Name: Mats
In-Game Name: GardenAzot
Discord Name: maaaaats#8794
Age: 32
Country: Norway
Favorite Aspects of Online Play: the sense of community and the chat (not feeling lonely while playing) ;P
Least Favorite Aspects of Online Play: Arguements between players in chat
A bit more about yourself: I do not know what is relevant to post here since i am not much of a bragger
Referral by Apollo Player (if applicable): stephayy
IGN: i_haz_username
Age: 28
What is your discord name?: maaaaats
What is your timezone?: i live in europe.
How long have you played Minecraft?: since 2010
Why do you want to join VanillaSMP?: cause its been a long time since i have played and would love to find a place to start playing again after some years.
What are your building skills?: i am pretty creative when it comes to structures and stuff like that (thats why i like this game)
What are your redstone skills?: up to par.
Building / redstone skills? (optional): Knows most of it.
Why do you want to join this small SMP Server?: Cause it is exactly what i am looking for.
Have you ever been on a whitelisted SMP server before, if so, explain your experience.: Good and bad.
Have you ever been banned from a minecraft server before? If so, Why?: Let's be honest, who has not been banned from a mc server? (Got banned by immature admins on a pvp server)
What do you plan to bring to this Whitelisted server?: Myself, arent you looking for new players?
Name: Mats
In-Game Name: GardenAzot
Discord Name: maaaaats#8794
Age: 32
Country: Norway
Favorite Aspects of Online Play: the sense of community and the chat (not feeling lonely while playing) ;P
Least Favorite Aspects of Online Play: Arguements between players in chat
A bit more about yourself: I do not know what is relevant to post here since i am not much of a bragger
Referral by Apollo Player (if applicable): stephayy
Added you!
MC Username: GardenAzot
Discord Name: maaaaats#8794
Age: 32
Minecraft Play Style: Building medieval-styled buildings
What is your ideal server: a server with a including community and good vibes in general
Username: GardenAzot[/b]
Age: 32[/b]
Favorite thing in Minecraft: Building medieval styled buildings[/b]
Ign: GardenAzot
Talent: Good at building old styled buildings
Having a hard time starting to play. Mature player looking for a EU server.
have been here since 2010-2011 but had a long break due to whatever it might be, so now i am just looking for a server to play on and relax
IGN: I_haz_username
AGE: 28
IGN: i_haz_username
Age: 28
What is your discord name?: maaaaats
What is your timezone?: i live in europe.
How long have you played Minecraft?: since 2010
Why do you want to join VanillaSMP?: cause its been a long time since i have played and would love to find a place to start playing again after some years.
What are your building skills?: i am pretty creative when it comes to structures and stuff like that (thats why i like this game)
What are your redstone skills?: up to par.
I am a 25 year old guy from Norway who is active and on the look for a server to play on!
IGN: I_haz_username
I would like to join the server cause i have no server to play on atm.
I am a polite and active player
Skype: mats.joh1
Age: 25
Building / redstone skills? (optional): Knows most of it.
Why do you want to join this small SMP Server?: Cause it is exactly what i am looking for.
Have you ever been on a whitelisted SMP server before, if so, explain your experience.: Good and bad.
Have you ever been banned from a minecraft server before? If so, Why?: Let's be honest, who has not been banned from a mc server? (Got banned by immature admins on a pvp server)
What do you plan to bring to this Whitelisted server?: Myself, arent you looking for new players?
Age: 25
Ign: i_haz_username
I am a 25 year old guy from norway!
ign: I_haz_username