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    posted a message on 1.3.1 Vanilla BuildcraftSMP White-list
    Welcome to buildcraftSMP, a temporary vanilla smp server. Were only vanilla until a recommended 1.3 bukkit is out, even then we will keep plugins to a minimum, we DO have a white-list for obvious security reasons. If someone is white-listed and if I even suspect/think they're griefing they will be banned and removed from the white-list. if you are griefed we will do our best to help fix the grief we will not replace the lost contents of broken chests. but theyre are more rules than just "don't grief" but have no fear they are simple here they are:

    -no griefing of any kind
    -pvp is allowed just don't constantly kill people
    -No hacking same as the above mentioned griefing, if I suspect it I will ban.
    -no raiding(since theres no real way to prevent this just hide ya chests but when we do get plugins the rule will go into effect)

    White-list app:

    why do you want to join?:

    hope to see ya there i will pm you the IP if your accepted.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Minecraft 1.3.1 Servers?
    my server is 1.3.1 vanilla untill bukkit comes out and even then there wont be many plugins

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Which button would you press?
    press the blue button and go play minecraft 360 edition since its not "minecraft" its "minecraft Xbox edition"
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Does anyone else find this amusing to do?
    Quote from Dmanory

    creeper + pit full of tnt = REVENGE AND FUN : D

    and its horrifying for creepers because TNT is made from GP which comes from dead creepers.
    Posted in: Creative Mode
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    posted a message on Diamond ore and block retexture
    you could post a link to this on jebs twitter...... that might get his attention.

    i like the textures btw. :D
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on minecraft challenges

    Kill yourself

    done that too but found it didn't work out so well for me.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Orange?
    the american government wants to pass a bill(sopa stop online piracy act) which will allow the U.S. government to shutdown/block any website that allows piracy.

    which is stupid because the american government thinks that only america uses the internet and that they can do whatever they want..... dumb asses.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on PLZ!!! No More Bosses
    if you dislike the enderdragon then dont go fight it no one is forcing you to hunt it down and kill it just dont go to the end realm

    as for a special mob for each realm? hell no.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Are These Sweets Good?

    My American Sweet List For Christmas

    Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
    M&M Pretzel
    Lucky Charms
    Butterfinger Bar
    Oh Henry
    Welch's Grape Soda

    CANNOT beat Reese's Peanut Butter Cups :smile.gif: definitely get it

    M&M pretzels tbh i never really liked pretzels but i do like M&Ms

    lucky charms theres not a better ceral than luckey charms

    butter fingers are like gold ore its good to have but not very useful(meaning that they're good just not the best)

    WTF is a Oh Henry?

    Welch's grape soda isnt as good as it looks but its pretty good.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Is my idea good enough? :P
    well its a nice idea but it says when someone kills someone else so everyone would know who the killer is which wouldn't make this as good not to mention the name tags make for easy prey.

    but that aside its a GREAT idea and i would love to participate in it.

    also for the issues i listed above theres probably a plugin that gets rid of that :tongue.gif:

    EDIT: also my server has a 24/7 server that NO ONE uses ill have to convince the person who won it to loan me it but otherwise it works(sadly it runs out around Christmas so the owner can devote more ram to the modded server he runs)
    Posted in: Starting Up / Looking For Server
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