That is a lie. You have banned me for the most dumbest of reasons but I don't care.
Just warning everyone else
I see VoidPlayzz on this website all the time. I see no reason he would lie about this, he seems extremely trust worthy. Thanks for the heads up Void, I'll be sure to avoid this server.
i mean dont ask me its my server hosting site if no ones online the server will close and will be taking your PC/laptops RAM and if no ones online the server closes after 4 mins there is also a countdown not a straight shutdown so the server stays 4 mins more
and i dont close the server it auto shutdowns in 4 mins
That's not how that works. That's not how any of that works. A server being online has nothing to do with YOUR computers RAM, unless you're running it off said computer.
they are 24/7 but all 24/7 server close if no ones is online because they will be taking my laptops ram for no reason if no ones playing it duh?
Nope, that's not what "Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week." or "24/7" means. At all. Not even remotely close.
Additionally; and just to crush your concept here. If no one is online, and you turn off the server (thus making it not 24/7) - How do people get back onto the server once it's off? If they can't return to the server when it's offline, why would they play on your server?
tho im using pex which has a load o commands so please just stop making an argument here
Then you're not looking for a plugin developer. A plugin developer, develops plugins. You need a server manager to manage the plugins on your server. (That of whom still needs console access, or at minimum access to server logs.)
People are over-hyping this a little too much. It isn't some magic userlist grabber, honestly you can't get much if anything out of it. No need for a post like this.
I see VoidPlayzz on this website all the time. I see no reason he would lie about this, he seems extremely trust worthy. Thanks for the heads up Void, I'll be sure to avoid this server.
What is an "ADVANTIVERSE " ?
Any interest in someone with my experience? [Skype info at top and bottom]
What exactly will you provide that warrants 50% equity share without a financial investment?
1) Start with the pex commands.
2) Create your base structure for PermissionsEx including ranks.
3) Add permission nodes for all of your plugins to each rank, and utilize the concept of Permission Inheretences
4) Confirm your permissions.yml is formatted correctly with an online yaml parser.
Ta-da, you've learned pex.
Seems like a super legit server that will be very successful. Look out Hypixel and Mineplex.
That's not how that works. That's not how any of that works. A server being online has nothing to do with YOUR computers RAM, unless you're running it off said computer.
Nope, that's not what "Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week." or "24/7" means. At all. Not even remotely close.
Additionally; and just to crush your concept here. If no one is online, and you turn off the server (thus making it not 24/7) - How do people get back onto the server once it's off? If they can't return to the server when it's offline, why would they play on your server?
So then, they aren't 24/7.
Then you're not looking for a plugin developer. A plugin developer, develops plugins. You need a server manager to manage the plugins on your server. (That of whom still needs console access, or at minimum access to server logs.)
That's like saying "Looking for mechanic, no you don't get access to my car immediately."
That's pretty much the #1 required thing for being a server dev. The ability to monitor the server console for errors.
That's not what a plugin developer does.
Any interest in someone with my experience? [Skype at top and bottom]