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    posted a message on A Letter to Valve (Warning TL:DR)
    I've already forwarded this to every valve email I can get my hands on.

    I really don't expect anything to happen, I just felt the need to tell them how I felt.

    The letter was posted here because I want to encourage others to reach out to valve in hopes that it spurs them into action.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on A Letter to Valve (Warning TL:DR)
    As far back as I can remember, I've always been a gamer. Whether it was finally beating Tetris after many hours of frustration, or finding out the princess is in another castle, I was there to experience it.

    I can think of a time I was playing Super Mario Bros. 3 while my little brother Cody was watching. I handed him the second controller and showed him how to "play". Obviously I was still playing the game, but he didn't care, he was sharing the experience with his big brother.

    I don't recall when I got a Super Nintendo. Those years went by fast, quite a few things were happening in my life at the time. I lost my step father Tim, and school wasn't going well. One day it happened. I got a Super Scope, holy cow I lost my marbles. That was the coolest thing I had ever seen in my entire life. I was shooting stuff on the screen with a FRICKIN BAZOOKA. Mother of GOD this was awesome.

    We zoom ahead into the days where I got my Game Gear. I had it all, I got the carrying case, the attachable zoom screen, the extra battery pack, and all the sonic I could handle. I think that machine ate more AA batteries than anything else I've ever used. I think that was the time I also watched more Power Rangers than was healthy.

    Fast forward a few years to Christmas one year at my grandparents house in New Mexico. I opened up my larger present to find a box with the words "Nintendo 64" staring me in the face. I couldn't believe it, I was the luckiest kid alive. I could have died right then and would have been fine with it. Many, many hours of Mario Kart 64 ensued along with other classics such as Golden Eye 007, Banjo Kazooie, Extreme G, Super Mario 64, and Zelda: The Ocarina of Time. At this point Cody got better at Golden Eye than I did.

    A few years later Sony laid a fantastic video game system on me, the Playstation. So...Many...games... Crash Bandicoot, Jet Moto, Twisted Metal, Final Fantasy VII, Tomb Raider, Blasto, Metal Gear Solid... It went on and on. I remember playing a game called Medievil with my stepdad Roger. I watched him play while he convinced me to eat my first grapefruit with a spoon. I covered the top with sugar and dug out the juicy meat, delicious!
    Going into my teenager years, I found PC gaming. At first it was a mess of things like pinball games, and skifree. We didn't have the kind of money to have a fantastic gaming machine so I couldn't play the high end games at that time.

    I got my first job, and money started coming into my pocket. I bought my first PC. I went to the local walmart and got an Emachines. I made sure to get the one with the AGP slot so I could get a better graphics card.

    Unreal Tournament happened. At this point the family had replaced the other computer, so we had an extra. I set up a network game of Unreal Tournament with Cody in his room. Man that was my first real experience with anger, it took me so long to figure out how to share one game with another computer using RJ-14 ( Phone cord for those that don't speak tech ) I got it though, I was so happy with myself.

    This was a breaking point for me, it opened up a floodgate of games. I experimented with Diablo, Warcraft, and many others. Then I found a game in a pile of stuff that was on sale, Half Life. Installed the game to find a storyline, NPC's that interacted with you, extremely detailed graphics, and voiceovers. I put this on my mental checklist of favorites.

    Santa brought our Playstation 2 for Christmas one year. I don't think I ever stared at a screen more closely. Seeing all the detail in Spy Hunter, and Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 made me drool. Playing through Metal Gear Solid 2 was a great time. Gran Turismo 3 sucked quite a bit of my time, and I never finished Final Fantasy X because I erased one of my save spots and it made me go back over half the game.

    Slowly, as I grew up playing all these games, I started to gain a sense of what a good game was. I realized when I was playing a bad game that I wasn't enjoying myself, and moved on to another one. Years pass, my tech experience got better, and so my PC got upgrades. I started subscribing to game magazines. They were all talking about one game, Half Life 2.

    I remember this game changed my opinion of what a good game was . This game was gorgeous. It made my PS2 jealous, I could feel the rage. *Thinking back, that was probably why it got the "Disk Read Error". All of the things I could interact with, the amount of weapons was staggering, and the voice acting was amazing. It felt like I was IN a movie, like I WAS the main character. Things were happening to the characters in the game that made me feel sad. Then the game ended on a note I didn't enjoy. I didn't know what was going to happen.

    I started following the development of valve's creations. HL2 multi-player came out, but that was only a minor distraction. Years went by and I was rewarded, but only barely. Half Life 2: Episode One came out. I ran home, installed the game and thought it was a sequel. Oh boy, was I wrong. The only thing this game did for me was make me angry. Not only did I not have answers to the looming questions about the storyline, I was teased into thinking it was the actual sequel.

    I realized I had become attached. I wanted to cry I was so frustrated. Then The Orange Box came out. Wow, what a refreshing update. I got a fix, and it only made me want more. Things happened in the game that I never expected, people died, and I genuinely felt sorry for some of them. Gabe Newell and team at Valve had done a fantastic job of creating something that felt real. Something I wanted to hold onto, like it felt special to me. Team Fortress 2 became a big part of my coping process, then the waiting began.

    Almost 6 years later that brings us to today, and I am still patiently waiting. Hell, we even saw the release of the fabled Duke Nukem Forever, and still no Half Life sequel. Fans have picketed on Valve's doorstep to no avail. A steam group called "A Call for Communication" attempted to get Valve's attention by getting over 28,000 gamers to all play Half Life 2 at once, and still nothing.

    Valve, this message is to you. I have followed the tale of Gordon Freeman for a long time. I'm not asking you to deliver an unfinished product. I'm not even asking you to show me screenshots. All I'm asking is for you to confirm the existence of a sequel in the works. I'm fairly certain I can speak for all Half Life fans when I say we have been extremely patient. If the sequel to Half Life is to never exist, all we are asking is for you to tell us. Table scraps, information about the new source engine, or something. Nobody expects screenshots, or even video of the game. We just don't want to be waiting for all these years in vain.

    Don't leave us hanging Gabe.
    We are your loyal fan base.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Half Life 2 CM11.35
    Just a word of advice, this update is rather large once unpacked.

    I would suggest a minimum of 30GB extra space available.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Firefox; the ultimate resource hog.
    The only real reason I see this to be a problem is if your computer doesn't have enough memory.

    I do agree there are some memory leaks they could fix* there are ALWAYS leaks lol*.

    I caught my firefox using 2.4 gigs of memory the other day. My adblock plus was eating it up like cake.
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
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    posted a message on Half Life 2 CM11.35

    Hi all,

    Recently with all the news (and rumors) of Half Life 3/Episode 3, I figured now is good time to bring back some nostalgic gameplay with a twist.

    The guys over at FakeFactory have produced a series of SourceMods over the years called CinematicMod. They have now completed the most recent CM11.35. This SourceMod focuses on revamping the experience of the entire game. Things as simple as textures, as well as the music track have all been updated. No minor detail has been left out, and the game looks absolutely gorgeous.

    The screenshots you are going to view have been produced using the absolute highest settings possible using the "konfiguration" tool that comes with the mod. I have also decided to use a boosted bloom effect, so any lights that seem a little too bright are my doing. While looking at these screenshots, please remember this Source Engine was originally created in 2004, and has constantly been modified over the years.

    Here are a few samples.

    Everything you see is being run at 1920 x 1080 with 8xAA and 16xAF.

    The new HD character models are ALL optional and must be selected prior to playing the mod.
    This SourceMod REQUIRES you OWN and have started Half Life 2, Episode 1, and 2.

    For a full set of instructions on how to download, and install this, please visit http://cinematicmod....atic_mod_11.php

    If you would like to view my entire library of screenshots they can be viewed in two different places.

    My public picture library - https://www.facebook...=3&l=0b20998f44

    My dropbox picture library - https://www.dropbox.... Life 2 CM11.35
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Sequels/prequels you want to see announced
    Beyond Good and Evil 2
    Psychonauts 2
    Half Life 3 ( in its new source engine )
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on What is your opinion of the new OUYA console?
    I'm pledging 99 bucks to the cause.

    I'm excited to see things like this being developed and not hindered.

    I may even order another controller.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on ATI 4770 RMA
    My waifu's video card, ATI 4770 started freaking out on me a while back so I sent it in for RMA to XFX.

    They determined it was a faulty card, and will be in contact with me shortly in regards to a replacement.

    This thread really serves no purpose other than asking opinions as to what they might replace it with.

    Any ideas?
    Posted in: Hardware & Software Support
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    posted a message on Independence Day - Minecraft Style
    Here is the fruit of my labor, 1600 TnT blown up in celebration of Independence Day.

    I wanted to use 6000+ TnT, however, due to time constraints, as well as things like getting married, life comes first.

    It wasn't much, but I hope you enjoyed it ^_^
    Posted in: Videos
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    posted a message on Tokyo In Tulsa

    Hello everyone, my name is Tyson Drumm.

    I am the Director of Event Quality Control for a local anime convention called "Tokyo In Tulsa".

    We started this convention back in 2005 as a local "Block Party" to test a few of our ideas.
    Needless to say we've grown quite a bit since then.

    My purpose today isn't to spam the forums, but rather to see if anyone lives in the Oklahoma region, that also might be interested in attending.

    We have many guests this year. Feel free to check them out -

    This will be our 5th year to attempt such a thing, and we are hoping to break 6000 people or more.

    Looking forward to seeing anyone show up ^_^


    Tyson Drumm
    Event Quality Control
    Posted in: Culture, Media & Arts
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    posted a message on My Best No-Scoping Match EVER - MW2
    It's pretty safe to say your COD videos won't go well here.

    Move along.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on I'm kinda addicted to TF2

    This is the total amount of hours that has been recorded AFTER they started keeping track of it.

    Can we end this thread now?
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Toonami Is Back~!
    Toonami is officially coming back as of May 26th.

    You bitches should be excited!

    Posted in: Culture, Media & Arts
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    posted a message on Portal 2 ( The Perpetual Testing Initiative )
    Link is very much alive, and has been since last night.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Portal 2 ( The Perpetual Testing Initiative )

    So, for a few days now, we have been able to create our own maps very easily in Portal 2.

    The update allows created test chambers to be shared among the community. It is very simple to use, and even easier to share to the community using the steam workshop.

    I'm no wiz with it, but I figured I'd share my map with the intentions of others doing the same.

    Posted in: General Gaming
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