When posting suggestion threads, you are only permitted to include one idea (or closely-related group of ideas) per thread. This thread contains multiple unrelated ideas and is considered a wish list, which is not allowed.
Grouping unrelated ideas (such as a rifle, backpack, and deer mob) and labeling them an "update" does not make them automatically related. You need some direct correlation between the items, such as mob drops used in crafting recipes for the other items.
Overall I really like the enchantments. They're simple but powerful enough.
Full Support
As the game is coded, blocks moving would look really stuttery and if not implemented correctly could produce tons of lag. They should use entities like boats and minecarts, which could have code used for these larger ships. Some code could allow you to freely walk on entities and even move along with them. It would work better and could be considered more minecrafty than having a bunch of cobblestone and plank textures floating around.
A larger type of crafting table could be used to construct these ships.
You have not suggested anything. Plus these new blocks really aren’t complete duplicates, they just make crafting faster. I do have some complaints but atleast have sone ideas
Please get a full idea of what you are suggesting before posting because these mobs are extremely vague.
Again with the unfinished idea. Totem poles could look cool and may function similar to a desert well, and giant shipwrecks could function well with a dangerous mob.
Or you could use water breathing potions...
Or you can use night vision potions on top of water breathing potions...
I'd much rather just have another water enchantment like depth strider rather than a whole new item. Also armour doesn't cause you to float upwards in the ocean unless this is what the biome does... because you never specified that it did before writing this piece
For the third time now, think about your suggestion and what it will have before you post. This entire thing is incredibly vague and redundant.
No Support
More variants of already existing items? Count me in.
Full Support
The stonecutter shouldn't just be limited to stone, and even though the name is the way it is, you could say that it's a "cutter made out of stone" (did not take that from anyone obviously). Like putting a log in there could show stripped and bark blocks and planks would show stairs, slabs, fences, fence gates, etc. The stonecutter could be used like a chisel.
There should also be many block varients that are stonecutter exclusive, like brick blocks with missing bricks or stone pillars.
This is basically a punishment for advancing into the game and not even a fun one in the slightest. Survival and vanilla servers would be hell with this added. Big no support on this.
I like how you “dodged” the wishlist rule by adding that “all these new features will be found in forests”. However, you have suggested hunting rifles and backpacks so you have done a poor job with that. I suggest you read the discussion rules before you post suggestions as wishlists are not allowed. Make one thread for each idea and flesh out your vague ideas so we can understand what your talking about.