• 1

    posted a message on TOTALY FREE MINECRAFT
    Hey! we don't support piracy (Yeah, any free minecraft client is kind of piracy) so it's best not to link this stuff here.

    (Assuming its one of the legit ones lol)
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
  • 1

    posted a message on I want to buy Minecraft...
    Well, how about invasion mod? you can enable zombies that dig through blocks automatically at night... Its pretty fun :P
    theres a mod for just about anything within rules...
    Forge For The Win!
    Posted in: Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Shaders Mod (updated by karyonix)
    Would it be possible to merge the class files every few updates then?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on [1.6.4][Forge][SSP]Pingus Mod
    Wish it where mp compat, would be amazing online! lol
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on Glenn's Gases - Cool guys don't look at Gas Explosions 1.6.6
    What about a toxic or damaging series of gases?
    For example, certain gases (this is a real world danger, besides the "Don't smoke in a mine, you might make the whole thing blow up" stuff lol)
    are dangerous to inhale, and may irritate your eyes, cause coughing and such.
    You will take damage after a while around these gases, but you can create masks to help you.
    For more dangerous gases you may need a full suit, you can design this to look lore friendly or super tech as you want.
    Maybe have certain ones affect crops if you grow crops underground?

    Would be cool to use the lesser gases that are irritating and cause irritation in glass bottles, or improved in to pretty much gas canisters.

    On a side note, does this work on multiplayer?
    I saw gamechap's video....
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 2

    posted a message on Smart Moving
    Man, Smart moving's config can be a bit scarey, nothing to worry about.
    I would assume the c:true means Creative True, so you could try changing this to
    I don't think having it say both states are true is a problem.
    Basically its saying
    movement Speed Keybinds For User in Survival : False, and User in Creative Mode True.
    you simply change the first False to True.

    Hope I helped!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on [Aesthetic] Animated Player - Compatibility and Flying! [v1.5.1]
    How hard would it be for you to try and make custom animations for Smart Moving compadability? I dont know how easy that would be.... would be super awesome if you could though!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on The Ether - Wings of the End
    this is my first post in a long time on the forums, the above comments made me laugh.. and I just got my wisdom teeth removed....
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on GroundWars 2.0 (Over 70 Mods) (Need Beta Testers) Redone!
    Today I present a redesigned server that was started back at the beginning of the year!

    So what makes this server different?
    First of all its not another heavily ruled spam left click with bad textures bukkit server where you get banned for not doing this or that! Instead we run over 70 mods on forge such as Thaumcraft 3, Buildcaft 3, Industrialcraft 2, Railcraft, Steves carts, Balkons weapons mod, Smart moving, Custom npcs, and Many Many more!
    We also run off of a physics engine mod featuring Stress systems on buildings! No more will you deal with floating enemy bases.
    Simply shoot a railgun from ICBM and UniversalElectricity at a building for example and watch as blocks fly in every direction possible and parts of the building fall and slide around!
    We run a customized version of SPHAX 128 by 128
    I am in a hurry to get back to updating, as I update around 2 times a day, every day.
    You could take a look at the older pictures and rules below! but remember alot has changed!

    To join simply PM me over the forums your steam name and how active you are and I will add you....

    Heres a quick look at the rules and required information before joining!
    1. You must have Steam to join the server (Team Fortress 2 for example)
    2. Must be able to respect the simple rules I have in place! however its pretty much a greif the enemys team warfare style server so its not that limited!
    3. Be at least a little active
    4. Speak some english

    Rules TO FOLLOW
    1. DO NOT STEAL FROM YOUR TEAM! the map has plenty of resources to spare!!
    2. If you dont like the idea of trusting random people feel free to use the Lockit mod!!
    3. Save the greifing for the enemy team! Your allies are your friends!
    4. Please dont attack or steal from the enemys main bases!! These will be marked with signs an mabye Lockit Related things!!
    5. You are allowed to greif, steal, mine, tnt trap, yell at, and make wierd noises when the general area of an enemys FOB (FORWARD OPERATING BASE) Pretty much anything thats not a Main Base can be messed with.
    6. Bases are marked by your teams flags an can be raided at any time by yelling that your about to attack for example Creeper Castle. To allow for suprise attacks you only have to yell this once you begin attacking the base.
    7. While it my be fun to put a massive tnt mine under an enemys base, yell attacking, and watch as the physics engine creates a massive sinkhole, and the sinkhole destroys the base, please have some form of gentlemanship. If they want to surrender the fort or create a treaty to find materials and soldiers please listen to them. If you dont take prisoners the enemy team may become more dangerous and less gentlemanly. Trust me, having a massive EMP ICBM hit your base followed by explosives, and then left without being raided is not fun. A surrender flag will be added ingame at a later time.

    Here are some old screenshots and rules

    Epic Server Rules Provided By TwitchCat!!!!
    1- THE TRAINING NODE: To start, you will spawn in the TRAINING NODE, lovingly referred to as "The Cow". In the spawn room you have the choice of choosing RED TEAM or BLUE TEAM. Make your choice.
    The TRAINING NODE can be raided at any time by anyone. Please avoid camping and PVP in the TRAINING NODE. There aren't many difficult sections, but be on your guard. Some minor loot can be found in the dungeon.

    2- TEAM BASES: Each team has a single hidden base, as well as the Mercenary base for those who don't want to choose a team. Base locations should be kept hidden from the other team! It is against server rules to raid the other team's home base, however, secondary bases can be attacked at any time. There is also a strict NO THEFT policy in all bases. Don't steal, you're all on the same team.

    3- NODES: There are a total of 7 nodes in the world: the training node, 4 minor nodes and the Big Twins. Each node (excluding the TRAINING NODE) must be captured and held by a team before being able to enter the dungeon below each node. The Big Twins have the highest leveled loot, but also the most danger. The Big Twins dungeons span around 16x16 CHUNKs, so don't get lost! Each node is reset daily with new loot.

    4- RAIDING: In order to take over a node, the opposing team must loudly proclaim their intent at minimum 3 times before assaulting a node. Unannounced assaults are not allowed and will not change ownership! To take over a node, a team must eliminate all opposition in the node area and replace the flag with wool of their color (DON'T FORGET THE WOOL!). The node may then be explored by the victorious team.

    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 1

    posted a message on GroundWars (SDKS GUNS) CTF WARS 2.0 (Redesigning)
    post in the middle of reformatting...
    Check Out My Site Here!!!!
    or twitter https://twitter.com/.../SturmFalkeRDA2
    I am redesigning the server, we now run Minions mod, ICBM, Crossbows 2 (adds almost 200 varients) and a couple of other awesome mods....
    Is there any interest in me reviving this server besides the insane amount of popularity and whitelist requests it generated?
    Add me on steam if you want! just pm me and ill give you my information!
    Also... all returning players will get a reward....


    Epic Server Rules Provided By TwitchCat!!!!
    1- THE TRAINING NODE: To start, you will spawn in the TRAINING NODE, lovingly referred to as "The Cow". In the spawn room you have the choice of choosing RED TEAM or BLUE TEAM. Make your choice.
    The TRAINING NODE can be raided at any time by anyone. Please avoid camping and PVP in the TRAINING NODE. There aren't many difficult sections, but be on your guard. Some minor loot can be found in the dungeon.

    2- TEAM BASES: Each team has a single hidden base, as well as the Mercenary base for those who don't want to choose a team. Base locations should be kept hidden from the other team! It is against server rules to raid the other team's home base, however, secondary bases can be attacked at any time. There is also a strict NO THEFT policy in all bases. Don't steal, you're all on the same team.

    3- NODES: There are a total of 7 nodes in the world: the training node, 4 minor nodes and the Big Twins. Each node (excluding the TRAINING NODE) must be captured and held by a team before being able to enter the dungeon below each node. The Big Twins have the highest leveled loot, but also the most danger. The Big Twins dungeons span around 16x16 CHUNKs, so don't get lost! Each node is reset daily with new loot.

    4- RAIDING: In order to take over a node, the opposing team must loudly proclaim their intent at minimum 3 times before assaulting a node. Unannounced assaults are not allowed and will not change ownership! To take over a node, a team must eliminate all opposition in the node area and replace the flag with wool of their color (DON'T FORGET THE WOOL!). The node may then be explored by the victorious team.

    YEA YEA I know the post looks really really bad.. this was rushed out within a few mins because of an accident post... DEAL WITH IT..
    accidently got this posted earily.. so heres a summary to a steam friend..
    basicly we are fully modded with resource nodes and weapons... and maps.. the team to get to a resource node captures it and places the team flag down.. but cant go into the resource node to capture resources for a day after capture...
    the resource nodes are very very dangerous dungeons filled with resupplying loot to keep your team in the fight.. if your not being assaulted by teams of enemy players you can go into it and get materials
    Many features will be explained ingame..
    If you would like to join to join please follow the simple whitelist below
    post this in the post below
    What is your ingame minecraft name..??
    here (Very important! if we dont have this We cant add you to the whitelist!)
    Do you promise to follow the rules..??
    you will be pmed the ip address and modpack required to connect to the server shortly after applying..
    heres some pictures of us running through a resource node...
    friends of mine didnt look for traps.. had to teleport them to me a few times..

    General Information
    Single Player
    • Check the mod_*.properties files, they have lots of configurable options. .properties files are text files.
    • The jet pack is worn as a chest piece. Hold down jump while in midair to use it. It requires buckets of oil for fuel.
    • Laser wolves look like normal wolves but their eyes are teal. Right click them with a laser (carefully) and/or diamond breastplate to give it to them (after they've been tamed).
    • Don't right click a normal wolf with a laser, you'll shoot it in the face.
    • The ATV wheel recipe does not conflict with the planes wheel recipe. If you have planes installed, the ATV uses the plane wheels.
    • Press I on the ATV to access the guns menu.
    • Press space on the ATV to fire the guns.
    • The ATV can be repaired by right clicking it with a wrench.
    • The laser uses redstone dust for ammo.
    • The grappling hook activates when it lands on top of a block that is accessible from the direction you threw it.
    • Default key to reload is 'R', zoom is 'Z', use parachute is 'P', enable nightvision is 'N'.
    • Nightvision goggles are worn on the head, scuba tanks and parachutes are worn on the chest.
    • The lighter block lights on fire when power is applied to it.
    • Right click the cannon block with TNT to fill it up, max 15. Power it with redstone to fire.
    • The grinder block is fueled by diamonds for 64 uses each or iron for 8 uses each. It grinds flint (100% chance) and gravel (25% chance) into gunpowder.
    • Hardcore mode increases the maximum number of mobs.
    • The lightometer turns red when it's dark enough for monsters to spawn.
  • Recipes

  • Long Barrel

    Short Barrel

    Shotgun Barrel - shapeless

    Minigun Barrel - shapeless

    Fat Barrel

    Metal Stock

    Wooden Stock

    Metal Grip

    Wooden Grip

    Minigun Handle



    Metal Parts

    Metal Receiver - shapeless

    Redstone -> Laser Convertor


    Desert Eagle






    Rocket Launcher

    Laser-Guided Rocket Launcher



    Sniper Rifle

    Sentry (Use any gun besides the gatling gun to make that sentry)

    Sentry (If guns are disabled, creates an AK47 sentry)



    Sticky Grenade

    Stun Grenade

    Smoke Grenade

    Molotov Cocktail

    Light Ammo (AK47, MP5, Minigun, M4)

    Medium Ammo (Desert Eagle, SG552)

    Heavy Ammo (Sniper Rifle)

    Shotgun Ammo (Shotgun)

    Rocket (Rocket Launcher)

    Laser-Guided Rocket (Laser-Guided Rocket Launcher)

    Bullet Casings

    Shell Casings

    Oil Drop

    Oil (Flamethrower, Jet Pack)

    Jet Pack


    ATV Body

    ATV Wheel




    Player Spawner - If enabled in mod_SdkFps.properties

    Weapon Spawner A (Guns) - If enabled in mod_SdkFps.properties

    Weapon Spawner B (Not Guns) - If enabled in mod_SdkFps.properties

    Grappling Hook



    Nightvision Goggles

    Scuba Tank





    Gold Coins


    stupid backbutton.. delete the post.. here goes a rewrite
    To Be Announced

    The goal of this server is to provide a fun unlimited experience to new players or people just trying out the game, we will not bother you with tnt detonating or anything like that as long as it does not harm the experience of other players.. if you are greifed you will simply be given your items back, and if the greifer was outside of the anarchy area he will either recive a warning, or a ban....

    A note to people questioning my allowence of Non-Premium members (people who are still trying out the game)
    This will only be allowed on certain days as to allow them to try out a legit multiplayer experience, we hope that if you do not have a premium account, you are at least considering buying minecraft in the future! that is the whole point of allowing you guys on here!

    be aware that you will be watched a bit more then the normal players as we do not know if you will follow rules..
    if you have a skin on your character, or can proove that you have a premium account, you will receive special benefits!!!!
    may it be from special armor to mob spawn eggs all the way to OP! it just depends!
    This is a way of saying THANK YOU!! to the creators of minecraft....
    you will also receive this.. a custom made map saying your name is premium (note that this players name is made up and not a real player)

    We do allow greifing in our anarchy arena!! this is a very very large area of the level where almost anything goes!! haha just dont build 20000 feet tall water fountains....

    Due to the fact that a server like this might become very very messy with all of these new players doing completely random stuff.. it might take days at a time to finish fixing stuff, as such, the server will not be 24/7 and it will operate on the eastern timezone anywhere from 4 hours to 16 hours.. even more if you guys dont mess things up haha!!!!

    We have a small easy to use whitelist before joining to keep out bad people.. this whitelist is very simple, copy it, and answer the questions in the below post... I am on almost completely constantly.. so you should get a reply very very soon!!

    What is your ingame minecraft name..??
    here (Very important! if we dont have this We cant add you to the whitelist!)
    How old are you? (You may answer N/A if you or a gaurdian does not like you answering this question)
    When did you Buy Or download minecraft?
    here (if your very new you may receive extra help)
    Is there anything special you wanted to do or test out besides the game?
    here (tnt mining, mob traps, pistons, we may be able to allocate you special testing items)
    Do you promise to follow the rules and be somewhat polite to people..??
    Did you come here with a friend
    here (if yes try and put his name here)
    I will check back hourly or even every 10 mins to add you to the whitelist! ill let you know!

    Thanks! be sure to bookmark us to know when we are hosting events such as mob invasions or Offline-Mode Free Days!!!!
    after we get 5 whitelist requests we will post the IP
Posted in: PC Servers
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