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    posted a message on What are some stupid ban/kick/jail reasons you have seen or experienced?
    i was a donater of minetown.net of like 20 dollars.. ive never been banned before for anything to do with following rules allways something stupid on the people who run thems side anyway i had a store on there server some dude wanted help buying something from my store he put 1 gold ingot in the chest and to help fix it i needed him to take it out well he wouldnt so i took it out for him and tossed it to him with Q the throwing key well anyway next day i come on the dude lied to a admin saying i stole 1 gold ingot from him so they checked it with logblock saw i took it out and perma banned me for it freaking messed up right? logblock doesnt log player based log only block place/break and items that can be opened so i tryed exsplaining it on the forums and could not belive there remarks a bunch of children downing my post everytime i posted i was banned from the forums to for nothing.. and the funny thing was they belived a newbie of 4 hours over a vip of 20 dollars.... :SSSS:
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Futurama Skins
    these are actully cool are you fairly new this is your only post? if so welcome to the forum! good skins keep working on making them you got some skill :DORE:
    Posted in: Skins
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    posted a message on minecraft hard difficulty to easy?
    ok i started a test game on hard setting to see how hard it really is to be honest it doesnt seem that hard to me but seeing as ive played minecraft for since beta 1.0 maybe since i have exsperince its easy for me? anybody here who plays minecraft on hard think its a little to easy to? aside from the hole you dont eat your basicly instantly dead thing and zombies breaking down wood doors a steady farm and iron just makes it easyer i have yet to die since i started the map on hard more then a week ago. and havent found a single diamond plenty of iron and gold though but im just curius to find if alot of people play minecraft on hard and find it easy as much as i do... maybe im just use to it since im not a noob anymore tell me what you think and why im curius
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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