nohero's Mods
~~~More Health Enchanted~~~
(MC V1.7.10)
What is this mod?
More Health is a complete overhaul of the health system. You can gain more health (hearts) with heart containers crafted from 4 heart pieces (found in most chests and dropped by bosses!!) and/or gain health through levels (exp). You can completely customize your starting hearts (set it at 3 for Zelda nostalgia!) and max hearts (caps at 30 hearts!). In addition, you can customize the level ramp, which included the levels you earn hearts at. Finally, you can choose to turn the heart items mode and RPG mode on or off.
+HARDCORE MODE! On death, lose all your heart progress and reset to starting health!
+some mods may have heart container patches (i remember tales of kingdom)
+Blacksmith chest, mineshaft shaft chest, and Stronghold chests have Heart items!
+Jungle/Desert Temple Chests have Heart Item loot! Picture:

More Health Enchanted V6.3 1.7.10
Download for BOTH client and server!
Required: Forge API
Made for Forge 1.7.10- versions may work.
Installer is the best way to use Forge on MC 1.6+
Link Removed
Github Repository:
SSP Installation:
- Install Forge API Installer
- Right click on the installer.jar, and go to open with-> java. Click on Install Client and choose where to download it to. This creates a .jar to use with the new minecraft launcher.
- Open the Minecraft launcher and either edit a profile or make a new one. The important part is to change the "Use version:" option to the forge .jar. This is named something like release version-Forge version
- Example: release 1.6.2- Forge
- On to my mod specific installation
- Drop the zipped file into the mods folder. (%appdata%\.minecraft\mods)
- Run Minecraft, enjoy!
- Any questions/suggestions, post in the thread!
SMP Installation:
Be sure to install forge!
1. Get the minecraft_server jar from Create a new folder and put this jar into it. This will be your server folder.
2. Drag the zipped file into the "mods" folder found where you set up your server.
3. (optional step) Config folder (in server only folder): you can open this folder to find the config file, which you can change as you wish. It will determine all the settings for the entire server. Everyone will be playing on the same rules (aka no cheating) enforced by the server config. The individual player's config gets overridden when on the server.
4. (optional step) Drag the config folder into your newly created folder (the server folder). Thus, when the server starts, it right away has the changed options (most importantly the multiplier config - it only affects newly generated areas, so if you start the server without dragging the config file, the starting generated area will probably have limited heart containers/items which is not good for server!)
5. Start the server, enjoy
6. And questions/suggestions/feedback, please post on the forum, search for nohero more health!
1. Get the minecraft_server jar from Create a new folder and put this jar into it. This will be your server folder.
2. Drag the zipped file into the "mods" folder found where you set up your server.
3. (optional step) Config folder (in server only folder): you can open this folder to find the config file, which you can change as you wish. It will determine all the settings for the entire server. Everyone will be playing on the same rules (aka no cheating) enforced by the server config. The individual player's config gets overridden when on the server.
4. (optional step) Drag the config folder into your newly created folder (the server folder). Thus, when the server starts, it right away has the changed options (most importantly the multiplier config - it only affects newly generated areas, so if you start the server without dragging the config file, the starting generated area will probably have limited heart containers/items which is not good for server!)
5. Start the server, enjoy

6. And questions/suggestions/feedback, please post on the forum, search for nohero more health!
Config File:
How to:
1. Start up minecraft with this mod.
2.Shut down Minecraft.
3.Open %appdata%/.minecraft/config/nohero_moreHealth.cfg with a program like notepad. (Note you have to run minecraft once after installing mod for this file to pop up).
3 (server) if on server, the config (if you didn't drag it) will auto generate in the server jar's folder.
4.Do not edit the lines starting with #! they are just comments!
You have two things you can configure yourself, anyway you want!
LevelRamp=1,3,5,6,7,8... (Set the levels you want to gain hearts on! below)
StartingHearts=20 (change the starting hearts, from 1 to 20), default 10.
5. Start Minecraft, enjoy! These config settings will affect ALL your worlds.
1. Start up minecraft with this mod.
2.Shut down Minecraft.
3.Open %appdata%/.minecraft/config/nohero_moreHealth.cfg with a program like notepad. (Note you have to run minecraft once after installing mod for this file to pop up).
3 (server) if on server, the config (if you didn't drag it) will auto generate in the server jar's folder.
4.Do not edit the lines starting with #! they are just comments!
You have two things you can configure yourself, anyway you want!
LevelRamp=1,3,5,6,7,8... (Set the levels you want to gain hearts on! below)
StartingHearts=20 (change the starting hearts, from 1 to 20), default 10.
5. Start Minecraft, enjoy! These config settings will affect ALL your worlds.
Forge Help: senpaisubaraki mDiyo Thanks for helping me move out of base class edits! You both were helpful and gave me useful instructions/advice to help me use Forge tools like events/playertrackers.
SMP Beta Testing Special Thanks: DarkenMoon97 The Templars For being awesome and helping me test SMP. I found and fixed many bugs (some critical!) because of them. Thanks!
THANK YOU ALL! For using and enjoying the mod! Without you guys I wouldn't have as much motivation to keep updating the mod!
SMP Beta Testing Special Thanks: DarkenMoon97 The Templars For being awesome and helping me test SMP. I found and fixed many bugs (some critical!) because of them. Thanks!
THANK YOU ALL! For using and enjoying the mod! Without you guys I wouldn't have as much motivation to keep updating the mod!
Compatible with Advanced HUD and Rei's minimap
If you want to install those two mods with mine, add them to the mods folder! Set the width of health bar in Advanced HUD >60. 1 width= 1 health = 1/2 heart.
Credit: MCforfreeuser
MORE More Health Enhanced Information:

New HUD Options
1) Disable More Health's custom HUD in case you are using another mod that has it's own heart HUD.Look in the config file for the option "custom HUD" and disable it! (Set it to false). Be sure to run minecraft at least once with the update so the new options generate.
2) Minimal HUD added: When you have more hearts that the 10, the number next to the hearts will increase, signifying you are on the next "row" of hearts. 1= first row, hearts 1-10. 2= second row, hearts 11-20. 3= third row, hearts 21-30.

This solved my issue of being compatible with any texture pack AND allowing the necessary info using just one line. This is the "minimal hud" option in the config file. (After installing, boot up minecraft so the config file will update!). Default this option is off.
Old mod image:

Old Downloads
More Health Enchanted V6.2 MC 1.6.10 Universal Download
More Health Enchanted V6.0 MC 1.7.10 Universal Download
More Health Enhanced V5.6 MC 1.7.10 Universal Download
More Health Enhanced V5.5 MC 1.7.2 Universal Download
More Health Enhanced V5.3 MC 1.6.4 Universal Download
More Health Enhanced V5.2 MC 1.6.4 Universal Download
More Health Enhanced V5.0 MC 1.6.4 Universal Download
More Health Enhanced V4.5 MC 1.6.2 Universal Download
More Health Enhanced V4.2 MC 1.5.2
More Health Enhanced V4.0 MC 1.5.2
More Health Enhanced V3.2 MC 1.5.1
More Health Enhanced V3.0 MC 1.4.7
More Health Enhanced V2.7 MC 1.4.6
More Health Enhanced V2.5 MC 1.4.5
More Health Forge V2.0 MC 1.4.2
More Health Forge V1.7 MC 1.3.2
More Health Enhanced V1.7 MC 1.3.2
More Health Enhanced V1.0 for MC 1.2.5
More Health Enchanted V6.0 MC 1.7.10 Universal Download
More Health Enhanced V5.6 MC 1.7.10 Universal Download
More Health Enhanced V5.5 MC 1.7.2 Universal Download
More Health Enhanced V5.3 MC 1.6.4 Universal Download
More Health Enhanced V5.2 MC 1.6.4 Universal Download
More Health Enhanced V5.0 MC 1.6.4 Universal Download
More Health Enhanced V4.5 MC 1.6.2 Universal Download
More Health Enhanced V4.2 MC 1.5.2
More Health Enhanced V4.0 MC 1.5.2
More Health Enhanced V3.2 MC 1.5.1
More Health Enhanced V3.0 MC 1.4.7
More Health Enhanced V2.7 MC 1.4.6
More Health Enhanced V2.5 MC 1.4.5
More Health Forge V2.0 MC 1.4.2
More Health Forge V1.7 MC 1.3.2
More Health Enhanced V1.7 MC 1.3.2
More Health Enhanced V1.0 for MC 1.2.5
~~~Luck's Edge~~~(MC V1.2.5) Luck's Edge Download and Information:

Old Downloads:
[/media] .::DOWNLOADS::.More Health RPG V2.3 MC 1.2.5 (prefer you use this link
)Direct Link: Link RemovedAll of the below are required for More Health to function properly!Required: <strong><span style=] More Health V8.1 Beta 1.8.1 (prefer you use this link
)Mirror: Link: http://www.mediafire...smgvhg0bqh6bm9tAll of the below are required for More Health to function properly!Required: ModloaderRequired: Mod Options API More Health Boss Patch 1.8.1's Battle Tower Golemhttp://www.minecraft...-battle-towers/*drops 2 heart container Boss Patch Info:Interacts with other mods! These Bosses will drop heart containers. All credit for the mods belongs to respective mod creator.
More Health Extras Beta 1.7.3 Health extras contain boss patch and Compatibility Fixes for Zombe's Fly Mod, Better than Wolves mod, heal on easy, and Dungeon API.Boss Patch Info:Interacts with other mods! These Bosses will drop heart containers. All credit for the mods belongs to respective mod creator.KodaichiZero's Battle Tower Golem (updated by freakstritch!):http://www.minecraft...38;#38;t=151172*drops 1 heart container Change Log:
My second mod project!Goto TopWhat is so special about a sword that can only deal as much damage as a stone sword regularly?That is because this sword involves some "luck" (in reality hard probabilities).Do you think you are lucky? Do you think you can take a gamble? Would you risk it? You need to play smart in order to use this sword properly.Crafting Recipe:
)Direct Link: http://www.mediafire...mg420phexa8b643Required: Modloader*Special Thanks to Dr. Zhark and Mr. Oku, the former's code for transformation really helped with my vanish code and I got the inspiration for the text from Mr.Oku's friend mod!Old downloads
I'd really appreciate it if you do!

More Health Extras Beta 1.7.3 Health extras contain boss patch and Compatibility Fixes for Zombe's Fly Mod, Better than Wolves mod, heal on easy, and Dungeon API.Boss Patch Info:Interacts with other mods! These Bosses will drop heart containers. All credit for the mods belongs to respective mod creator.KodaichiZero's Battle Tower Golem (updated by freakstritch!):http://www.minecraft...38;#38;t=151172*drops 1 heart container Change Log:
Find Heart Containers and Heart Pieces in newly generated dungeon chests (new areas!).Version 6.4: quick bug fix. spawning in a new world dead.Version 6.3: Bug fix again. Dying and respawning always gave players 20 health instead of what it was intended to do.Version 6.2: Bug fix- when reducing max health option affects cake, healing, and GUI. added boss patch and compatibility fixes.Version 6.1: Bug fixes. Doesn't use da.class anymore, but uses gq.classVersion 6.0: Update to beta 1.6.6, several bug fix, especially cake fix. notes in readme.Version 5.5: Compatibility Fix. Removed the need for entityplayer, gh.class.Version 5.2: Bug fix!Version 5.0: Updated to Minecraft beta 1.5_01. Boss patch included!New in version 4.2: patches a bug that causes you to loss your hearts on death!New in Version 4.0: Allows you to chose ANY Starting Health (1-20) and ANY Cap Health (1-20) so you can personalize it anyway you want! Tired of questing for hearts? Start with 20 hp! Want a Zelda style adventure? Start with 3hp and end at 20 hp! Want an insane challenge? Starting health and Max health at 1!!Features: Heart containers that increase max health by 1 permenantlyHeart Pieces: 4 make 1 heart containerEnjoy Minecraft a little more safer! (Really helpful paired with mob mods).
Chance Sword- Outdated (1.7.3)Chance Sword Version 1.5

When you hit any mob in minecraft you have:1/1000 Chance of instantly dying.1/500 Chance to destroying the chance sword.1/30 chance of full heal.1/30 chance of sssspawning a creeper near you.1/30 chance of instantly killing enemy and invoking lightning around you.1/30 chance of reducing hearts to 2 if your have more than 2 hearts.1/20 chance of dealing 8 hearts of damage to an enemy (better than diamond sword damage)1/10 chance of healing 2 hearts.1/10 chance of deaing nothing to enemy.1/10 chance of dealing 2 heart damage to self.1/5 chance of dealing as much damage as a diamond swordone MILLIONTH of a chance to summon THE Herobrine.
.::DOWNLOADS::.Chance Sword V1.5 Beta 1.7.3 you use adfly link 
More Health V8.0 for beta 1.8.1 Health V7.5 for beta 1.7.3 Health V7.2 for beta 1.7.3 Health V7.0 for beta 1.7.3 Health V6.5 for beta 1.6.6 Sword V1.0 beta 1.7.2 Health v6.4 for beta 1.6.6 Health v6.3 for beta 1.6.6 Health v6.2 for beta 1.6.6 Health v6.1 for beta 1.6.6 Health v6.0 for beta 1.6.6 Health V5.2 Beta 1.5_01 Health V5.2 Beta 1.5_01 link for More Health V5.0 Beta 1.5_01 link for More Health V4.2 Beta 1.4_01 Patch for Beta 1.4_01 Health V3.5: Beta 1.3_01 Mod Loader V5:http://www.mediafire...7638n41td39cbrnDownload link for More Health V3.2 Beta 1.3_01http://www.mediafire...r4oote6012heryxDownload link for More Health Zelda v1.8 for Beta 1.3_01http://www.mediafire...q73ddbd4vvb7jy2Boss Patch for Beta 1.3_01http://www.mediafire...v7hc6su5j984d0gCompatibility Fixes V1.1http://www.mediafire...h8zt8jsz9sndwqyBoss Patch download link! beta 1.2_02 http://www.mediafire...kfw76qpsyyeynlsZelda v1.5: beta 1.2_xhttp://www.mediafire...9abh2jnjby1ebnbVersion 3.0:http://www.mediafire...eqe9b629rr99vloDownload link for Beta 1.2_02: More Health Zelda V.1http://www.mediafire...dewd2v2q7v89gfnDownload link for Beta 1.2_02: Version 2.5http://www.mediafire...fd3z22w4or3861tDownload link for Beta 1.2_01: version 2.2 link for Beta 1.1_02: version 2.0http://www.mediafire...1wl66d858aaehubDownload link for beta: Version 1.1http://www.mediafire...vfp7vm2b278rr7wVersion 1.0 http://www.mediafire...q78bcvdbaf34u86DOWNLOAD LINK FOR ALPHA 1.2.6: http://www.2shared.c...ealthModv1.html
Java decompilers I use:JD-GUIJaDhttp://www.reversed-.../"] you found my mods interesting/useful/etc, please vote this post up! Visibility is an awesome thing