Looking for someone to play FTB Infinity Evolved with. Expert or normal mode. Must have mic and discord/teamspeak. Must be at least 16 years old. Respond to this thread for a message.
I am hosting a realm of mianite server if anybody would like to join. Add me on Skype: lucidfury1998, and I will tell you the IP and how to easily install the mods (technic launcher).
I currently own a Minecraft Realms server and would like to use it as a sort of Mianite type server. I will be adding around 8 people max, so first come first served. I will post a comment when I have picked the 8 people. To be part of my server you must be older than 12, have a Skype, and be willing to talk to everyone playing on the server. I am 15, and would be playing as a player on the server, also supervising a slight bit. I have a youtube with around 350 subs and will be posting to it. I will also be streaming occasionally.
To apply, add me on Skype (lucidfury1998) and fill out this form on this post:
Minecraft Experience:
Youtuber/Streamer - Yes/No:
It's shameful. A clock is beginner level, and nothig to brag about.
Now, lucidfury, why should I tell you that?
You haven't done a single thing to prove you have a server or that you're even looking for people to help ou with redstone on it. For all I know, you could be a scammer who is looking for useful info. No offense if you aren't, but this whole topic raises red flags and there's no way I'm telling you the first three. For that matter, why do you even care what my name is? Is Czar_Yoshi not a good enough handle for you?
What you really should do if you need pros for your server is hang around here for a while so people recognise you, and know what you've done. Then, if you see someone who you think would want to lend you a hand, PM them or something.
HAHA if you don't believe me hop on my server:
And sorry i have ben away, ben pretty busy. Join my server and send me a /mail and i will try to get on when you want me to.
I have a server where i can host a adventure map so if anyone would like to play one would like to play one with me reply to this topic saying your age minecraft username and skype username
Looking for someone to play FTB Infinity Evolved with. Expert or normal mode. Must have mic and discord/teamspeak. Must be at least 16 years old. Respond to this thread for a message.
I am thinking about starting a premium hosted server. I will need people to add me on Skype and work on the server with me.My info:
I am 16 years old
I have bought and ran multiple types of Minecraft servers
I have a Skype (I will not advertise it)
If you would like to help me out and earn a spot as staff on my server, all you need to do is meet the requirements and reply to this thread.
These are the requirements:
Know how to administrate a server
Be alright at building?
Please be slightly mature when it comes to running the server
Do not be a douche bag
The server I am thinking about creating will be 1.8, factions or towny, donations, multi-wprld, and anything else wanted (suggestions appreciated)
Thank you for taking you time to read this and I hope everything will work out.
My Skype: lucidfury1998
To apply, add me on Skype (lucidfury1998) and fill out this form on this post:
Minecraft Experience:
Youtuber/Streamer - Yes/No:
Ign: lucidfury33
Age: 14
Skype: lucidfury33
Reason to be accepted: I would like to be in a popular server and have fun, I might donate
Minecraft experience:
Whats your best redstone contraption:
Ps. You need to have Skype