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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from Zap_12100

    Impatience and rage gets you nowhere...

    Kudos for being the first LPer. BTW you link a video with (media) tags.

    Some advice:
    - The bit at first showing Vechs' thread was, IMO, unnecessary
    - Edit out boring or grindy bits
    - Give your video an ending instead of just cutting the video off

    Thanks for the advice, I do agree that the forum part was not needed, it just felt right for me at the time because it has multiple variations of the map, and editing will be done, do not worry. The giving the video an ending part is something I need to work with, because I like to keep the videos under 15 minutes, and I record long sessions. So because I had a bunch more to upload, I just cut it there, and kind of left it, but I have dicovered a bit of a better way to manage how it cuts though. Thanks again though, the advice helps me learn through my mistakes.
    Quote from tickleme_elfman

    I just recorded my first episode, I too am a new commentator and not that great at it, but you only get better with practice. Unfortunately I cannot watch your playthrough, and you will not want to watch mine, as I too am playing variant c, just because that was the one I clicked download. Ah nuts.

    Aww, man, that sucks that we dont have different versions, cause I would love to watch someone elses playthough of this map. But I will let you know that it is very tough, and HUGE, but for all I know, you know this already. Good luck with the map though, and try not to die. XD
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Just a thought, I belive I have out the very first Lets Play Episode ofLethamyr, check it out: watch?v=vluPbgCjUEg&feature=plcp&context=C442a9a0VDvjVQa1PpcFM-ibXFpPtSdfLVf_ruet8rFGAP_XmcqYk=

    I am playing on Variant C, due to a random number generator that was brought into play, but not filmed because I failed to think of it at the time.

    And yes, I know I am not the greatest commentator in the world, but I do it for the fun, not the fame
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on FictionCraft [Survival] [Events] [FUN] [Great Community]
    Shameless bump. Also, Toasty/TBH wont be on until later tonight, so I will be reviewing entries and letting people in.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on FictionCraft [Survival] [Events] [FUN] [Great Community]
    Hey, Im in there Also, SPELL CHECK TOASTY
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on The Hunger Games [Survival Battle]
    Quote from hunter4hire

    great idea! I took it upon myself to make you a banner!
    you can use it in your sig bar to advertise your map.

    use code below for your sig

    That actually helps a ton, I was about to ask if somebody could make a banner, thanks a bunch. Ill let TBH know, and we may give a thanks in the map. Again, thanks a ton
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [64x] GLIMMAR'S STEAMPUNK v.22 NOW RELEASED! + Latest Newglim City Download! + GS Redstone Pipes Add-On Pack!
    I have been using this texture pack for the longest time, and I still love it. Keep up the great work
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on The Hunger Games [Survival Battle]
    Quote from maddstar

    you should do it with the seed jungle biome

    That is one thing we are thinking about at the moment. We are either going to do the map in one biome, or multiple. And we would love to hear what you guys think we should do. One thought though is that we could start each player out in a different biome, and they have to go find the other players. But please, if you guys have ideas, make sure you just say it, and it may be used.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on The Hunger Games [Survival Battle]
    Remember guys, at this point, the map dev is by myself and TBH only at the moment, and we both have school during the day, and we are also in different time zones, and so it is usually tough for us to work together unless it is a weekend. But we will work as hard as possible on the weekends. Also, although we are not looking for others to help with map dev at this point, we may at some point ask for some help, because quite frankly, TBH and myself do not have much map making experience. Other than all that, thanks for all your responses and support, and please, be patient
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [MOD] Ye olde minegunner / b1.2
    Do you have Mo's Creatures or something else that uses the resources folder?
    Because you have to open the /add to resources/mod/sound/ folder of your mod and place the files into the folder that is already in your recources folder (in the .minecraft folder).[/quote]
    got it now, thx. and btw i didnt need to put in the sound files, just the mod folder. if i install something else, would i need to change that to the sound files?
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on [MOD] Ye olde minegunner / b1.2
    Quote from elcappucino »
    Quote from maltak34 »
    i need help, bcoz when i install this mod and try to start minecraft, it gives me a black screen. i have both mod loader and audio mod installed, and have another mod that requiers them, so i know they work fine, but i cant figure out y i cant get this to work. can anyone help me, bcoz i want this mod bad

    Did you delete the META-INF folder in your minecraft.jar?

    ive done that, and also tried it without deleting it. same problem.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on [MOD] Ye olde minegunner / b1.2
    i need help, bcoz when i install this mod and try to start minecraft, it gives me a black screen. i have both mod loader and audio mod installed, and have another mod that requiers them, so i know they work fine, but i cant figure out y i cant get this to work. can anyone help me, bcoz i want this mod bad
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on |||☣NUCLEAR TEAM☣hey0☣non-whitelist☣vanilla☣mobs|||
    lol, finaly found the thread
    slight problem though. i think the server is down... plz tll me your going to fix it
    Posted in: Alpha - SMP Servers
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