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    posted a message on [Multi-Version] ServerSense - Server Scripting!
    ServerSense - Multi-Version Minecraft Server Scripting

    ServerSense is a thin wrapper over the Minecraft server, it allows scripting Minecraft commands in Python. Even with little to no Python knowledge, you can take advantage of plugins written by the community and make use of the default API. Imagine WorldEdit that uses vanilla commands under the hood. Built to be version independent, ServerSense will work with any version of the Minecraft server; however, many of the built-in API features won't be available in earlier versions of Minecraft.

    Take a look at the extensive feature list:

    - API with pre-loaded commands gives you power on par with WorldEdit
    - NBT file parser for accessing the content of player.dat files
    - Multithreaded script files allow you to create and run bukkit-like plugins
    - Incredibly lightweight, uses almost no CPU and less than 10 MB of RAM
    - Packaged with a permissions system, you have complete control over who can use ServerSense commands
    - Works with any version of the Minecraft server and doesn't require updates. Play the newest snapshot as soon as it comes out
    - Records server events, allowing your plugins to monitor player actions and respond accordingly
    - Packaged into an executable file for easy setup
    - Much more to come!


    ServerSense has been packaged into an executable file for easy setup

    1. Download the latest build of ServerSense, it should be at the bottom of this topic.
    2. Extract the zip to wherever you keep your minecraft server. You should notice a folder named 'ss' appear, open it.
    3. Open and configure the path variables in ss_config.txt, the 1st path should be the location of your java.exe (often found in C:\Program Files\Java\jre6-7\bin), the 2nd path is where you keep your server, and the 3rd should be the file name of your Minecraft server jar file.
    4. Run ServerSense.exe!


    First, add yourself to the list of players who are allowed to use ServerSense, you can manually edit ss_ops.txt, or use the \ss op player_name command. Commands won't do anything if you aren't a ServerSense OP.

    Try some of the following commands:
    #makes a cube of stone
    \ss api.makeCube('your_user_name', [5, 5, 5], 'stone')
    #runs the wool_tower script, which creates a wool tower at 0, 0
    \sss wool_tower


    Check out the github repository for up to date documentation.

    So, what are you waiting for? Download the latest version here:

    Don't forget to post comments and suggestions! :)

    All Rights Reserved
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on (Now in Vanilla)[1.6.4~1.4.7] [SSP/SMP] Cartographer 1.6 [Place big maps on walls using Item Frames!] [Forge/ModLoader compatibl
    Seems really cool! I'll be interested to try it out.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on LOOKING FOR SOMEONE WHO CAN HOST
    This topic contains a beautiful double fail.
    Posted in: Hosting Requests
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    posted a message on [1.4.7] Wicked´s Mods (Sponges + , Floating Items!)
    Why Do You Use A Capitol Letter At The Beginning Of Every Word?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on we have light mod by dexmark5
    This is exactly the same as a redstone lamp, but with a worse texture...
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on What Do You Think is Beyond the Void?
    Quote from Dmanory

    Guys the void is the KILLING space in-between the 3 worlds.
    it goes like this

    O V E R W O R L D


    N E T H E R

    I've fallen though the void (with hacks so I wouldn't die) hit the end, then jumped off and kept going then I hit the nether

    No you haven't. The dimensions are kept completely separate for resource use reasons.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Why are they releasing the game now?
    Quote from TototheCat

    because if they tried to make the release stay up to date with the PC version, it would never be released. Not only that, but theidiocy of infinite worlds on an XBOX is starting to not suprise. The XBOX would crash. anyways, patience is a virtue that you are sorely in need of. you say you'd be happy to wait several months, but you can't even wait for custom skins and stuff shortly after release??

    uh huh. dude, reality check time.

    Shortly after release is probably a major overstatement.
    Posted in: MCX360: Discussion
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    posted a message on [1.2.5] SandStone Plus
    It doesn't really make any sense. Sand armor?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Quicksand! - With Pictures
    I wrote up a nice page for a little idea of mine :)
    Comments and ideas are appreciated.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Minecraft XBLA will NOT have infinite terrain!
    Quote from daylight95

    It's not as easy as that. They don't just say to the SDK "sup, make it infinite now" there are a lot of things they have to do, first of all they have to make the engine able to generate on the fly. If they just told it "generate infinitely" it would just load stick you to an loading screen that never ends. There is a lot of work that goes into making it generate whilst you are in the game. Don't believe me? Go to the XDK or community game forums, ask them. (if you are reading this, LostDose; I am again talking in context here when I say and)

    Actually, I'm a programmer and you're wrong. It would fairly easy just to cap the world generation when it the world reached certain dimensions. If I was working on the Xbox version I would do it, it would make the world generation much faster and still give you a general idea of how the worlds will look/what needs to be fixed.
    Posted in: MCX360: Discussion
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