Quote from Naao
Luckily, I found a friend who allowed me to use his PayPal (moneybookers turned down everything I threw at them.)
I agree, it took me a couple weeks going through Moneybookers to buy an account (tried 3 credit/debit cards, I finally had a friend try for me, his credit card worked and I paid him cash). What a pain.. I am so glad they have gift cards now!
The first time I was on a Faction server, I built a Tree House near spawn with flowers and a small farm with a chest holding "free bread" for anyone who visited.
It actually survived a week or so (guess they felt sorry for me) but then one guy got upset that when he greeted me, I didn't reply correctly so he burned it down lol!
you weren't joking when you said 'mini'. It was real easy, but this is my first time playing with 1.9 stuff so thank you for the map
Cool 'turrets' btw!
Yesterday I beat Sky Element! I completed the monument and all the quests. (Normal Difficulty with keep inventory OFF). All in all it was a fun map! It was a lot of fun exploring the different islands. I also liked all of the custom loot and bosses. The re-attainable custom loot was very nice when I lost everything by falling in the void. I was happy to see there were a lot of hidden chests too, that was a nice surprise
The hardest island was the desert Wither island... I didn't fall into the void or die that time but it was close (I actually built a layer of cobblestone near void below the island before the battle, and that saved me). It got a bit repetitive building sky-bridges everywhere, but that can't be avoided.
I do have a couple suggestions:
1. Sometimes I would spawn on top of the quest room (when I didn't have a save at a bed).
2. (Spoiler about an island)
I searched all over the island group that had the helicopter for a dungeon or monument item, and was disappointed to only find out it was empty besides the helicopter and 1 chest. . I would consider that a major island, because of its size, so I recommend putting something else there.
Thank you for the fun map!
Hey ThreeTwo, I just finished your new map Eventide Trance (beta)! It was a lot of fun, I don't know why more people don't make "small" CTMs like this, its less time consuming to make, and is still a blast!
I played on hard with no health regen, destroyed all of the obelisks, and got the 3 disks. All of the command blocks seemed to work like they should! Also I think I tripped every trap in the map lol... ouch!
Things I liked:
The villager Trades
Scenery and layout of all of the areas! All of your maps have been amazing visually.
The Side quests and their reward.
The Amount of minerals and loot. I liked that If I ran out of torches, I didn't have to go far to mine coal.
Your Tree Placement throughout the world
Things I didn't like:
I hate the void... (although I didn't fall in it this map)
I may have found a feature or bug that was frustrating :
Spoiler about a mob:
Are the elder guardians invincible? I attacked one until I had to run
and heal, then attacked again until I had to heal with sharpness IV
diamond sword, and he never died. (arrows seemed to have no effect too)
Spoiler about items:
I wish there were saplings and nether wart somewhere (at least I didn't find any). Even if it was almost impossible to get like a villager trade: 64 golden apples for 1 sapling or something.
All in all, this is a great CTM map, that everyone should try. Thank you for a great map!
I finally beat this map (in hardcore mode)! What an amazing map. I've struggled getting anywhere in Crash Landing, mainly because all of the new stuff is overwhelming. This was much better since I recognized all of the items even though they were different. I loved the quests, and the map wasn't too grindy. I also enjoyed looking through the 'ending' area. I look forward to other maps in your series!
I only found a bug with the sieve, but that was fixed with a Java update. Other than that I didn't have any issues (except losing items accidentally in the crafting station but you did warn us!)
I'm trying to think of suggestions for your next maps, but I can't think of much, it was really good! One I thought of is include quests that force people to explore farther away. I was trying to think of a way to bring water and food for an extended period away from the base, but I never had a reason to go more than a couple hundred blocks away. Oh also, since most things aren't craftable it would be nice to see more of those items hidden throughout the map (and maybe they were), so people can use those items if they want and it rewards exploring. i.e. Armor in loot chests, ladders (I did find 10 or so, but more would be nice), fences, fence gates, doors, stairs, etc.
I thought it had a great starting area and the first intersection was the right difficulty. I liked all the hidden loot that rewards people who explore. In the first part of the map my favorite area was Dwarven Ruins. Although I did fall for a creeper trap.
The areas in the second Intersection were huge compared to the first intersection, Those areas really showed off how epic this map is. Real Hell was my favorite here, although I didn't have any fire resist potions so it was painful!
in Intersection 3 my favorite was Rapid Retreat. The other areas looked too scarry, until I finally found some iron for armor
I really liked fighting to secure I4 from all the mobs. I lucked out and no TNT went off the whole time although I didn't really use the base since I already had a nice place near the monument.
The areas of I4 was just nightmarish with all the spawners. I wanted to make mob grinders out of all of them, but I was getting too much exp and drops anyways so it didn't matter
Barrens of the Lost blade.. aptly named considering I not only lost a rare diamond blade, I lost all my stuff several times while trying to tackle this area!
My worst moment: I was starting the creeper caves area and realized too late that I was using a fire bow... it took me about 1/2 an hour to clean up the mess so I could continue (I could have dug randomly around in the walls, but I wanted to take the path). This area turned out to be my favorite in the whole map.
All in all it was a great map. The only suggestion I have is this:
There should be more random loot in the final areas. I had to run back to my base a couple times to restock on food, torches, blocks etc because there were hardly any chests in the final areas and most of the loot in the final areas were specific items. They were awesome, but it would have been nice to find food, blocks, random armor pieces, torches ect along with the customized loot. Also I skipped large portions of the bigger final areas because I didn't see any reason to explore them.
Great job again on a well designed map! I look forward to trying your other ones.
Sure! Its always nice to meet another CTM player. Just be sure to read the rules of the server on page one.