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    posted a message on Stonecraft [Vanilla smp] {21+} {whitelist} {1.16}


    Age: 35

    Minecraft name: Doogie84

    Discord name: DoogieOfGrove

    Why you want to join: Have been looking for a mature vanilla server for a while, always hard to find a small but active community that gets along well.

    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 2

    posted a message on UNCRAFTABLES SEASON 2 RECRUITING 18+
    Quote from jrmjames67»

    Can't wait. Season 1 was a lot of fun. We learned a lot about the settings we want. That combined with the imminent release of 1.16 made us decide to go for a new season. Now we just need a few more consistent players to build our community. It's hard to find an opportunity to join a new server when it starts with an established group of player . Join us!

    This is a huge attraction for me aswell, in replying to this post

    Rare to find this.

    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 2

    posted a message on UNCRAFTABLES SEASON 2 RECRUITING 18+

    Have sent you a friend request on Discord mate

    Posted in: PC Servers
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