Thread Latest Post Replies Views
Can't read private messages >>
by lnsane96
0 238
Insane's Mod Collection (IguanaTweaks, Natural Baby Animals, Ores, etc.) >>
by lnsane96
0 2,815
Overriding BlockAnvil opens GUI for a frame only >>
by lnsane96
5 375
EntityLivingBase.setFire() doesn't set the fire properly on animals. If the hit kills them they do not drop cooked food >>
by lnsane96
4 378
Problems with ItemStacks and getting player armor (1xitem.null@0) >>
by lnsane96
2 420
Override Dispenser dispense only for a certain damage item, and have multiple behaviors for one item. >>
by lnsane96
1 402
World.setBlockState() not working? >>
by lnsane96
2 1,045
Override Vanilla Items / Blocks Methods >>
by lnsane96
4 976
Problem with mob_spawner and SpawnPotentials >>
by lnsane96
2 525
There's a mod to disable vanilla items? >>
by lnsane96
0 404
Windows 10 update 1511 and Minecraft >>
by lnsane96
5 1,580
Remove Pls >>
by lnsane96
3 1,192
Help writing and reading a .txt file in ModPE with Android >>
by lnsane96
14 3,021
Help testing the winning team >>
by lnsane96
4 437
[Abandoned Project] InsaneMCPESurvival >>
by lnsane96
103 42,700
Anyone knows where are stored sounds for Level.playSound? >>
by lnsane96
7 4,595
Change already existing item's name with only with a fixed damage using ModPE? >>
by lnsane96
10 1,626
[0.10.3] [Android patch (.mod)] 255 Server Slot >>
by lnsane96
16 6,060
[POST THAT NEEDS TO BE REMOVED] is no longer useful >>
by lnsane96
0 377
The entity UUID provided is in an invalid format >>
by lnsane96
3 1,801