I'm really looking forward to the next update. As soon as you add some more features, I'll do another spotlight and post the video here. Loving this mod!
Out of curiosity, how do you pronounce your username? Jay-quadro? Jah-quadro? (I'm working on a mod spotlight for this mod, and I would very much like to say your name right.) =)
That's a neat idea.
Who wants to craft, and then suddenly they realised that the ingridients they need is in their bag.
*Quits crafting table GUI*
*Open bag get required items*
*Open Dimensional crafting table*
Realising that you had something you need to craft with in your bag/chest (too lazy to cancel crafting and opening bag/chest).
*Uses search-bar/scroll-bar to find the items in your bag/chest whislt still being on the crafting GUI*
No need to re-craft everything!
Exactly! I do that all the time. I'd love the ability to just access my pouch or chest and grab what I need. Huge time-saver!
Recorded a review/spotlight. I'll post back when I get it uploaded. Awesome job! This mod is pretty darn useful. I'm especially enamored of the "special slot" in the chests!
Feature suggestion: Would it be possible to have some sort of color-coded crafting table/item that displays the inventory from an appropriately-colored bag/chest next to the crafting grid? (Perhaps in a smaller box with a scroll-bar)
Minecraft name: malagrond Age: 20 Reason why you would want to play: Looking for a good, non-pvp server to settle down on. Do you have experience administrating yourself?: Some. I do have experience moderating large communities, including the Super-Earth server about a year ago. (Quit due to school and IRL reasons.) Also have experience with Bukkit configuration and plugin installation, but almost everyone has that. =P What do you think you can contribute to the server?: Honestly, I'm not sure. It seems like you all run a nice community, so I'm sure there's someone with my qualifications already present. I can promise that I'm a mature, level-headed individual, however, and I'm just looking for somewhere to play in peace. (PvP servers just aren't really my thing.)
My my, this actually works! Very nice tool, although I personally don't find using someones skin any good - but it would help if you need something to work off!
I whipped up a simple skin fetcher bookmarklet and thought I would share it here.
You will be prompted for usernames, separated by commas. Once you click "Ok", it will open a window with a small preview of each skin and a button to change your current Minecraft skin.
Simply bookmark this page, edit the bookmark, and paste the following code into the "Location" or "URL" field. Then use it as a normal bookmark.
Here is the code:
javascript: var getuskin=prompt('Enter usernames, separated by commas:','').split(',');
var skinget = window.open('about:blank','','height=400,width=400,location=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=no,toolbar=no'); for(var getuskini=0;getuskini<getuskin.length;getuskini++){skinget.document.write('<img src=\'http://s3.amazonaws.com/MinecraftSkins/' getuskin[getuskini]+'.png\' /> - <button onclick='+unescape('%22')+'location=\'http://www.minecraft.net/profile/skin/remote?url=http://s3.amazonaws.com/MinecraftSkins/' getuskin[getuskini]+'.png\''+unescape('%22')+'>'+getuskin[getuskini]+'</button>');}
NOTE: Usernames are case-sensitive.
notch - doesn't work
Notch - works
in game name: malagrond
main reason you want to join: I've been looking for a good RP/survival server.
time zone: Central
what is 3 + 8 * 6 / 2: 27
what is your favorite color: black
Exactly! I do that all the time. I'd love the ability to just access my pouch or chest and grab what I need. Huge time-saver!
Also, here's the video:
Feature suggestion: Would it be possible to have some sort of color-coded crafting table/item that displays the inventory from an appropriately-colored bag/chest next to the crafting grid? (Perhaps in a smaller box with a scroll-bar)
Age: 20
Reason why you would want to play: Looking for a good, non-pvp server to settle down on.
Do you have experience administrating yourself?: Some. I do have experience moderating large communities, including the Super-Earth server about a year ago. (Quit due to school and IRL reasons.) Also have experience with Bukkit configuration and plugin installation, but almost everyone has that. =P
What do you think you can contribute to the server?: Honestly, I'm not sure. It seems like you all run a nice community, so I'm sure there's someone with my qualifications already present. I can promise that I'm a mature, level-headed individual, however, and I'm just looking for somewhere to play in peace. (PvP servers just aren't really my thing.)
If your HD textures use a custom font, that's why. The preview doesn't have HD font support.
Not everyone can afford a newer computer. I'd be willing to wager that he's playing on a relatively old (2-4 years) laptop.
The Storm Prediction Center makes Minecraft tools? (I kid, I kid. Singleplayer Commands is nice, but what if I'm not playing Minecraft at the time?
Thanks! :smile.gif:
You will be prompted for usernames, separated by commas. Once you click "Ok", it will open a window with a small preview of each skin and a button to change your current Minecraft skin.
Simply bookmark this page, edit the bookmark, and paste the following code into the "Location" or "URL" field. Then use it as a normal bookmark.
Here is the code:
NOTE: Usernames are case-sensitive.
notch - doesn't work
Notch - works
main reason you want to join: I've been looking for a good RP/survival server.
time zone: Central
what is 3 + 8 * 6 / 2: 27
what is your favorite color: black
I could also help write quests, if you'd like.
It's my birthday! Giving free presents away! :biggrin.gif: See the first post for details.
EDIT: The kits weren't working. Now they are! Fail admin is fail -.-