Yay for me to reply so late ((lost password to email and this account >u but i am here now))
I got to the path and such and my result:
Nope, they're locked folders and don't allow me to do any thing. So I guess what my actual question/problem is:
How do I unlock folders and how to I keep the program from creating locked folders?
The program shouldn't create anything "locked", so I can't say anything about how to stop it. Sorry. For the locked folders try this: or google.
Oh My God, This program is impossible, first of all it has stopped uploading any skins at all, when i try it will first give me the "timed Out" error, then it will say it uploads successfully, but when i check, my skin has not changed.
secondly, it is physically IMPOSSIBLE to get my skins not of there once they are made. my thinking on this was "oh Well it won't upload, ill just do it the old fashioned way but there is No way, NO WAY. I have seen to get any of the skins outside of the program. this has infuriated me to no end.
third, updates for me, do not work. period, It Will merely give me an error and on the same note reporting bugs do not work either it will give an error saying it was not sent (Irony?) This program has been the Bane of my minecraft experience, And I am Asking, No I Am Begging, Tell me what to Do! Until Then I Will Neither Recommend this, nor will i endorse it to any friends of mine as it has made me very frustrated
Oh my god! Before ranting all over the place learn to read. Most of your statements have been answered already too many times for my liking.That includes upload, update, "skin loss", error reporting and several other. Also this program is developed by a few guy hwo are spending their FREE TIME to get you a good program. It takes time. So If you can't contribute to the developement than at last make some constructive critism.
Just so u know i downloaded this and scanned my computer and within 2 minutes i got 11+ viruses...I am not happy....you'd better fix this or i will report it...I don't want to be a bad guy here...just fix it...
Hello, Sparrowhwk here. I've come to ask for help with an issue. When I select a skin the first few layers (front of the helmet and front of the face) are see through and there is some red pixles glitching around on the back of the helmet even though there is no red on the skin. I have the Origanial Samples update and 1.4. I actually don't have minecraft installed so maybe that is the problem? Anyway thanks in advance. Great program by the way.
Your VGA card is old/integrated and thus not supported yet.
Hey everyone, I'm having trouble saving my skin. When I go to the folder where I save it, it never shows up. Also when I upload it to my minecraft account, it never works. Any help would be appreciated!
My best tip is that you have used the installer version. Then the skins are probably redirected to the virtual store (Win Vista and above). Try looking here:
I have spent alot of time making my new rp skin for a char matching colors and over all making an outfit, Today I went to save and upload after making a specific file for all of the skins for that server the folder and my skin did not save even though I clicked Save and Save all for the skin and the folder. I tried closing the program and opening it and it reverted back to 2 days ago before I started this at all
Hey I've been having a problem, i have the upload skin page on my minecraft name and password to where it wont have to ask me for my account... my password had to be changed and now skinedit3d is using the wrong password! How do i fix this?
System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
at OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GL.Core.BindTexture(TextureTarget target, UInt32 texture)
at OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget target, Int32 texture)
at Paril.OpenGL.TextureGL.BindTextureInternal(Int32 texID) in C:\MCSkinner spaces now\Paril\OpenGL\TextureGL.cs:line 168
at MCSkin3D.Editor.DrawGLToolbar() in C:\MCSkinner spaces now\Forms\Editor.cs:line 879
at MCSkin3D.Editor.rendererControl_Paint(Object sender, PaintEventArgs e) in C:\MCSkinner spaces now\Forms\Editor.cs:line 1008
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
at OpenTK.GLControl.OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.PaintWithErrorHandling(PaintEventArgs e, Int16 layer)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmPaint(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.UserControl.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
the program opens just fine but gives this error and on the display window there is a big red x
If you have problems with other graphically intensive programs, than this may apply to you: "System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt." - from the error report.
If you don't have any problems than I can't help. Sorry.
It's been a long time since I was here, and I was wondering if Paril was still developing this?
I get the feeling that the correct answer is no. I will try to pick up the developement, but than I wont be here in the forums too much. We'll see what will happen.
Hey, I'm havin' a problem to where mah skin won't upload. It says that it does it sucessfuly but when I go to play MC, the skin never changed. Also looked at the image file. No changes were ever made, though they show in the editor. Can anyone halp?
Try uploading it on the MC site. If that is succesful, than check the login data, that you have in the program (shift+clink on the upload button)
Dear Mr Paril,
It will not let me send an error report but I would like to inform you that when I tried to update my MCSkin3D to have the Mine Little Pony support pack, it encountered an error. The error report will not send so I cannot make a formal complaint. I hope that you can fix this today as I have a Mine Little Pony skin request shop and to do clothes, I will need to use this update.
Thankyou very much for hearing me out, Parchment_Pen
Try the zip version and aextract it outside the program files. Than it should work.
when i try to update the program for the MLP thing it says it will restart but it just closes and does nothing. so when i open up the application again nothing has been updated. you know what is going on?
Extremely happy with this program. I do have one issue though.
I wanted to use this with Mine Little Pony, but whenever I try to update the program to get the support for MLP, the program tells me it has encountered an error and asks me to send an error report.
I'm using Vista right now, if that helps.
For everyone who is having similar problems:
Try using the zip version and put it outside of Program files
Launch the program with admin rights
Error report servers are down for the time being (don't really know the reason)
It should. There isn't anything abut it that should prevent it. On the other hand, if you have Win8 I really feel sorry for you. It is a handful of crap imo.
how do i change the password for my mc account on the editor because i recently just changed my password for minecraft for security reasons and now i can't upload my skins to my account please help.
hey i made a new file to but my mid evil related skin in but when i got back on all my skin in the file were gone especially the one i was not done with is there a way i can get them back
Check the folders (pontentially the MCSkin3D folder) under C:\Users\"Name"\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\
Status: OK
SystemCreationClassName: Win32_ComputerSystem
VideoArchitecture: 5
VideoMemoryType: 2
VideoModeDescription: 1280 x 768 x 4294967296
VideoProcessor: ATI Radeon Graphics Processor
System.Exception: InvalidEnum
ved Paril.OpenGL.TextureGL.Upload[T](T[] array,
Int32 width, Int32 height) i C:\MCSkinner spaces
now\Paril\OpenGL\TextureGL.cs:linje 103
ved Paril.OpenGL.ColorGrabber.Save() i
C:\MCSkinner spaces
now\Paril\OpenGL\ColorGrabber.cs:linje 148
ved MCSkin3D.Editor.SetPreview() i C:\MCSkinner
spaces now\Forms\Editor.cs:linje 757
ved MCSkin3D.Editor.rendererControl_Paint(Object
sender, PaintEventArgs e) i C:\MCSkinner spaces
now\Forms\Editor.cs:linje 940
ved System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnPaint
(PaintEventArgs e)
ved OpenTK.GLControl.OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
ng(PaintEventArgs e, Int16 layer, Boolean
ved System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmPaint
(Message& m)
ved System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc
(Message& m)
(Message& m)
(Message& m)
ved System.Windows.Forms.UserControl.WndProc
(Message& m)
w.OnMessage(Message& m)
w.WndProc(Message& m)
hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
You have an integrated VGA card. Currently it is causing many-many errors. I think the next update will contain a fix for that.
And please ANY error logs should be posted in a
Whenever I open the application I get an "Application Error" message. I am running it on a Windows 7 Laptop which is fairly powerful but I don't know why it is happening. Sorry. Forgot to extract the files (ie. not just the exe.). although.... I don't have the templates??? don't know what is happening there
The templates aren't included in the program by default. You can download it, via the uptade system (Help -> Check for Updates).
when i try to download the updates i get a "send error report" and then nothing happens what can i do?
My best tip is that you have installed the program in the Program Files folder. Try the zip version, and extract it outside the program files. For example: C:\MCSkin3D
fyi: blog is broken and Op was "Last Active Aug 05 2012 04:34 AM"
Blog is taken down intetntioanlly. Until Eloraam finishes the 1.3/1.4/1.5 port. It has a pretty stable alpha version tested by some people on the ForgeCraft server. (It is a private server.) If you want to know more, you should watch Direwolf20's Season 3 SMP series.
Hello there!
I have the latest version of this wonderful program...and I can't upload skins now. It has worked before although I was going to change my skin but no matter how many times I hit upload, my skin stays the old one.
If anyone has an answer to this, it would be gladly appreciated! (Or if it's a Minecraft problem or something other that this. )
~NinjaStriker / anakinkyle
EDIT: I have got it to work! You can ignore this post.
Please post the solution. A few others are having the same issue and I don't know the solution.
The default skins folder is under the program directory. Like: C:\Program Files\MCSkin3D\Skins. You can change or add more folders in the Options menu, Skins.
~1st post
Hello I love mcskin3d <3 but now it just says loading and I can't do nothing D: If I try to send an error report, it won't let me.
Iv'e tried uninstalling it, but nothing works... If you know how to get rid of it and make it work a gain, i'd love you forever XD
Thanks <3
On the error report window there is a Copy (or something button). Please paste the error log in a SPOILER tag.
Uhh... I don't really understand you. You have located the fuile, but you can't locate it?
The program shouldn't create anything "locked", so I can't say anything about how to stop it. Sorry. For the locked folders try this: or google.
Oh my god! Before ranting all over the place learn to read. Most of your statements have been answered already too many times for my liking.That includes upload, update, "skin loss", error reporting and several other. Also this program is developed by a few guy hwo are spending their FREE TIME to get you a good program. It takes time. So If you can't contribute to the developement than at last make some constructive critism.
It does, but vanilla Minecraft doesn't. Also, hi-res player skins can't be uploaded.
It is, but it is pretty hard and only Paril knows how to do it.
The program is clean. So your infection comes from another source.
Installer: https://www.virustotal.com/file/4e56ba98184bdff83e3b9b4a0a8a46fa80cf3165af652e33730bbf2b5441df4c/analysis/1358497880/
ZIP: https://www.virustotal.com/file/82f71112cc0cd0a12f5b7bfb812b6fa74912fffd04375ea556f77e12f29cbd04/analysis/1358498036/
Your VGA card is old/integrated and thus not supported yet.
More info ploease. What isn't working, what is the error, etc.
My best tip is that you have used the installer version. Then the skins are probably redirected to the virtual store (Win Vista and above). Try looking here:
I highly recommend to use the zip version.
Try the above mentioned solution.
Shift+Click on the upload button.
Can you read the op?
Well said. It is too rare...
moar info plz
Several people have the same problem and I get the feeling that Mojang have modified something and the upload doesn't work.
If you have problems with other graphically intensive programs, than this may apply to you: "System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt." - from the error report.
If you don't have any problems than I can't help. Sorry.
I get the feeling that the correct answer is no. I will try to pick up the developement, but than I wont be here in the forums too much. We'll see what will happen.
Try uploading it on the MC site. If that is succesful, than check the login data, that you have in the program (shift+clink on the upload button)
Try the zip version and aextract it outside the program files. Than it should work.
For everyone who is having similar problems:
No, maybe with wine or mono.
It should. There isn't anything abut it that should prevent it. On the other hand, if you have Win8 I really feel sorry for you. It is a handful of crap imo.
Maybe you have an older Radeon. Some older cards have the same problem.
Sorry, I'm too lazy to answer.
Shift + Click on the upload button.
It is basically a Copy/Paste tool. For the usage read the text in the statusbar.
Well... Try again.
Use the updater in the Help menu.
Potentially. But isn't oficially supported yet.
Yes. But only Paril knows how.
Check the folders (pontentially the MCSkin3D folder) under C:\Users\"Name"\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\
Use google. Not to create skins.
No. (You coul'd at least read the Opening Post!!!)
Umm... Whatever.
Please next time with a smaller image.
The next update will it contain. Don't know when it will be ready.
You have an integrated VGA card. Currently it is causing many-many errors. I think the next update will contain a fix for that.
And please ANY error logs should be posted in a tag.
Do you get an error? Could you post a screenshot?
The templates aren't included in the program by default. You can download it, via the uptade system (Help -> Check for Updates).
My best tip is that you have installed the program in the Program Files folder. Try the zip version, and extract it outside the program files. For example: C:\MCSkin3D
The iron golem skin is corrupted somehow, as far as I know. Try deleting it.
1. The Iron golem skin is included with the sample skins. Just download it trough the updater.
2. Only player skins can be uploaded to Minecraft.
Blog is taken down intetntioanlly. Until Eloraam finishes the 1.3/1.4/1.5 port. It has a pretty stable alpha version tested by some people on the ForgeCraft server. (It is a private server.) If you want to know more, you should watch Direwolf20's Season 3 SMP series.
Is there a copy error (or something like that) button on the error message? If so, could you post it here in a SPOILER tag?
Could you post a screenshot? I can't imagine your problem.
The animation will be back. It had some issues in the previous version, so it had been temporarily removed.
Please post the solution. A few others are having the same issue and I don't know the solution.
Use the zip version and exctract it outside of program files. For example:
The default skins folder is under the program directory. Like: C:\Program Files\MCSkin3D\Skins. You can change or add more folders in the Options menu, Skins.
Use the zip version and exctract it outside of program files. For example:
Do that because Win Vista and later have a security feature, that prevents writing files to Program files. Your skins may be found here:
As long as you dont extract the program into Program Files.
Eventually. As Paril is really busy, the features and bugfixes of the program take priority.
Same as so many others. Windows and it's security.
On the error report window there is a Copy (or something button). Please paste the error log in a SPOILER tag.
Why wouldn't be it ok? It was made for making skins.