Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:i am a farmer who loves to hide from people and make massive underground farms.i also love to have a team of people to play with.
Why you want to be accepted(A short answer, nothing big): my friend plays on this server and it sound interesting.
IGN: lordallkar
Age and Location: 15 boston
Why Do You Want To Join? (2 Sent. Min.):i would like to join because of the fun of having a team. i also want to mess with zombies and get owned by them.
Have you Ever Been Banned? (Be Honest, If We Find Out You Lied, You'll Be Banned Here Too.):i was kinda banned from one server because it went down but he banned everyone. viewtopic.php?f=1025&t=166354&p=2470279#p2470279 thats the link
Why Should We Accept You?:you should accept me because i love to play alot and am good at contributing to servers.
Do You Have a Referral? (Optional): No
Are You Going To Be Freelance or Join a Team?: i would love to be in a team i also have skype so if there is a team with all people with skype i would be very happy.
IGN :lordallkar
Age :15
Why do you want to join? :i love warsservers and the story sounds fun
How long have you played Minecraft? : 2 months
What are you looking forward to?the wars and building a hidden thingy some were
What is allowed in the Wilderness?traps and buildings
When lost, who would you ask for teleports?no one ur not a taxi
What do we use for currency?slim
IGN :lordallkar
Age :15
Why do you want to join? :i love warsservers and the story sounds fun
How long have you played Minecraft? : 2 months
What are you looking forward to?the wars and building a hidden thingy some were
What is allowed in the Wilderness?traps and buildings
When lost, who would you ask for teleports?no one ur not a taxi
What do we use for currency?slim
lordallkar Why do you want to join our server?i need a new one and have wanted to be one since it was first put one but i was denied for somme reason
What do you think is your best talent in Minecraft?wandering and wasting time
What is your favorite type of thing to build? giant reed farms
Include a picture or a video (links are fine) of, in your opinion, your best or favorite creation in Minecraft.
"I, lordallkar, verify that I have read this entire post about The Federation of Voxelia. I will be sociable, helpful to new players, and contribute to the server with my creation. I verify that I have read the rules and I will agree to abide by them in spirit and in letter. I also promise to never disclose the I.P. address of the server to ANYONE." []
In-game name:lordallkar
How long have you played minecraft:For 1 month but i dont suck
Experience( Anything from Admin to building ANYTHING be descriptive):
i was a mod for a while then heyo downed and i lost my position i was also an op in that worlds temporary server
What ideas do you have to help the server progress:well im genrally funny and i would go make a town and govern it ahahaha
Have you had RP experience if so what:not really an rp but im not sure what defines it
Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:i am a farmer who loves to hide from people and make massive underground farms.i also love to have a team of people to play with.
Why you want to be accepted(A short answer, nothing big): my friend plays on this server and it sound interesting.
Have you ever been banned from a server?:i have been banned from one server the admin went crazy and banned everyone
Age and Location: 15 boston
Why Do You Want To Join? (2 Sent. Min.):i would like to join because of the fun of having a team. i also want to mess with zombies and get owned by them.
Have you Ever Been Banned? (Be Honest, If We Find Out You Lied, You'll Be Banned Here Too.):i was kinda banned from one server because it went down but he banned everyone. viewtopic.php?f=1025&t=166354&p=2470279#p2470279 thats the link
Why Should We Accept You?:you should accept me because i love to play alot and am good at contributing to servers.
Do You Have a Referral? (Optional): No
Are You Going To Be Freelance or Join a Team?: i would love to be in a team i also have skype so if there is a team with all people with skype i would be very happy.
Age :15
Why do you want to join? :i love warsservers and the story sounds fun
How long have you played Minecraft? : 2 months
What are you looking forward to?the wars and building a hidden thingy some were
What is allowed in the Wilderness?traps and buildings
When lost, who would you ask for teleports?no one ur not a taxi
What do we use for currency?slim
Age :15
Why do you want to join? :i love warsservers and the story sounds fun
How long have you played Minecraft? : 2 months
What are you looking forward to?the wars and building a hidden thingy some were
What is allowed in the Wilderness?traps and buildings
When lost, who would you ask for teleports?no one ur not a taxi
What do we use for currency?slim
Why do you want to join our server?i need a new one and have wanted to be one since it was first put one but i was denied for somme reason
What do you think is your best talent in Minecraft?wandering and wasting time
What is your favorite type of thing to build? giant reed farms
Include a picture or a video (links are fine) of, in your opinion, your best or favorite creation in Minecraft.
"I, lordallkar, verify that I have read this entire post about The Federation of Voxelia. I will be sociable, helpful to new players, and contribute to the server with my creation. I verify that I have read the rules and I will agree to abide by them in spirit and in letter. I also promise to never disclose the I.P. address of the server to ANYONE." []
In-game name:lordallkar
How long have you played minecraft:For 1 month but i dont suck
Experience( Anything from Admin to building ANYTHING be descriptive):
i was a mod for a while then heyo downed and i lost my position i was also an op in that worlds temporary server
What ideas do you have to help the server progress:well im genrally funny and i would go make a town and govern it ahahaha
Have you had RP experience if so what:not really an rp but im not sure what defines it
Faction: brotherhood of the sky
How will you impact our server:work with my clan and kick but