Yeah if you could just go ahead and delete my account, that would be great
- lunchboxxx19
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Member for 10 years, 5 months, and 24 days
Last active Thu, Oct, 26 2017 04:16:43
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Oct 18, 2017lunchboxxx19 posted a message on Merge Your Minecraft Forum Account With TwitchPosted in: News
Jun 12, 2017lunchboxxx19 posted a message on Better Together Update AnnouncedPosted in: News
of course theyll drop java edition, no money in it for them once people buy the game and they can just force all new players to buy the windows 10 version. 3 or 4 more windows versions and youll be lucky if your computer can even recognize the java version
Jun 7, 2017lunchboxxx19 posted a message on 5 Amazing Community Creations in MinecraftPosted in: News
if youre gonna write an article about mediocre builds, you should do one about my somewhat popular windmill house
May 21, 2017lunchboxxx19 posted a message on This week in Minecraft — May 20thPosted in: News
it appears this pack is only avaliable for the versions where they can charge you for it
Apr 13, 2017lunchboxxx19 posted a message on Minecraft coming to Nintendo Switch!Posted in: News
some PC games can connect to xbox360 live. like dead island and dead island:riptide, so its completely doable. dunno about playstation or nantendo though, or android
pretty cool they have minecraft on the switch though
Apr 6, 2017lunchboxxx19 posted a message on Minecraft 1.12 Snapshot 17w14aPosted in: News
lame. they could of added a new farm animal like a goat
Apr 5, 2017lunchboxxx19 posted a message on Minecraft 1.12 Snapshot 17w14aPosted in: News
so what all do the parrots actually do?
is it just this?
Apr 1, 2017lunchboxxx19 posted a message on This week in Minecraft — April 1stPosted in: News
thats hilarious
Mar 27, 2017lunchboxxx19 posted a message on New Minecraft Mob Announced!Posted in: NewsQuote from NightSky64»
Yea, the worst part is that you can't ride them, only lead.
yup, waste of time. better to find a donkey and use that
Quote from APlotdevice»
The problem is that Shulker boxes are a way more practical means of moving around lots of items vs Llamas.
i forgot all about them -
Mar 27, 2017lunchboxxx19 posted a message on New Minecraft Mob Announced!Posted in: News
yeah me and The_Last_Dovahkiin already discussed this. 15 being the largest and most uncommon. this is part of the reason why i think they are a useless addition to the game and why i personally dont waste my time with them
Mar 25, 2017lunchboxxx19 posted a message on How to Build a Starter Minecraft Water HousePosted in: News
i didnt talk about your president, unless grian is all of a sudden your president
Mar 25, 2017lunchboxxx19 posted a message on Minecraft Forum + Twitch LoginPosted in: News
looks like i cant log into the live chat feature of the forum without a twitch account. and so it begins
Edit: if you go past all the twitch... stuff, you can log in using your curse account
Mar 24, 2017lunchboxxx19 posted a message on How to Build a Starter Minecraft Water HousePosted in: News
im not. what makes you think ive ever been to america?
Mar 24, 2017lunchboxxx19 posted a message on How to Build a Starter Minecraft Water HousePosted in: News
not my president, not my country
Mar 24, 2017lunchboxxx19 posted a message on New Minecraft Mob Announced!Posted in: News
yeah thats what i mean. 15 slots in comparison to a donkeys 27 slots
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I use this mod to up the brightness instantly whenever i build in creative
Herb pretty much sums it up on this subject. Java edition wont get squatsimply cause theres no money in it
those decorative player heads are great arent they. use heaps of them myself. this is a great build man
hold on, i thought phones and tablets did run java
ok thank you, ill let my mate know about this since he handles our server
how come you have to install it to a USB stick? and can this sort of server run forge mods?
looks cool, do you have any wee computer like machines for research stuff?
it was always microsofts intention to do away with the java version, theres no money in it other than the original buy cost. they put over a billion dollars into this game, their stock holders will want that back. youll find that either 1.) in the next two or three OS updates java wont be supported or theyll get right upto minecraft version 1.99 or whatever then theyll release "press statement" of sorts to say that minecraft 2.0 is on its way, then theyll whisper "but its not a java" version. this will effectively kill off the java version leaving only the die hard mod who will stay in older versions. im more interested in knowing whether or not ill have to buy the new version or if those of us who have already bought it will get the free update
thats what i did straight away, and did the same thing with the ceilings on the large yacht too
but it was so perfect
what is a horse trap?
Glad to hear a 1.11.2 update will come. I miss having nice gardens. Multiple flowers per block and a way to cover them in a glass block was genius, and something ive never seen in another mod
one wee problem with the sailing yacht is that the chests right below the roof wont open, im in 1.11.2 and any chest below a slab or bottom of the stair wont open. i remember in 1.7.10 they could open though. bit of a shame really since that back part would make an excellent storage area.
if you really want to get these builds out there for people to use then id definitely reccommend uploading to multiple websites
oh thats nice, ill def be putting that on the horizon. have you uploaded these to minecraft schematics? thats a good website to use to get things like this out there, i have several of my own creations on there myself
i really like that boat. is it alright it i use it as a bit of scenery in my world?