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- Age 29
- Location- philadelphia
- IGN Filthadelphia
Name: Matt (Filthadelphia IGN)
Age: 29
Timezone: Est
Discord: Mattyy#3563
Tell me a bit about yourself: Just looking for a simple smp server with some people who arent griefing or not childish
Why choose you to join: Seems like a chill place to enjoy my self
Where are you from?: east coast US
Can you agree to just be a nice person and not cause hassle? :): yea
In Game name: Filthadelphia
IGN- Filthadelphia
Mattyy#3563 IGN- Filthadelphia
Minecraft Username: Filthadelphia Age (Must be 18+):just turned 29 Timezone: est What do you like to do in Minecraft? (Build, Redstone, etc.): i like to build but not that good, and ill be mainly exploring and mining
joined discord, name is Mattyy#3563
IGN: Filthadelphia
Country: US
Age: 28
What are you good at in Minecraft: not much rn havent played in a while and felt like getting back into a smp server
Why you would like to join: Been thinking about playing again lately and this server seems fun
How long have you been playing: since 2014-15
What Style you build in: try to be abnormal with a weird/tall houses
Do you have any experience with Minecraft communities: played on a few factions servers, also had a server for about a year
Outside of Minecraft, what kinds of activities/hobbies do you enjoy: cooking, music, tattoos and hanging out
- Age 29
- Location- philadelphia
- IGN Filthadelphia
Name: Matt (Filthadelphia IGN)
Age: 29
Timezone: Est
Discord: Mattyy#3563
Tell me a bit about yourself: Just looking for a simple smp server with some people who arent griefing or not childish
Why choose you to join: Seems like a chill place to enjoy my self
Age: 29
Where are you from?: east coast US
Can you agree to just be a nice person and not cause hassle? :): yea
In Game name: Filthadelphia
IGN- Filthadelphia
Mattyy#3563 IGN- Filthadelphia
Minecraft Username: Filthadelphia
Age (Must be 18+):just turned 29
Timezone: est
What do you like to do in Minecraft? (Build, Redstone, etc.): i like to build but not that good, and ill be mainly exploring and mining
joined discord, name is Mattyy#3563
IGN: Filthadelphia
Country: US
Age: 28
Discord: Mattyy#3563
What are you good at in Minecraft: not much rn havent played in a while and felt like getting back into a smp server
Why you would like to join: Been thinking about playing again lately and this server seems fun
How long have you been playing: since 2014-15
What Style you build in: try to be abnormal with a weird/tall houses
Do you have any experience with Minecraft communities: played on a few factions servers, also had a server for about a year
Outside of Minecraft, what kinds of activities/hobbies do you enjoy: cooking, music, tattoos and hanging out