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    posted a message on Can't get Minecraft to run, Please Assist!
    I just bought Minecraft and I'm having issues getting it to run. After I log into the website, I downloaded the .exe file under the Windows section (I'm running Windows 7 x64 OS) and saved it to my desktop. When I try to run the .exe file, literally nothing happens.

    So, I tried the other link under the Windows section and I get the same result of nothingness. I also tried using the Linux version and running that through the command prompt, but I get the following error message:
    "Error occurred during initialization of VM
    java/lang/ClassNotFoundException: error in opening JAR file C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\rt.jar"

    I have tried playing it in the browser, but the browser crashes every time, and I have attempted to do this in IE, Google Chrome, and Firefox. I had heard that if your Windows account name has a space character in it, then that affects the game, so I created another Admin account on my PC with no spaces and I still got nothing.
    Finally, I tried logging into a friend's account and downloading the .exe files but that also results in nothing happening once I attempt to run the Minecraft.exe file. Please Help!!!

    EDIT: I have also made sure all drivers on my PC are up to date
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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