door
    //auto mated roof building, starts at wall base + 1 size and gets smaller and smaller untell the roof's max size is just +1 of the min size.
    			blocktype = Block.darkgrey;
                cubeheightmax = (byte)(60 + posoffsetz);
                cubewidthmax = (byte)(60 + posoffsety);
                cubelengthmax = (byte)(60 + posoffsetx);
                cubeheightmin = (byte)(0 + posoffsetz);
                cubewidthmin = (byte)(1 + posoffsety);
                cubelengthmin = (byte)(1 + posoffsetx);
                cubewidthlengthshrinkx = (byte)(0 + posoffsetx);
                cubewidthlengthshrinky = (byte)(0 + posoffsety);
                //Change relative cords to move position
                cubewidthmax = (byte)(cubewidthmax + 1);
                cubelengthmax = (byte)(cubelengthmax + 1);
                cubeheightmax = (byte)(cubeheightmax + 1);
                //Generate section
                        for (zz=cubewidthlengthshrinky;zz<=cubewidthmax;zz++)
                            for (xx=cubewidthlengthshrinkx;xx<=cubelengthmax;xx++)
                                if (zz==cubewidthmax&&xx==cubelengthmax)
            if (!p.staticCommands) p.ClearBlockchange();
            //This is the help message that is brought up by /help randhouse.
            public override void Help(Player p)
                Player.SendMessage(p, "/randhouse makes a house, takes a x y z size and block type 1-37 /randhouse blocks to see block types");

    * Additional anything:Give me a break on the second one above that's the very first thing I ever coded,notice that I keep adding (byte) to everything "lol" I did not understand what that was even doing at the time XD and whatever other issue i still don't even know about like that the rule for window placement does not work quite right *uses lame excuse*Hey! I'm self taught....I have also started to learn circuit design using redstone XD, so far all i can do is use encoders and decoders to go from one number base to another such as base 10 to base 2 and also how to make and use ram and do addition and subtraction with binary using a adder the basics sofar.
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on Redstone Development Foundation Public School
    I would like to join your server to learn about circuit design using redstone. XD

    my ingame name is: Megalomaniac_tom
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on Brand New Non-Hamachi Server. 24/7 Need Builders/Staff No Whitelist
    Scratch this app.
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on New Dedicated Server!
    plz move the topic to another section of the forums.

    This is not a creative server any longer.
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on ~New Server~
    Are you good at building:yes
    What do you like to build:buildings
    Are you respectful:yes
    Do you like to build:yes
    Do you like to kill Mobs:no
    Are you good at killing Mobs:no <-- ?? creative
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on [pyrominecraft] [no greifing] [24/7] [no lag] [great communtiy] [creative]
    lol this is a double post of the same server info, and it's still not connecting to anything as far as i can tell.
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on [pyrominecraft] [no greifing] [24/7] [no lag] [great communtiy] [creative]
    I don't seem to be getting a response from the listed server address.
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on Senior's Freebuild!!! [Creative] [Essentials] [Mobdisguise] [GroupManager]
    lol, that's not a entire server address..
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on Need help with Server creation
    im not getting anything from that address, and whats with the 49996 that's not a port too large.
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on Akcraft now has a website join now free-build world
    ANY PAST EXPERIENCES on minecraft:I have been playing since a little after minecraft started.
    why you want to play on my server:I enjoy to share my builds with people that are also making cool stuff.
    What you want to be and why:I would like builder "aka whatever gives me some building tools XD" i dont wanna be a op just
    beable to build faster.
    ever been banned if so say why:not that i can remember.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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