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    posted a message on Question about the security of server software. . .
    And do you have a person inspecting logs?
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
  • 0

    posted a message on Test DirectPlay without using DxDiag.
    It is there, it is active, it's just that the testing tools are gone.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
  • 0

    posted a message on Question about the security of server software. . .
    Turn verify-name=true. Problem solved.
    If your dad is paranoid, do some of the following insanely paranoid actions:
    Use OpenBSD
    Use a VM
    Separate the machine into it's own virtual network(dd wrt custom router firmware can do this)
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
  • 0

    posted a message on Hall of Shame.
    Basically if the following conditions are met really dumb posts go into the section:
    The user has made the same mistake over and over.
    They have been informed on what they are doing and how to improve.
    They already have gotten an official warning.
    They can improve, it's just that they don't want to.

    Maybe not even a section, just a thread called "what not to do"
    Posted in: Forum Discussion & Info
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    posted a message on Petition to keep the player model styles
    Too bad "Petition to not sign the petition to keep the player model styles" is too big of a petition name.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Server Griefer
    Linux. Also OP is retarded. He only destroyed a copy of the virus.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Cortex Adventures
    Type in `for actor in MovableMan.Actors do if actor.Team == 1 then actor:GibThis() end end
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Server Griefer
    I'm not talking about piracy, I'm talking about open source solutions that don't really apply much too windows...
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Server Griefer
    You don't need money for a secure system.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Server Griefer
    Notes: Set verify-names to true.

    Secure your computer to eliminate other attack vectors(firewall)
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
  • 0

    posted a message on Server Greifer - Hacking accounts?
    Quote from Herrode »
    Quote from mail2345 »
    Right, but why would Notch need to work on it when it's already working?

    Just admit that all of this is justification for your outburst of griefing.

    Make of it what you like. I stated where the vulnerabilities lay, nothing more, nothing less.

    What takes place next must be decided by Notch and his community.

    There are not vulnerabilities that are Notch's fault.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
  • 0

    posted a message on Cortex Adventures
    Fire at him with your assult rifle.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Planetfall
    Lets Play Sid Mier's Alpha Centauri Alien Crossfire!

    I'm sure you all know of the project in the Civilization games where you launch off a space ship to Alpha Centari.
    So this starship Unity takes off as Earth slowly decays. On the way the captain is assassinated, and the crew splits up into several factions. Each one manages to acquire a colony pod, landing on the surface of Planet. Oh and somewhere energy is adopted as the global currency.

    Each faction has a social engineering type that they like, and one that they don't like and cannot use. If you don't use the one they like or the baseline type, they get angry. If you use the one they don't like, they really get angry.
    Social engineering gives bonuses(or penalties of)
    Economy: How much energy you generate.
    Efficiency: How much energy is lost or saved due to (in)efficiency. Becomes more of a factor when you have more bases or a spread out empire.
    Growth: How quickly the population of your bases (cities) will grow
    Industry: How much it costs to build units and base facilities
    Morale: The morale of your troops( affects battle)
    Planet: Harmony with Planet's environment(capturing mindworms :biggrin.gif:).
    Police: How tolerant is your society of military as police. Low levels cause unrest when you have units out of your territory too
    Probe: How effective your/enemy Probe Teams (spies) are.
    Research: How quickly you discover new technologies.
    Support: How much it costs to maintain military units (high support = more free units/base)

    And of course here are the choices of social engineering:
    Politics (Default "Frontier)
    Police State: +2 Support, +2 Police, -2 Efficiency
    Democracy: +2 Growth, +2 Efficiency, -2 Support
    Fundamentalist: +2 Probe, +1 Morale, -2 Research

    Economics (Default "Simple")
    Free Market: +2 Economy, -3 Planet, -5 Police
    Planned: +2 Growth, +1 Industry, -2 Efficiency
    Green: +2 Planet, +2 Efficiency, -2 Growth

    Values (Default "Survival")
    Power: +2 Support, +2 Morale, -2 Industry
    Knowledge: +2 Research, +1 Efficiency, -2 Probe
    Wealth: +1 Economy, +1 Industry, -2 Morale

    Future Society (Default "None")
    Cybernetic: +2 Efficiency, +2 Planet, +2 Research, -3 Police
    Eudaimonic*: +2 Economy, +2 Growth, +2 Industry, -2 Morale
    Thought Control: +2 Morale, +2 Probe, +2 Police, -3 Support

    Now the factions:
    Gaia's Stepdaughters -- Lady Deirdre Skye (Environmentalists)
    "In the great commons at Gaia's Landing we have a tall and particularly beautiful stand of white pine, planted at the time of the first colonies. It represents our promise to the people, and to Planet itself, never to repeat the tragedy of Earth."
    -Lady Deirdre Skye, "Planet Dreams"
    +2 Efficiency, +1 Planet, -1 Morale, -1 Police, Better at harvesting food (Nutrients) from native plant life
    Preference: Green
    Aversion: Free Market

    The Human Hive -- Chairman Sheng-Ji Yang (Totalitarian Police State/Collective)
    "Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outwards, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendent, and to embrace them is to achieve enlightenment."
    -Chairman Sheng-Ji Yang, "Essays on Mind and Matter"
    +1 Growth, +1 Industry, -2 Economy, Free Perimeter Defense at every base (think City Walls), ignores Efficiency penalties (possibly just the penalty from Police State, I forget)
    Preference: Police State
    Aversion: Democracy

    The Lord's Believers -- Sister Miriam Godwinson (Fundamentalist, believe Planet is their new promised land)
    "The righteous need not cower before the drumbeat of human progress. Though the song of yesterday fades into the challenge of tomorrow, God still watches and judges us. Evil lurks in the datalinks as it lurked in the streets of yesteryear. But it was never the streets that were evil."
    -Sister Miriam Godwinson, "The Blessed Struggle"
    +2 Support, +1 Probe, -2 Research, -1 Planet, 25% attack bonus, no research for the first 10 turns
    Preference: Fundamentalist
    Aversion: Knowledge

    Morgan Industries -- CEO Nwabudike Morgan (Capitalists, exploit planet for $$$)
    "Human behavior is economic behavior. The particulars may vary, but competition for limited resources remains a constant. Need as well as greed have followed us to the stars, and the rewards of wealth still await those wise enough to recognize this deep thrumming of our common pulse."
    -CEO Nwabudike Morgan, "The Centauri Monopoly"
    +1 Economy -1 Support, +1 to Commerce income, +100 Energy Credits (money) at game-start, Bases need an improvement to allow further population growth waay sooner then other factions do
    Preference: Free Market
    Aversion: Planned

    The Peacekeeping Forces -- Commissioner Pravin Lal (Humanitarian, Democratic, trying to uphold values of original U.N. mission charter)
    "As the Americans learned so painfully in Earth's final century, free flow of information is the only safeguard against tyranny. The once-chained people whose leaders at last lose their grip on information flow will soon burst with freedom and vitality, but the free nation gradually constricting its grip on public discourse has begun its rapid slide into despotism. Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master."
    -Commissioner Pravin Lal, "U.N. Declaration Of Rights"
    -1 Efficiency, 2x votes for Planetary Governor & Supreme Leader, Bases need population-enhancing improvement later then other factions, citizens are extra-happy
    Preference: Democracy
    Aversion: Police State
    (Note: They have the most boring base naming scheme ever. Every. Single. Base. Is named U.N. Something. Morgan is Similar, but it's all like Morgan Mining Industries and so on)

    The Spartan Federation -- Colonel Corazón Santiago (Militaristic Survivalists)
    "Superior training and superior weaponry have, when taken together, a geometric effect on overall military strength. Well-trained, well-equipped troops can stand up to many more times their lesser brethren than linear arithmetic would seem to indicate."
    -Colonel Corazón Santiago, "Spartan Battle Manual"
    +2 Morale, +1 Police, -1 Industry, Prototype units (first unit produced using new tech) don't cost extra like they do for all other factions
    Preference: Power
    Aversion: Wealth

    The University of Planet -- Academician Prokhor Zakharov (Science! Amoral, amoral science)
    "The substructure of the universe regresses infinitely towards smaller and smaller components. Behind atoms we find electrons, and behind electrons quarks. Each layer unraveled reveals new secrets, but also new mysteries."
    -Academician Prokhor Zakharov, "For I Have Tasted The Fruit"
    +2 Research, -2 Probe, Free extra starting tech, free Network Node (research-enhancing base facility), increased Drone activity (unrest) due to unethical research practices
    Preference: Knowledge
    Aversion: Fundamentalist

    The Alien Crossfire Factions

    The Cult of Planet -- Prophet Cha Dawn (Planet-worshipping new religion)
    "Mankind has been blind for thousands of years-for all of its history. We have come to a place whose wonders are a hundred-fold more amazing than anything on Earth. Around us is clear evidence of the will of a higher power. I bring the Vision to the blind eyes of men. I bring the Word to the deaf ears of men. I will make them see it. I will make them hear it."
    -Prophet Cha Dawn, "Planet Rising
    +2 Planet -1 Industry -1 Economy, they can use mindworms as police.
    Preference: Green
    Aversion: Wealth

    The Cybernetic Consciousness -- Prime Function Aki Zeta-5 (Some intelligent algorithm that somehow got into Prokhor Zakharov's assistant)
    "Those who join us need give up only half of their humanity--the illogical, ill-tempered, and disordered half, commonly thought of as 'right-brain' functioning. In exchange, the 'left-brain' capacities are increased to undreamed potential. The tendency of Biologicals to cling instead to their individual personalities can only be attributed to archaic evolutionary tendencies."
    -Prime Function Aki Zeta-5, "Convergence"
    +2 Efficiency +2 Research -1 Growth, Steal tech when they conquer an enemy base, ignore the penalty of the Cybernetic Social Choice
    Preference: Cybernetic
    Aversion: Fundamentalist

    The Data Angels -- Datatech Sinder Roze (Free Speech-y Hackers)
    "What's more important, the data or the jazz? Sure, sure, 'Information should be free' and all that--but anyone can set information free. The jazz is in how you do it, what you do it to, and in almost getting caught without getting caught. The data is 1's and 0's. Life is the jazz."
    -Datatech Sinder Roze, "Infobop"
    +2 Probe -1 Police, Probe Team actions are cheaper, start with a free Probe Team, gain any Tech known to 3 other factions they know
    Preference: Democracy
    Aversion: Power

    The Free Drones -- Foreman Domai (Worker's revolution)
    "Now it's day and night the irons clang, and like poor galley slaves
    We toil and toil, and when we die, must fill dishonored graves
    But some dark night, when everything is silent in the town
    I'll shoot those tyrants one and all, I'll gun the flogger down
    I'll give the land a little shock, remember what I say,
    And they'll yet regret they've sent Jim Jones in chains to Botany Bay."
    "Jim Jones", Traditional
    +2 Industry -2 Research, fewer Drones, enemy bases undergoing Drone Riots may join them
    Preference: Eudaimonic
    Aversion: Green

    The Nautilus Pirates -- Captain Ulrik Svensgaard (Pirates! ARR!)
    "The sea ... vast, mysterious ... and full of wealth! And the nations of Planet send their trade across it without a thought. Well, the sea doesn't care about them, so it lets them pass. But we can give the sea a little hand in teaching the landlubbers a lesson in humility."
    -Captain Ulrik Svensgaard, "The Ripple and the Wave"
    -1 Efficiency -1 Growth, Start with a Water base instead of a land one, as well as the tech for ships, bonuses to harvesting water squares, other boat-related advantages when certain techs are researched
    Preference: Power
    Aversion: None

    Aliens. Both alien factions get a fogged out map of Planet as well as the ability to research specific technologies (they're rediscovering stuff they lost in the crash) whereas human factions just pick a category to focus on and free Recycling Tanks at each base and bonus energy. The aliens are always at war with each other. The two factions represent two crashed ships that attacked each other over Planet, each belonging to one side in a civil war that's engulfed their civilization, about how to use the manifolds(Planets like Chiron, one of them turned intelligent and psyblasted alot of their civilization). Humans and aliens cannot conduct diplomacy until one side discovers the appropriate tech, and the aliens can win by creating a beacon to call in their side's respective fleet to destroy everyone. Aliens are a tad overpowered imho.

    The Manifold Caretakers -- Caretaker Lular H'minee (Want to protect/conserve Planet)
    "Tau Ceti Flowering: Horrors visited upon neighboring systems must never be repeated. Therefore: if it means the end of our evolution as a species, so be it."
    -Caretaker Lular H'minee, "Sacrifice: Life"
    +1 Planet, +25% defending, the other alien bonuses
    Preference: Planned
    Aversion: Free market

    The Manifold Usurpers -- Usurper Judaa Marr (Want to exploit Planet)
    "Risks of Flowering: considerable. But rewards of godhood: who can measure?"
    -Usurper Judaa Marr, "Courage: To Question"
    +1 Growth +1 Morale -1 Planet, +25% attacking, other alien bonuses
    Preference: Planned
    Aversion: Democracy

    Ways to win:
    Conquest: Kill everyone.
    Diplomatic: Win an election for Supreme Leader(3/4ths of the vote). Aliens need to be dead.
    Economic: Get enough energy, and in 20 turns you can take over the entire global economy.
    Transcendent: Achieve transcendence with planet.
    Summon Reinforcements: Build the subspace resonators and call the rest of the alien fleet. Only for aliens.

    Onto difficult choices.
    Difficulty level: Citizen, Specialist, Talent, Liberian, Thinker or Transcend?
    Faction for us and the AIs. There are 7 factions including us.
    Random is also an option for factions.
    Map size: Tiny, small, standard, large, huge or custom?

    I have to thank this thread: http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?t=487545 for typing out the huge quote box stuff.
    Posted in: Forum Games
  • 0

    posted a message on Cortex Adventures
    Buy a mech.
    Posted in: Forum Games
  • 0

    posted a message on Server Greifer - Hacking accounts?
    Right, but why would Notch need to work on it when it's already working?

    Just admit that all of this is justification for your outburst of griefing.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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