I'm not sure what you are looking for, Badprenup gave the formula (for time in seconds just use 1 / attackSpeed, which gives 0.625 seconds for swords) and the Wiki even has a table showing the exact damage dealt after a certain amount of time for each weapon:
Note that 100% damage is shown as 0.6 seconds for swords but if the game rounds the time up to the nearest tick interval (as it does for mining times) then it is actually 0.65 seconds (the game runs at 20 ticks per second or 0.05 seconds per tick, the smallest time interval that can be resolved; as I mentioned in your other thread about attack speed in 1.8 this means that you can't attack more than 20 times per second, assuming it can process one mouse press-release action per tick, otherwise it is half as much, in any case you are hard-pressed to attack that quickly and damage immunity makes it useless to attack a single opponent more than twice per second).
- lloydmay
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Last active Thu, Feb, 16 2023 23:49:40
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Aug 15, 2017TheMasterCaver posted a message on Attack SpeedPosted in: Discussion
GalacticLion7 posted a message on Attack SpeedPosted in: DiscussionHey,
How many seconds is 1 attack speed? Can you give me the formula for it?
Badprenup posted a message on Attack SpeedPosted in: DiscussionAs per the MC Wiki:
The attackSpeed attribute controls the length of the cooldown time, with the time taken being T = 1 / attackSpeed * 20ticks. The damage multiplier is then 0.2 + ((t + 0.5) / T) ^ 2 * 0.8, restricted to the range 0.2 – 1, where t is the number of ticks since the last attack or item switch.
ThreeEightius posted a message on Can't RespawnPosted in: Server Support and AdministrationI'm not too good at reading Java error logs, but it looks like maybe your Z coordinate is somehow screwed up. Since your friend can respawn normally, it seems that the problem comes from something specifically related to your player's saved data.
If that's the case, you can try resetting your spawn point coords from console with the command:
/spawnpoint <player> <x> <y> <z>.
You can also try deleting your player data file, it's in your server folder /world/playerdata/ and is named with your UUID. You can also try going through any plugin data that stores player information (such as your Essentials player data file in /plugins/Essentials/userdata/ ) and reset them too by simply deleting them. Before deleting player files though, be sure to make copies as backup so that you can retrieve your items, xp, sethomes, permissions, etc. later on.
ineedbettername posted a message on Unbind keys?How do I unbind a key in the controls menu? I've googled and searched this forum, but no one seems to have asked yet.Posted in: Discussion -
JonSM posted a message on [BUILD] MosqueOk, so I was going to post this in the screenshots thread, but I realized I had too many pics and I wanted some comments anyway...so here goes:Posted in: Screenshots
I wanted to build a Turkish-style mosque, similar to the Hagia Sophia or the Blue Mosque, I tried to keep all the details, though in some ways I was restricted (for example, the height limit). I also didn't want to use any commands to create the shapes; in that manner at least I succeeded :tongue.gif:.
I started this on a SSP server but moved once my friend got up a creative server. One interesting challenge was that the server had mobs turned on, which turned out to be quite annoying.
PICS: I would appreciate if a mod could turn these into image tags before the thread dies. Thanks.
During the daytime
Night View
Interior: It's actually well-lit enough for mobs not to spawn; the butchering was just to kill the endermen that spawned on the roof during the night.
And a secret shrine to the admins in the basement: I know that real mosques probably wouldn't have statues, sorry if this offends anyone
Ok, so that's it. While the image tags are not there, please click; I'd like your feedback! - To post a comment, please login.