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    posted a message on Not Playing Full Release Till...
    Quote from Wiggycat314

    Why do people play with mods? It takes away from the game.

    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Not Playing Full Release Till...

    If you only play a game for the mods of the community , then you just failed and derped at the same time.

    i just facedesk'd/ so hard.

    anywa, people that think this way arent even worth my time.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Not Playing Full Release Till...
    I'll wait until IndustrialCraft2, BuildCraft, Equivalent Exchange, TMI, Mo' creatures, minimap, nature overhaul, and optifine get updated. Till then I'll stick with 1.8.1 and I wont even touch the full release.

    And to that guy who said the analogy about mods, you'll have to excuse me but your post was plain idiotic.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on For all the Whiners and Complainers...
    such a stupid thread
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Am I the only one that doesn't want dragons in minecraft?
    No, you're not the only one that doesnt LIKE dragons in minecraft.

    Though its still ok with me, Im just gonna say that if I wanted to go kill dragons id go on my PS3/360 and play skyrim, or dragon age or whatever, NOT minecraft. If i wanted potion brewing, strongholds, and other crap id go play "insert whatever (MMO)RPG here" or whatever NOT minecraft. If i wanted an already extremely addicting "sandbox" game thats more about block moving and structure building where the possibilites are practically infinite then I would go play minecraft, which imo has never needed dragons or potions...

    Go on, let the flame fall upon me, trolls, kiddies and whatnot.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Suddenly someone in my SINGLE PLAYER world?
    I has one word for this thread

    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on The Herobrine Mod OFFICIAL 3.6
    Just installed the mod and omfg!!
    Last night i was playing a test survival world on easy, made my totem pole, and yea, soon enough he began stalking me every few minutes. Sometimes he would simply scare the **** outta me in a way that a guy jumps in front of you from behind a wall scares you. It was good. Whenever i could catch him and swing a hit or two at him he would say things like "Im your friend" or "Find my grave" or the already popular "Where is notch!??" and disappear, sending all my stuff to the ground.

    After i had almost crapped my pants a few times I decided id begin another world on hard, now intending to play a bit more seriously and hoping real nightmarish appearances... A few chuck norris appearances and his roundhouse kick (one which killed me) but beyond that nothing really scary. But then i decided to start a mine since i hadnt found any ravine, and also for the fear of the ******* pushing me off the edge. And there i go, he didint appear for around 2 days and nights straight, and suddenly one night im around level 15 in my mine when i hear a horrid scream, i turn around and hes not there, i back track a few meters and nothing I was like "oh well, false alarm"... i turn back and there he is, and lava pouring from almost everywhere. The ******* puts a couple tnts on aroud me, throws my stuff to the ground ( among the valuable stuff theres a hundred redstone, 5 diamonds, 8 gold, a brand new complete iron armor set and diamond pickaxes and shovels). Boom, i go off, half my stuff gets melted when it lands on the lava, i land in the same spot and there he is again, he just stays there and im too scared and focused on getting out before the lava pours in and kills me to give a ****. he makes a thunder strike and yea i die. at the same time lava pours in and he says something I had never seen him say: "Argh!! I shall return!!".

    That was the most freaking scared ive been in my life. And now im too freaking scared to go mining now!!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Please revert Enerman notch thanks

    in that announcement where notch said he was going to tweak endermen absolutely all posts were "notch, we nedz moar tough endurmengs plz kthxbye"...

    And notch did it, and theyre quite tougher now, but theyre still not creepy enough imo...

    and now people are actually complaining about endermen being too tough??!!

    realy WTF.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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