The though of having a modding API is enough to convince me this change is a good one. Notch will always have a special place in my heart but for now, Jeb will my hero.
...and to any of those who say "Stop hating against Notch" or anything like that I have a little story for you:
About two and a half years ago, I started developing games in java... Little 8-bit games just like Notch. Then my friend told me about Notch and he sounded exactly like me. So I played a couple of his games and I found them to be quite entertaining. And from then, I started following Notch. Then, suddenly he came out with a pre-game called Cave Explorer: The quest of Minecraft. It sounded like an amazing game so I started it up and to my amazement it was 3D. I felt like my whole understanding of the world of java has been updated (after I started following Notch I stopped coding java, until I started making mods). Even though the only thing you could do was delete blocks I knew he was going to develop it further into a great game. Back then it was kind of like Minecraft4k only you couldnt add blocks, the graphics weren't as pixelated and there was only grass and cobble stone from one of his other games, which I cant remember. Then he went above and beyond and started adding new blocks... trees, water, stone, glass which looked really cool back then and others. Thats when exams hit me like a ton of bricks and I had to devote all of my attention to school. I stopped playing for a year and came back in late-alpha. I was shocked at all of the content. Thats when Notch became my hero and earned a special place in my heart.
So for those of you who think im a Notch hater or think that I just currently hate Notch, You're wrong.
So for those of you who think im a Notch hater or think that I just currently hate Notch, You're wrong.
Jesus Christ this is horrible to read. If there's a way to cheat online on any game EVER, then a lot of people are going to use them aren't they? And no amount of bitching will stop that.
[x] y
x = Map type
y = Map name
e.g. [Misc] Minecraft Testing Map or [Testing] Minecraft Testing Map
[x] [y] z
x = Version of Minecraft its compatible with
y = Size of the pack (x16 in this case)
z = Name of the pack
You were posting in more of a negative way than someone else would have handled it... if you were to come at this at a more positive way I would have accepted it. As for the skyblock comparison, have you noticed that every survival map is in some way a copy of skyblock? Skyblock may have even been copied off of another map. Its pretty hard to create original content.
Im currently clearing all of the posts in this thread that are either extremely negative or towards the fight
I know that, I mean scanning the zip/rar folder (if its in one) just to assure people that there arent any viruses in it... I know its stupid but it does help :smile.gif:
Yes, thanks for correcting me :happy.gif:
Pretty much... its in the rules you have to have some sort of media so probably the best thing right now is either make a video of you showing off the mod or get someone else to do a mod highlight on it. Maybe even test the mod at and put a link to it in the OP
Sorry but its a rule to have media when creating a thread on a mod or texturepack... Im not the one who makes the rules, I only enforce them.
Regardless of whether anyone thinks its a virus or not you need media to support your mod. So add some or face the closing of your thread
Sorry, gotta be hard sometimes
The though of having a modding API is enough to convince me this change is a good one. Notch will always have a special place in my heart but for now, Jeb will my hero.
...and to any of those who say "Stop hating against Notch" or anything like that I have a little story for you:
So for those of you who think im a Notch hater or think that I just currently hate Notch, You're wrong.