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    posted a message on Mianite Realms Server
    I currently own a Minecraft Realms server and would like to use it as a sort of Mianite type server. I will be adding around 8 people max, so first come first served. I will post a comment when I have picked the 8 people. To be part of my server you must be older than 12, have a Skype, and be willing to talk to everyone playing on the server. I am 15, and would be playing as a player on the server, also supervising a slight bit. I have a youtube with around 350 subs and will be posting to it. I will also be streaming occasionally.

    To apply, add me on Skype (lucidfury1998) and fill out this form on this post:
    Minecraft Experience:
    Youtuber/Streamer - Yes/No:
    Posted in: Minecraft Realms
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