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Hey Mathioks,
For the next update will you add binds for the attacks? Since I am on a mac and I can't use any attack due to having no keypad.
Why is Madara so weak? Only 200 HP.
There should be a 1v1 Server about this mod.
Quote from PrinceDaniel» Guren the Crystal user is my favorite next to Anko and Tsunade.
Guren the Crystal user is my favorite next to Anko and Tsunade.
So you use Windows 8.. You used one mod right? IDK.
What have you done today, to make you feel proud?
Sounds fun. Too bad I am not in Canada to get a good connection. ):
Explain in detail.
I like to have pasta and then dip it in to bacon juice. Or rice and a sausage.
Oh, so that's why they don't want you to spam.
Quote from xAR3x» When will the new update come out ? I really want to be jinjuriky how ever u spell it
When will the new update come out ? I really want to be jinjuriky how ever u spell it
Already answered. Jinchuriki*
It says on the first page.
Kthx, sorry to ask but when is the new update going to be out?
There's a problem with Mac users. I can't use Jutsus from my elements due to my keyboard not having the number pad.
Hey Mathioks,
For the next update will you add binds for the attacks? Since I am on a mac and I can't use any attack due to having no keypad.
Why is Madara so weak? Only 200 HP.
There should be a 1v1 Server about this mod.
Sad that Guren was only apart of filler arc.
So you use Windows 8.. You used one mod right? IDK.
What have you done today, to make you feel proud?
Sounds fun. Too bad I am not in Canada to get a good connection. ):
Explain in detail.
I like to have pasta and then dip it in to bacon juice. Or rice and a sausage.
Oh, so that's why they don't want you to spam.
Already answered. Jinchuriki*
It says on the first page.
Kthx, sorry to ask but when is the new update going to be out?
There's a problem with Mac users. I can't use Jutsus from my elements due to my keyboard not having the number pad.