No, I will not upload a save.
No, I will not use a texture pack
No, I will not cheat.
I started this save in June 2011
Anyways, this is a thread where I'll post progress on my SSP save. It originally started as a survival island save, but it got to the point that I beat all the goals and was set with every kind of farm, so I decided I'd play it like a normal SSP save, where I can go to land and stuff.
This save is 100% legit. The reason I have so much stuff is because this save is a few months old, and it's my only world. If you don't believe me, you can read the old thread to watch the progress starting on 17 Jun, 2011. This is when my first base was just finished, but I didn't have the volcano or any of the farms (Only had a mushroom farm and the mob systems.)
Old Thread
Video of base around that time
If you still don't believe me, I have people that have been following me for awhile who will vouch for me.
ALSO, I'm looking for a good free blogging sit, and mayby someone who can make me a custom template for free because they're awesome? =P Just a blogging site will do though. I don't know which ones best.
Anyways, here's the progress of my "Survival Island" world:
The island is no longer there. The ocean now contains two things, the Volcano, and the Cargo ship.
Hand built volcano. This volcano is the only way to access the underground area (There's an opening in the side.)

The cruise ship. This was my first ever boat build, and it turned out decent. It's filled with chests and it's where I store all my double chests of excess dirt and cobble for future megaprojects. This boat used A LOT of smoothstone (And coal to make the smoothstone.)

The cruise ship. This was my first ever boat build, and it turned out decent. It's filled with chests and it's where I store all my double chests of excess dirt and cobble for future megaprojects. This boat used A LOT of smoothstone (And coal to make the smoothstone.)

I'll show the original base first. This base is fairly good. It has every type of farm possible (Except a seed/flower farm,) and has a passive and aggressive mob system. It also had all my storage, so it was pretty set. I got tired of the lack of room though.

And now onto the current base-- The Great Hall.
This started as a house build, but I changed my mind numerous times and it turned into a new base =P It's lieterally connected to the old base with just a doorway, but this one is MUCH better. This base also has all the neccessities-- A mine, all the farms (including a flower/seed farm,) all my storage, mob systems, etc.
The view from the entrance:

This is the staircase you take to get down to the lower area:

But you can also go up and down with the elevator/waterdrop on the opposite side with all thee EMP units: (The awning thing is the waterdrop)

The upper level of the great hall is just storage
This is the staircase you take to get down to the lower area:

But you can also go up and down with the elevator/waterdrop on the opposite side with all thee EMP units: (The awning thing is the waterdrop)

One side:

The other:

The lower level is where all the action is. It's where access to all the different wings is (Elevator wing [done,] Farming wing [done,] House wing [not started,] Transportation wing [for minecart systems, boat roads, etc. This is my next project.])
I'll start with the lower level itself.
The different walkways all lead to different features.
Automatic Nether Portal (One button turns it off, another turns it on)

The Slime Fort (With custom slime containment unit. Supports pet slimes =))

And piston doors to the different wings and the Mob control units for all the mobs.
I have every type of mob system possible, all hooked up to to various containment units so I have tight control over them.
The EMP units hold every mob possible, and have many options customized for what I use them for. The only ones identical to Etho's are for the sheep/cows and skeletons/zombies/creepers.:

I have one for pigs that supports a cooker, a drop (to lava), or releasing them for tests (Or just keeping them alive.)
One for cows/sheep and another for skeletons/zombies/creepers that you can see the options for in the picture above.
One for chickens, that supports keeping them for eggs or dropping them into lava.
Having this tight of control over mobs really helps to keep my spawn rates up. On top of that I have On/off switches for my aggressive and slime farms, so I can greatly enhance the loot rate of one of them.
The farming wing has every type of farm possible, pistonized =)
This is the farming wing when you walk in. I decided a hallway is the best format.

My tree farm is actually hidden under the great hall. Just ouside the piston door into the farming wing, under a tree is a lever:

Which reveals this in the floor near it:

That goes down to a decent sized tree farm: (The tree farm has three rows. One of the rows pictured below, they're all the same.:

The next wing is the Elevator wing.
The elevator was a ***** to make. It took days, and I died constantly. It used around 88 pistons as well, but I spelunk for my resources so I generally have a lot of iron.
You walk in the door into this:

The elevator opens up when you step in front of it, and takes you up rapidly. There's three different floors-- The one in the picture, the one below it at layer 12 (Mining, slime farm access, etc,) and the one above it (At sealevel, has access to the passive and aggressive mob systems, and their light switch. [and eventually the surface access for this base])
The waterfalls on the side are hidden waterdrops. The one on the left has a block that retracts and makes it into a drop:

And you drop into the right one from the drop above.
The top floor is pretty basic for now: (Drop to the left, elevator behind you, and the room with the glowstone has a minecart to the mob systems viewing point.)

The mob systems took me forever, and are really show-offy =P I built them with glass roofs, and made them 100% aesthetic.

This is the viewing point: To the right is the hostile mob system, to the left is the passive.

In the center is the lightswitch for the hostile mob system.

These mob systems took A LONG time, and required a TON of tnt to get all the sand/sandstone.
The bottom floor has the mine, the slime system, and eventually will have a freight train system for getting mined goods to the surface on extended trips.

The slime system isn't as aesthetic as the other mob systems. This is it turned off:

I also have an army base/fort build:
The view from the docks...

Here's a nice view of the main entrance:

Just inside of the walls is barracks area:

If you go through the gate ahead you get to the fort...

And behind the fort is where the soldiers farm their food:
Also on the island is a mining outpost for the fort, so they can get weapons and stuff:
In this picture, you see the two storage sheds, the quarry, and the barracks.

In this one, you see the smithy and the dining hall:

Updates will keep coming constantly =) Suggestions are appreciated-- I can't get better without knowing what I'm doing wrong.
Alienware sucks. It's overpriced for it's specs and overrated.
This is a great thread. Anybody who would let it die is horrible. Go troll on a real n00b's post. (Your own)
Also, yay for 200th post :biggrin.gif:
That would be cheating. Cheating is for frigging noobs. *Hint*
@ OP, I've been through that. I lost my whole save, too. I was sad. :sad.gif: R.I.P Diamonds