- lithriandel
- Registered Member
Member for 13 years, 6 months, and 16 days
Last active Mon, Oct, 29 2018 13:33:13
- 146 Total Posts
- 7 Thanks
OMFG_Ninjas posted a message on Colored Glass and Colored Light! (originally Just the 'Colored Glass!' topic but Mojang added our idea! :D Congrats everyone!)If they added this, I could make a proper nexus for my Summoners Rift replica.Posted in: Suggestions - To post a comment, please login.
Read back one or two pages.
From where? You want to change the login data for skin upload? If so Shift+Click on the upload button.
Yes. If the skin is pre-1.8 than you need to enable the 1.8 support int the view menu.
Read back one or two pages.
I'm afraid, that I cant help you on that. I never saw an error about that part...
More info?
I can't understand why people cant read at last the last two pages.... I know 140+ pages are too much to read, but really. Not even the last page? Thanks for the answer. I really wish there were an answer bot. If a post has MAC or MLP in it just paste the standard answer automatically and report the user for lazyness.
You can only import models from Techne, but it isn't a simple task. It will be easier in the future.
On the error window click the more info link at the bottom, and paste the contents here, preferabbly in a spoiler tag:
I'm not that great of a help. Just try to answer questions, that are repeated. Like the mac question... And translate to Hungarian.
The mirroring is a MC limitation. Only one arm/leg is present in the texture and is mirrored by the rendering engine.
I honestly don't get people. Paril ansvered this question million times. The last ansver is 3 posts before the last question. At last read the last page. AND the first post...
Hold Shift while clicking on he upload button. (If I remember correctly.)
I think you would need to compile it for mac. :biggrin.gif: And then everyone would have a mac version. :wink.gif: