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    posted a message on ::Fallout:Old World Blues:: Spout - Serious RP - Lore - Guns - Factions - and more!

    @chris-something-or -another. I'm pretty sure your background is Too short. and it should have more Mojave, not Capital wasteland.

    @hidd3n You spend 1000 caps on med-x, (all of your caps), then spend the rest of it... on ... caps?

    @commando Near the enclave part, your writing became informal, "to mess with the enclave before he leaves" another thing, what is your person? A BoS outcast, Furmentari, then a janitor, then NCR, ... Legion?
    The Legion would not take a runaway back, that's like saying "Hey i just killed your brother" 'guess thats okay, come back in a week and we can be friends again'
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    posted a message on ::Fallout:Old World Blues:: Spout - Serious RP - Lore - Guns - Factions - and more!
    Quote from TheCrafter2011

    Who are you talking about?

    Edited my post. and about you
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    posted a message on ::Fallout:Old World Blues:: Spout - Serious RP - Lore - Guns - Factions - and more!
    Not a whitelister, but punctuation is ... none existent.
    how many years did Alex's parents suffer until they died? 1? 5? 12?
    what brought on his memories? did his temper get him put back in his place by a superior?
    How old is he when thieving the NCR?
    The Brotherhood will not take youngsters. <-- thats just common sense.
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    posted a message on ::Fallout:Old World Blues:: Spout - Serious RP - Lore - Guns - Factions - and more!
    @nolanwashere No one is. Mods and Admins fixing things.

    @Tharaman97 , dude i love Vault dweller applications, its just my favorite type of lore. Before you apply for a faction on the server, pm me :D
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    posted a message on ::Fallout:Old World Blues:: Spout - Serious RP - Lore - Guns - Factions - and more!
    if i could whitelist i would, i liked the story :3

    How does Ash know what a ghoul was when no one else does..?
    If Ash is twelve, how can he crush a skull in a single blow, i know a couple army guys who cant even do it with combat boots and 200lbs of muscle...
    personal questions.
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    posted a message on ::Fallout:Old World Blues:: Spout - Serious RP - Lore - Guns - Factions - and more!
    I was not in the boomer raids. i wasn't even within internet range yesterday (Funeral of a Friend's mom).
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    posted a message on [1.5.1] [RP] [Whitelisted] Dawn Of Time: The War of Lies
    1. IGN: levodicus
    2. Minecraft Experience: since beta 1.2, little redstone,
    3. RP experience: Some, a few serious RP,
    4. Have you read the rules, and do you agree to them? Yes i have.
    5. Your expectations: To meet a few of my new friends in their respective roles. ... Bacon...
    6. You're running through the forest late at night, skeletons at your heels. You're running out of energy and you realize you won't make it back to your humble abode before the skeletons tear you apart. Suddenly, a bright light is seen through a gap between tree branches, and you dash for it. You spot a small, wood cabin and dive through the door, slamming it shut behind you. You look around the cabin, and see a small, unlocked chest. There is a sign above the door "Welcome to Hyperion's Humble Home".What do you do?Stay till the monsters are gone, if everyone says in ooc they are sleeping, sleep, leave any and all items you can as rent for staying in Hyperion's home.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Fallout: Lady Liberty (New York) Role-Play Server
    All right... where is everybody? i keep seeing applications, and there is no one getting accepted. I think this topic is a :Zombie: , Necro, if you will. There probably isnt any reason to post here anymore.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on ::Fallout:Old World Blues:: Spout - Serious RP - Lore - Guns - Factions - and more!
    For everyone having issues with the texture pack i would like to help : download the texture pack, after downloading, drag to desktop where you can see it, open minecraft, go to "texture packs" button on the minecraft begging screen and click it, go to "open texture packs folder" and click it, find the texture pack on the desktop, copy it, go to the open texture pack folder from minecraft, paste it. click the texture pack on the minecraft screen, see that it works, send levi money for tech support.

    (i signed up on the Old world Blues website, waiting for acceptance :3, kinda really excited to play)
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on ::Fallout:Old World Blues:: Spout - Serious RP - Lore - Guns - Factions - and more!
    Quote from Wolfie_seekar

    someone kill me. D:

    Wish granted, but you have to watch all 6(?) seasons of Sex in the City... oh... wrong forum?
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on ::Fallout:Old World Blues:: Spout - Serious RP - Lore - Guns - Factions - and more!
    Willhellm, please check my second application.
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    posted a message on ::Fallout:Old World Blues:: Spout - Serious RP - Lore - Guns - Factions - and more!
    so glad my backgrounds are getting such great paraphrasing like "lolwut" what did i do wrong? I re-read the lore, and i sticked to Fallout-New Vegas ideas and actual people. Whats so weird about it?
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on ::Fallout:Old World Blues:: Spout - Serious RP - Lore - Guns - Factions - and more!
    IGN: Levodicus
    Source(s): I do not understand this question. if your asking for how i found you, i typed in role playing.
    Why Us?: Because i know almost every scrap for fallout lore, and i love it all.
    RP Experience: I have done it on several other servers, and a lot of it in real life.
    Name: Levi
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: brown hair, brown eyes, wears a hooded coat and black crape over my nose and mouth. gloved.
    Personality: Steadfast, humorous
    Background: Grew up around The Kings all of his life, watching them he learned that peace has a very high price to keep, and there should be nothing stopping someone from doing it. After someone called the Courier visited town, things began to brighten up for The kings, The mechanical dog wasn't sick anymore and the courier let him return to them. Seeing this changed Levi a little bit. Realizing that staying in the Strip's shadow wouldn't help as much as being out in the wastes might, he immediately left. Being the young boy of 13, he learned fast that everyone, and everything, was out to hurt him and get him. Quickly learned to trust no one, not even the new Sheriff of Primm, who he soon learned was an ex-con for killing people for the right reasons. He stayed in Primm two years, trying to learn every thing he could from the sheriff without getting too close. He left Primm a day before a little wave of NCR deserters came into the casino and took the people's caps away. He later heard the poor Sheriff was shot and injured during this little robbery. Moving north, he found himself in Goodsprings, this is where the Courier started his journey by being burred alive... This visitation to Goodsprings was almost a religious experience to Levi, because the "Savior of the Mojave" had started his journey here. At 16, Levi started working at Sloan as a miner and occasional cook, learning again, the Courier, now his personal hero, had done the impossible, killed over 2 dozen Deathclaws to ensure the miner's safety. This sealed his fate, the reckless 16 year old left Sloan and ventured to the only place he knew he could start making a difference, The Strip. Around the outside Of the strip, he was attacked by the Scorpions gang from their hide out in an abandoned motel. He was shot 3 times after the last one fell to his 9mm pistol. Slowly made is was back to his home, he fell in front of a Follower of the Apocalypse. She took him inside and they treated him for his wounds. The 3 pistol shots were dug out without anesthetics, later he learned it was because they had little medical supplies. After the week of healing, Levi swore to give supplies to them whenever he could, he felt this would be the best thing he could do for the followers since he was not a doctor himself. After he left, he again went to find how to do good for the people of the wastes. 3 years later, he was still searching, doing little good here in Novac, and once in a while, dropping supplies off at the Old Mormon Fort, collecting water for Goodsprings citizens. Still trying to follow his hero, Levi will never give up, even after he makes a name for himself and makes sure he is remembered forever.

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    posted a message on ::Fallout:Old World Blues:: Spout - Serious RP - Lore - Guns - Factions - and more!
    I'm able to rebuild my background correct? and retry this application? i'd hate for this to be it.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Assassin's Creep [Hardcore RP] [Bukkit] [Spout] [Custom Weapons] [Whitelist] [Strict Apps]
    i tried my best. I tried adding a conversation within the background. see ya mates
    Posted in: PC Servers
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