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    posted a message on Compact Light Sensors, 1x/7x/12x/14x Sensitivity
    Quote from TroZ_Shack

    Thanks! That did the trick.
    I'll watch this thread to see if/when we can use glass again.

    I'm pretty sure you can keep the top layer of glass and put a layer of leaves underneath it, which would include the blocks at the ends that hold the water in.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Compact Light Sensors, 1x/7x/12x/14x Sensitivity
    To make the 7x/14x work in 1.2, replace all the glass with leaves.

    New lighting bugs seem to be affecting the big machines, but not the Nano. I think the heightmap isn't being updated properly when the water comes and goes. Hopefully the bugs get fixed, but in the mean time the leaves do the trick.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Compact Light Sensors, 1x/7x/12x/14x Sensitivity
    Quote from TheInvisibleBob

    Has this been 1.2 tested?

    Just did a quick check and they all seem to be working fine.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on [BW] BED WAR - A new kind of team PvP
    I've started a video series to show off the map and share strategies. Here's the first episode, which just explains the rules and gives a quick tour of all the major features of the map:

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on MCEdit: Minecraft World Editor (Now open source!)
    Quote from Tiberianfiend

    - Change block type based on adjacent type (e.g change all dirt blocks to grass if within 3 blocks of air)

    I made a filter that does something like that. It lets you fill one type of block with another, leaving a crust of a given thickness:
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on three_two's VINYL FANTASY Series
    Well, it's been a blast...

    I'll get the criticism out of the way first:

    The very last thing I got was "far" and honestly it was a bit of a let-down. There are all sorts of interesting places it could be that would make you feel clever for finding it or facepalm for missing it. Instead, after hours of searching, I gave up and spoiled it for myself, and I didn't regret it. It seemed like a needle in a haystack. There were no clues and it broke the bird-cage rule.

    One possibility, which I actually checked, would be to put it floating in mid-air beyond Bad Dream, in a straight line from the platform. It would be out of sight until you bridge out a bit, or pillar up out of the fog. There seemed to be many clues pointing to this: the name of the record, the void fog, the chest full of blocks, the alignment of the platform with the center of the map, and the sign that says "you've come so far...".

    Also, I was expecting something to happen when I put the last record in the monument.. some kind of fireworks. With all that redstone, I'm sure something cool could happen.

    But all that aside, I love this map!

    Don't worry about being compared to Vechs. He basically invented the genre, but there is much more to be done by building on what he started, and this is the first map I've seen that actually does that. This medium is not about divine inspiration, it's about getting it and making it better.

    Thanks three_two!
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on three_two's VINYL FANTASY Series
    Quote from three_two

    Now what you gonna do with all that gunpowder?!?!?

    Yeah, I dunno.. I already have so much TNT from disarming all your traps, I can't see myself ever running out :tongue.gif:
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on three_two's VINYL FANTASY Series
    I built a nifty XP farm out of the creeper spawners in Broken Wizard (may contain spoilers if you haven't been there yet).

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Guys, it's not a big deal if you get a bit of iron here and there. I assume he's going to feed you little bits of iron all the time anyway. I think what he doesn't want to do is give you renewable or practically inexhaustible resources. So instead of finding the wood, the iron, the diamond, etc. you will get little bits of these things as you go and you will have to ration them throughout the whole map. While this will drive the packrats crazy, it sounds like the right idea to me. As stressful as it can be, that early phase of the map when you are scrounging for resources and using every bit of ingenuity to survive is the most interesting and the most uniquely Minecraftian aspect of the game. It would be great to have multiple cycles of that instead of just one.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from Plaatinum10

    I like most of the ideas, except the Hardcore mode part. If you wanna make the map really hard, don't put stuff in hardcore mode. It will only make people really pissed off when they die, and have to reload the map. Especially when its hard, because there are quite a lot of people out there who really suck at the game, and complain that Sunburn Islands is hard.
    It will also make it annoying for youtubers, because people watching the map on youtube will not want to see the map getting restarted over and over again.

    You are why we need more dodgeball in our schools
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [BW] BED WAR - A new kind of team PvP
    I've added a "Servers" section to the first post. If you run a public Bed War server and would like to be listed, just shoot me a PM. There is one entry already: Blocktopia
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on MCEdit: Minecraft World Editor (Now open source!)
    Perhaps a FAQ update is in order? Something like this...

    Q: Is MCEdit still being developed? Who is working on it?
    A: The MCEdit source code was recently made public and new developers have started working on it. Codewarrior still contributes to the project but is not solely responsible for it anymore. The transition may cause some delays. Please be patient and watch this topic for updates.

    Q: Does MCEdit work with Minecraft 1.0/1.1?
    A: The latest stable version (stable 33) works with Minecraft up to Beta 1.8. It does not recognize blocks added in Minecraft 1.0 and later. However, the latest testing version of MCEdit (testing 289) works with Minecraft up to version 1.1. The testing version can be downloaded <here>.

    Q: Does MCEdit work with Minecraft 1.2?
    A: Minecraft 1.2 uses a new map format called Anvil that MCEdit currently doesn't support at all. However, Anvil support is expected in the next stable version which will be released in a matter of days.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on [BW] BED WAR - A new kind of team PvP
    Version 0.11.1 released

    Changes listed in first post:
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from Xtremekiwi

    No as in "No, there's only 1 wool", or "No, there's more wool there"?

    There is more than one wool there
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on MCEdit: Minecraft World Editor (Now open source!)
    Quote from jjmounes

    I don't think you should waste your time "cleaning up" McEdit when it's not going to be compatible with Minecraft in the first place.

    The cleanup is for the sake of developers. The code needs to be organized and readable before they can add features to it.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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