Over 5 Million Downloads!
Trailer made by Slamacow for Skyblock v2.1
Skyblock Server!
If you want to skip the download and
play Skyblock Multiplayer, feel free to check out the official Skyblock server!
Connect with the IP: skyblock.net
All original downloads hosted here if the below links are broken.
Skyblock 1.1
Download 1.1
Download 1.1 Hardcore
Play this map on our server! IP: skyblock.net
Challenges and Rules for 1.0/1.1
Do not purposely jump off the island to regenerate your health.
Do not make a bridge to the mainland.
Play on at least easy difficulty
Lava + Water = Cobblestone.
1) Build a Cobble Stone generator.
2) Build a house.
3) Expand the island.
4) Make a melon farm.
5) Make a pumpkin farm.
6) Make a reed farm.
7) Make a wheat farm.
8) Make a giant red mushroom.
9) Build a bed.
10) Make 40 stone brick's.
11) Make at least 20 torches.
12) Make an infinite water source.
13) Build a furnace.
14) Make a small lake.
15) Make a platform 24 blocks away from the island, for mobs to spawn.
16) Make 10 cactus green dye.
17) Make 10 mushroom stew.
18) Make 10 Jack 'o' lanterns.
20) Make 10 bread.
21) Collect 10 Ender-pearls.
22) Cook 10 fish.
23) Craft 10 Black Wool.
24) Craft 10 Gray Wool.
25) Craft 10 Light Gray Wool.
26) Craft 10 Lime Green Wool.
27) Craft 10 Red Wool.
28) Craft 10 Yellow Wool.
29) Craft 10 Pink Wool.
30) Craft 10 Green Wool.
31) Craft 10 Orange Wool.
32) Craft 10 Snow Golems.
33) Craft 20 Paintings.
Feel free to post pictures of your achievements and progress!
Version 1.1 has no neighboring islands with all resources located in the starter chest.
Version 2.1 has a sand and Nether island. With resources spread out.
Want more of a challenge? Play 1.0/2.0 for an island with 3x less dirt/sand blocks.
Video made by CaptainSparklez for Skyblock v1.1
Skyblock 2.1
Download Skyblock 2.1
Download Skyblock 2.1 Hardcore
V 2.0:
Challenges & Rules for 2.0/2.1:
Do not purposely jump off the island to regenerate your health.
Do not make a bridge to the mainland.
Play on at least easy difficulty.
1) Build a Cobble Stone generator.
2) Build a house.
3) Expand the island.
4) Make a melon farm.
5) Make a pumpkin farm.
6) Make a reed/sugarcane farm.
7) Make a wheat farm.
8) Make a giant red mushroom.
9) Craft a bed.
10) Make 64 stone brick's.
11) Make 20 torches.
12) Make an infinite water source.
13) Craft a furnace.
14) Make a small lake.
15) Build a platform 24 blocks away from the island, for mobs to spawn.
16) Make 10 cactus green dye.
17) Make 10 mushroom stew.
18) Craft 10 Jack 'o' lanterns.
20) Make 10 bread.
21) Collect 10 Ender-pearls.
22) Cook 10 fish.
23) Craft 10 Black Wool.
24) Craft 10 Gray Wool.
25) Craft 10 Light Gray Wool.
26) Craft 10 Lime Green Wool.
27) Craft 10 Red Wool.
28) Craft 10 Yellow Wool.
29) Craft 10 Pink Wool.
30) Craft 10 Green Wool.
31) Craft 10 Orange Wool.
32) Craft 10 Snow Golems.
33) Craft 20 Paintings.
34) Build and light a nether portal.
35) Craft 5 Gold Ingots.
36) Craft 16 Glass Panes.
37) Collect 50 birch logs.
38) Collect 64 arrows and craft a bow.
39) Craft 10 stone buttons.
40) Craft 30 stone slabs.
41) Craft 10 signs.
42) Craft 20 ladders.
43) Craft 20 fences.
44) Craft 20 fence gates.
45) Craft 10 levers.
46) Craft 10 trapdoors.
47) Craft 10 stone pressure plates.
48) Craft 10 wooden pressure plates.
49) Collect 64 bonemeal.
50) Craft 20 cobblestone stairs.
Feel free to post pictures of your achievements and progress!
Old downloads:
First version of SkyBlock 1.0

First version of SkyBlock 1.1

Do NOT leave the island.
NO Mods, Hacks, Flying, etc.
Post pictures of your achievements and progress!
Have FUN!
Lava + Water = Cobblestone
1.Build a Cobble stone generator.
2.Expand the island.
3.Make a mushroom farm.(1.0)
4.Make some glass.
5.Make a reed farm.
6.Make a cactus farm.
7.Make a wheat farm.
8.Make some bread.
9.Make a bed.
10.Build a forest.
11.Build a house.
12.Make a small waterfall and a lake.
13.Make at least 5 torches.
14.Make an infinite water source.
15.Make a furnace.
Optional Master Challenge:
Make an area for mobs to spawn at-least 24 blocks away from the island.
Thank you TheJupiterSailfish for the first series ever of SkyBlock!

Check out his channel for part 2,3, etc.
Note: Removing the block that you spawned on, and not placing a block back (So if there is no block on your spawn point) then dieing may spawn you elsewhere as it is too small to pick a spawn close by. So it will spawn you on the mainland, and it will be impossible to get back. Be careful! (This problem is fixed for the versions that are above this spoiler.)
Instructions on how to install the map and if you are having trouble downloading the map:
Windows XP/Vista:
Windows 7:
Open Finder
Click "Go" on your menu bar on the top left of your screen
Click "Go to Folder..."
Type in this: Users/*UserName*/Library/Application Support/Minecraft/Saves
(UserName needs to be replaced with your computer username)
Go to view options
Check the 'show hidden folders' box
Go to your home directory
Open '.minecraft'
Open 'Saves'
Are you having issue's downloading the map?
Try deleting your browser cookies.
Google Chrome Users: Click on the Customize button -> Option -> Under the hood -> Clear browsing history -> Make sure Delete Cookies and other site data is checked -> Click Clear browsing data
Internet Explorer Users: Go to Tools -> Internet Options -> Delete? -> select only Cookies -> Delete
Mozilla Firefox Users: Go to Tools -> Options -> Privacy tab -> Show cookies -> Scroll down and look for mediafire cookies folder and delete it
If you are using other browsers, just find a way to eat the cookies.
Change the biome for SkyBlock 2.0/2.1:
Download the level.dat that corresponds with the version of SkyBlock you are playing, and replace it.
2.0: http://mediafire.com...fono1f2g7mpbyxb
2.0 Hardcore: http://mediafire.com...6irv2leok9l9k4r
2.1: http://mediafire.com...2ydk4db417hou91
2.1 Hardcore: http://mediafire.com...e2cciicgw0863pb
Note: You will have to skip challenge #32.
Make sure you replace the level.dat before you start the map, or place everything that is in your inventory in a chest. If you do not do so, your items in your inventory will be gone.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Here is a video from KerflumexedPenguin about the basics of SkyBlock. Thanks

"How do I keep my water from re-freezing?"
Alternative level.dat downloads
Version 2.0 -> http://mediafire.com...fono1f2g7mpbyxb
Version 2.0 Hardcore -> http://mediafire.com...6irv2leok9l9k4r
Version 2.1 -> http://mediafire.com...2ydk4db417hou91
Version 2.1 Hardcore -> http://mediafire.com...e2cciicgw0863pb
Note: This will take out challenge #32, (32) Craft 10 Snow Golems.) If you have any problems, check in with Noobcrew.
"How do I light a Nether portal without Flint & Steel?"
Step-by-step guide by iiTzWho
How to light the portal without Flint & Steel
It is actually really easy, if the wood burns out before it lights, try again
The rest will be in spoilers, each step in a separate spoiler
First Step
First, set up the portal (I wasn't in SkyBlock for this, therefor had 14 obsidian not 10)
Set up the wood, and a little barrier so the lava doesn't go everywhere
Place the lava down, let it catch fire to one of the planks, then grab it back up
Both planks should be burning..
The portal should be lit, if not - try again
Hope this helped somehow, good-luck with SkyBlock
TL;DR - Set up portal, put wood at base and back of portal, light wood at base, let it spread to back, BAM portal lit.
"How do I get gold ingots?"
Check out Oasis Survival!
Like Skyblock on Facebook!
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<a href="http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/600254-surv-skyblock/"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/YGqCj.png"></a>
"Skyblock" is a registered trademark and intellectual property of Mineverse, LLC.
i just facedesk'd/ so hard.
anywa, people that think this way arent even worth my time.
And to that guy who said the analogy about mods, you'll have to excuse me but your post was plain idiotic.
Though its still ok with me, Im just gonna say that if I wanted to go kill dragons id go on my PS3/360 and play skyrim, or dragon age or whatever, NOT minecraft. If i wanted potion brewing, strongholds, and other crap id go play "insert whatever (MMO)RPG here" or whatever NOT minecraft. If i wanted an already extremely addicting "sandbox" game thats more about block moving and structure building where the possibilites are practically infinite then I would go play minecraft, which imo has never needed dragons or potions...
Go on, let the flame fall upon me, trolls, kiddies and whatnot.
Last night i was playing a test survival world on easy, made my totem pole, and yea, soon enough he began stalking me every few minutes. Sometimes he would simply scare the **** outta me in a way that a guy jumps in front of you from behind a wall scares you. It was good. Whenever i could catch him and swing a hit or two at him he would say things like "Im your friend" or "Find my grave" or the already popular "Where is notch!??" and disappear, sending all my stuff to the ground.
After i had almost crapped my pants a few times I decided id begin another world on hard, now intending to play a bit more seriously and hoping real nightmarish appearances... A few chuck norris appearances and his roundhouse kick (one which killed me) but beyond that nothing really scary. But then i decided to start a mine since i hadnt found any ravine, and also for the fear of the ******* pushing me off the edge. And there i go, he didint appear for around 2 days and nights straight, and suddenly one night im around level 15 in my mine when i hear a horrid scream, i turn around and hes not there, i back track a few meters and nothing I was like "oh well, false alarm"... i turn back and there he is, and lava pouring from almost everywhere. The ******* puts a couple tnts on aroud me, throws my stuff to the ground ( among the valuable stuff theres a hundred redstone, 5 diamonds, 8 gold, a brand new complete iron armor set and diamond pickaxes and shovels). Boom, i go off, half my stuff gets melted when it lands on the lava, i land in the same spot and there he is again, he just stays there and im too scared and focused on getting out before the lava pours in and kills me to give a ****. he makes a thunder strike and yea i die. at the same time lava pours in and he says something I had never seen him say: "Argh!! I shall return!!".
That was the most freaking scared ive been in my life. And now im too freaking scared to go mining now!!
in that announcement where notch said he was going to tweak endermen absolutely all posts were "notch, we nedz moar tough endurmengs plz kthxbye"...
And notch did it, and theyre quite tougher now, but theyre still not creepy enough imo...
and now people are actually complaining about endermen being too tough??!!
realy WTF.