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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from Xtremekiwi

    Is there only 1 wool in the Twisting Dark? Because I don't feel like returning there after finding out that I'm one wool from completing the map.

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on three_two's VINYL FANTASY Series
    Quote from three_two

    It's just a huge area, a lot of blocks to render. I haven't had any one else report performance issues there but, I have noticed increased CPU usage in the area. If you're computer is having trouble you might have to adjust gfx settings.

    On the other hand, stray ghast fire may have ignited one of the big trees. That would explain a severe performance decrease more than the magma citadel area being too much to render.


    I had that problem in the citadel too. When I was there, things got really laggy and I had to shorten my view distance. I left and went back a few times and it was definitely that area causing it. The tree wasn't burning (yet).
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [BW] BED WAR - A new kind of team PvP
    BruteCraft.com is holding a small Bed War tournament this Sunday, Feb 19th. If you have a team of 4, you can sign up to play. Otherwise, just check out the livestream. Should be fun!

    More info here:
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from Vechs

    Just a quick update:

    I estimated my next map might come out in March. With the recent events going on with MCedit, I must revise that estimate to "when it's done."

    To be clear, I do intend to keep making maps, if possible.

    However for the new few months, I can't make any guarantees about scheduled releases.

    Thanks for being patient. :smile.gif:

    You can just keep making old format maps in MCEdit and convert them to Anvil for distribution.. no?
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [BW] BED WAR - A new kind of team PvP
    Just posted a BIG update, biggest one since the first release. Check the first post for details and download.

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from Santairo »

    Well, that's the thing, the project of now is open-sourced, has been for a few days. The point people are trying to make is there's been little interest in actually updating MCEdit, except initial name-drops, people are getting slightly worried as nobody has actually come out saying they'll do something.

    *shrugs* codewarrior trying to sell it before he made it open-source is also leaving question marks in people's heads also, I guess, if it is picked up if the new 'developers' will pay for the right to use, which could kill MCEdits fan-base right there and then. As I doubt even if even a few like Vechs who showed interest in paying for it will be a very small minority. Giving the new 'developers' little drive to continue updating the project, especially with the new workload the recent snapshot and 1.2 will bring.

    Well, that's what I think anyway. *trollface*

    A couple of days is not much to base a projection on. As long as there is demand, there will be developers to work on it. But many can't drop what they're doing and start contributing the day it's released. I intend to help out with the project myself, but I have to wrap up other things first. So things are going to be messy for a little while, particularly with the map format changing, but they'll get sorted out.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on MCEdit: Minecraft World Editor (Now open source!)
    Don't worry folks, MCEdit hasn't been discontinued, it's been open sourced. Things may be a bit disorganized at first, but the project will eventually get going at a greater pace than it was before. It looks like TkTech has already gotten started. I might jump in and fork his repo soon (and I'm using a Mac, so I can help with that issue).
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on [BW] BED WAR - A new kind of team PvP
    Quote from SOOPERpanda

    Is it cool if me and couple of my friends do videos on this? It looks like it would be a blast.

    Of course!
    Posted in: Maps
  • 3

    posted a message on MCEdit Filter Scripts
    UPDATE: fixed a bug that caused the filter to go really slow and tile entities to be copied a lot

    Here is a "hollow out" filter I just made. It fills objects of one block type with another block type, leaving a "crust" of given thickness:

    You can also get some neat effects by filling "air" with something else:

    Note that wherever the filled material touches the edge of the selection box, the filter will fill all the way to the edge of the box. This is by design, as it comes in handy for certain effects. To see how this works, run the filter with the selection box touching the surface of an object. If you don't want any filler material exposed, the selection box needs to be at least a block larger than the filled object on all sides.

    Also, this filter does not (yet) work properly with blocks that are distinguished by their data value e.g. colored wool. It will treat all wool as the same block type.


    from pymclevel import MCSchematic
    inputs = (
        ("Fill", "blocktype"),
        ("With", "blocktype"),
        ("Boundary thickness", 1)
    def perform(level, box, options):
        fillBlock = options["Fill"]
        withBlock = options["With"]
        borderThickness = options["Boundary thickness"]
        notFillBlock = [i for i in range(0,255) if i != fillBlock.ID]
        orig = MCSchematic(shape=box.size, mats=level.materials)
        orig.copyBlocksFrom(level, box, (0,0,0))
        perturbed = MCSchematic(shape=box.size, mats=level.materials)
        for n in xrange(0, borderThickness):
            perturbed.copyBlocksFrom(orig, orig.bounds, ( 0, 0, 0))
            perturbed.copyBlocksFrom(orig, orig.bounds, ( 1, 0, 0), notFillBlock)
            perturbed.copyBlocksFrom(orig, orig.bounds, (-1, 0, 0), notFillBlock)
            perturbed.copyBlocksFrom(orig, orig.bounds, ( 0, 1, 0), notFillBlock)
            perturbed.copyBlocksFrom(orig, orig.bounds, ( 0,-1, 0), notFillBlock)
            perturbed.copyBlocksFrom(orig, orig.bounds, ( 0, 0, 1), notFillBlock)
            perturbed.copyBlocksFrom(orig, orig.bounds, ( 0, 0,-1), notFillBlock)
            orig, perturbed = perturbed, orig
        orig.Blocks[orig.Blocks != fillBlock.ID] = -1
        orig.Blocks[orig.Blocks == fillBlock.ID] = withBlock.ID
        level.copyBlocksFrom(orig, orig.bounds, box.origin, withBlock.ID)
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
  • 0

    posted a message on three_two's VINYL FANTASY Series
    Quote from three_two

    I don't think I'll do another open-world map for a while.

    Ah, that's good to hear. I've never been a fan of that format. It sacrifices discovery and reward to let the player make choices they don't want to make. And as you point out, it's nearly impossible to balance, since you can't control the tech-up pace. Linear branching is the way to go.

    Railways are essential, but consider letting the player do most of the building. There are games just about building railways, because it's that much fun, and it's pretty much the only large construction project you can economically justify in a survival adventure map.

    Can't wait for the videos!
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Compact Light Sensors, 1x/7x/12x/14x Sensitivity
    New video tutorial for the Nano, to replace the old crappy one. I talk in this one and there is more info on how the thing works. As you can tell from my voice, I am the original gangster.

    I'm working on a video for the 14x, but it's a lot of building and it's tough to get decent takes.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on three_two's VINYL FANTASY Series
    Somehow, this happened:

    The weird things is, I wasn't anywhere near it. I was in...

    Broken Wizard, so my guess is a stray Ghast fireball hit the tree. I'm surprised it could travel that far though.

    So far I've done the tree, the pyramid, the citadel, the snow area, and Broken Wizard, in that order.

    I'm loving the map. I love how each area has a distinct feel, and they are big enough and challenging enough that you can't just breeze through them. You have to really get to know the area and conquer it.

    I'm amazed at the variety of aesthetics that you've created with such a limited set of blocks. There are blocks that I've always considered unconditionally ugly, like bedrock, that you've managed to use in an attractive way. And you've used block combinations I never would have thought of, like end stone and clay. I'd really like to hear your thoughts on this general topic. I'm trying to break out of cliches like forests, castles, dungeons, etc. but the blocks seem to pull me back in.

    Don't worry about people complaining that the map is too hard. From reading Vech's thread, I've learned that no matter what kind of map you make, there will always be some people who think it's too hard and some who think it's too easy. It feels just right to me. I think some people just aren't willing to get creative. Broken Wizard is impossible if you just run in swinging your sword, but there are plenty of other ways to do it. The piston is mightier than the sword.

    There is one issue that I keep running into though. The floating islands between the zones are extremely difficult. The ones in the void fog are as hard as anything else on the map, if not harder. But I wouldn't complain about them being too hard except that it is trivially easy to skip them and just build your own bridge. You have to go out of your way just to get to the islands, let alone get through them. And then you have to build a bridge anyway if you want a railway. So I can't bring myself to go through the islands because it just feels like I'm spinning my wheels, or like I have to deliberately hurt myself just to follow the main path of the map. And because I always bridge in to the zones, I sometimes end up doing them backwards, because the places that are attractive to bridge to tend to be at the end of the quest.

    Actually, a related problem is that the areas are just really far apart. On normal view distance, I can barely see the next area over.

    But to finish on a positive note, yeah, it's an amazing piece of work and you've really pushed the envelope of what can be done in Minecraft.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on MCEdit: Minecraft World Editor (Now open source!)
    Kudos to codewarrior for releasing the code for free. Your work is invaluable, but under the circumstances, that was the professional thing to do. I'm donating right now.

    As for project ownership, Github makes that largely immaterial, so I wouldn't worry about it too much.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on How do you disabe a blaze spawner?
    Quote from i_Hug_creepers

    I came up with an idea for a blaze grinder where I surround it on all sides with fenced in, watered-down snow golems. But I'm afraid they'll start attacking me before I finish. I've tryed covering the spawner with everything from torches to glowstone, but they keep spawning. How do I temporarily stop spawning without destroying the spawner?

    Light level 12 or higher prevents blazes from spawning, but it might be easier to just fill in the spawnable space with blocks. You will need 8x8x2 blocks. Check the wiki for the exact details of where to place them.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on [BW] BED WAR - A new kind of team PvP
    Enchanted clocks!

    Enchanted clocks!

    Posted in: Maps
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