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    posted a message on [1.2.5] Lights Out/Antifreeze - Two mods to fix lighting bugs
    Quote from flamesdeath

    explain how to install this thuroughly on a bukkit server please,ive been raging at my voxel sniper made cave for ages and you have to understand the anger when nothing goes your way all day

    Installation should be the same with or without Bukkit.

    EDIT: Sorry, I'm wrong, the mod will not work with Bukkit. I am working on getting this fix merged into Bukkit and I'll update the thread when it's done.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from LegendaryBrick

    Hey Vechs,

    Do you have any future plans for RFW Maps? My friends and I play them about every weekend and get bored of the same 2or 3 of the maps you currently have. I have tried re arranging the homes and planting bombs in different places, but the map still tends to get old. I would enjoy a new RFW that includes potions enchanting longer lanes and more resistance. If you have plans for this let me know.


    There is currently a thriving RFW community and many maps other than Vechs'. Check out the map pool from the Reddit tournament (Uncivil Engineering is my favorite):

    And I made my own RFW map called Vertigo:

    If you want to get involved in the community, check these out:

    And ask around to be added to the skype chat, if you want to scrim with other teams.
    Posted in: Maps
  • 1

    posted a message on [1.2.5] Lights Out/Antifreeze - Two mods to fix lighting bugs
    Quote from asdy

    Thanks for this mod very much. It worked to fix the ''phantom skylight'' in my map, but there's still some messed up things. I'm sure it's a different glitch, but do you have any idea what's up with this?

    Some areas refuse to light up. Others have random pure black pieces. There's also some areas that are still lit up more than they should be. I don't think the first two pics should be that bright either considering the only light source is two torches on the wall of the hall leading into it (not show very well but its visible at the bottom left of pic 2).

    Pic 1 looks a lot like the phantom skylight bug. Are you sure it didn't get there before you installed the mod?

    Pic 3 is because MCEdit doesn't yet know that redstone lamps give off light. If you just place a light source near them, it will update correctly.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from Redstone_Fanatic

    I have no words, Jeb. NO WORDS AT ALL. I've tried everything - resetting light using SPC, relighting the chunks using MCedit, everything you can think of. I don't want people to have to play my maps with a mod until the bug fixes come around either, assuming they do, as that becomes a co-dependency. I'm having this problem in my End Castle map, I'm having this problem in my secret Nether project, and I just don't know what to do. I'll toss a save to anyone who thinks they can fix this. These things just come and go at random no matter where I build this thing. It's just this like 26x26x16 block of pure light. T_T

    Anyone? D:

    Watch the video in my thread:

    The only thing you can do is put at least one block in every 16x16x16 space. If there is an empty one, Minecraft will add the glitchy light back every time it reloads the chunk. This is why it keeps coming back, even if you manage to get rid of it.
    Posted in: Maps
  • 1

    posted a message on [1.2.5] Lights Out/Antifreeze - Two mods to fix lighting bugs
    Quote from lembley3

    This is not compatible with Optifine, so this is a no go for me and many others. : ( I'll keep checking back. It causes the black screen.

    I'm using it with Optifine and it works fine (heyo!). Usually the black screen means you didn't delete the META-INF folder from minecraft.jar. If you did, do you know how to run Minecraft from the console to see error messages? If so, tell me what it says.

    EDIT: Ok, I see from the other thread that you deleted META-INF. Does my mod work without Optifine installed? And no other mods?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on [RFW] Vertigo 1.1 - the wool race gets vertical
    Version 0.2.2 is released, with level III war chests. Stupendous!
    Posted in: Maps
  • 0

    posted a message on [RFW] Vertigo 1.1 - the wool race gets vertical
    Version 0.2.1 is released, with a completely new green wool dungeon. Radical!
    Posted in: Maps
  • 3

    posted a message on three_two's VINYL FANTASY Series
    Quote from zenzangzong

    I like how VF 2 said coming soon about 8 weeks ago

    Seriously, I made half a dozen complete CTM maps before breakfast this morning! What gives, three_two!?
    Posted in: Maps
  • 0

    posted a message on [OBSELETE] CUI - GUI Visualizer for WorldEdit [v1.4.6]
    The 1.2.4 version seems to be working fine for me in 1.2.5.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 2

    posted a message on three_two's VINYL FANTASY Series
    I made a mod that fixes the "phantom skylight" bug that plagues Vinyl Fantasy and other maps in Minecraft 1.2. To avoid problems, you must be using this mod whenever you play the map:

    Posted in: Maps
  • 0

    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    I created a mod that fixes the "phantom skylight" bug that ruins maps like Nightmare Realm and Spellbound Caves. To avoid problems, you have to use this mod whenever you play the map:

    Posted in: Maps
  • 28

    posted a message on [1.2.5] Lights Out/Antifreeze - Two mods to fix lighting bugs
    The Lights Out fixes are already implemented in Minecraft 1.3, so that mod is now obsolete. I'm still looking into whether Antifreeze is still useful or not.

    These two mods each fix a bug in Minecraft. The are provided seperately so that if one of them conflicts with some other mod, you can still potentially use the other one.

    Lights Out fixes the "phantom skylight" bug that causes large blotches of light to appear in large open areas that should be dark. This bug affects all maps played in Minecraft 1.2 or later, regardless of whether they were created in 1.2 or converted from the old 1.1 format. It is a major problem for custom maps that are covered by a ceiling, or that feature large underground areas e.g. Nightmare Realm, Vinyl Fantasy, and many others. More information about this bug can be learned from the video at the end of this post.

    Antifreeze fixes a bug that can cause very long freezes in multiplayer, as long as 15-20 seconds in the worst cases. This happens when two or more people are connected to a server and one player loads a chunk containing another player. If that chunk has a large amount of space covered from the sky, a massive lighting calculation can be triggered and this is what causes the freeze. As a side effect, my mod also disables random lighting changes happening in front of your face, a "feature" that will not be missed by me.

    • Download the appropriate version of the mod. If you are playing in single player mode, you only need the client version of the mod. If you want to use Lights Out in multiplayer mode, the server and all connected clients must have the appropriate versions of the mod installed. Antifreeze is a client-only mod -- it works in single player or multiplayer, with no modifications to the server.
    • Install the mod by adding the contained .class files to your minecraft.jar (or minecraft_server.jar), and deleting the META-INF folder from the .jar. Detailed instructions for this are available on the wiki.
    • With Lights Out, you need to play the affected map only with your fixed version of Minecraft. If you load the world in Minecraft without Lights Out installed, phantom light blobs will start to appear. Lights Out does not remove phantom skylight that is already in the map (though it might if you expose the affected area to real skylight and then cover it again). There is currently no known way to make a map "immune" to this bug when played in an unmodified version of the game.
    Important Things
    • These mods fix two particular lighting bugs in Minecraft. There are no doubt many other lighting bugs in the game that these mods do not fix. Though if you post some screenshots here, I will give you my best advice on how it might be fixed.
    • These mods may be incompatible with some other mods (particularly if they contain .class files with the same name). On request, I can help the authors of any such mod integrate these fixes into their mod. I'm personally using these mods successfully along with Optifine, Single Player Commands, ModLoader, and Ultra Hardcore. Lights Out will will *not* work with Bukkit, but I am going to try to get the fix merged into Bukkit in the near future.
    • I know of no reason these mods would cause any new performance problems. If you want to convince me otherwise, you will have to provide some fairly convincing evidence or technical explanation. Just sayin'.

    Lights Out for Minecraft Client 1.2.5

    Lights Out for Minecraft Server 1.2.5 (vanilla, not Bukkit)

    Antifreeze Standard for Minecraft Client 1.2.5
    This version should not cause problems when playing vanilla Minecraft

    Antifreeze Extreme for Minecraft Client 1.2.5
    This version may prevent more freezes than Standard but should not be used when playing vanilla single-player Minecraft as it will cause major lighting errors in generated terrain.

    Doesn't work?

    Read this entire post carefully and if it doesn't address your issue, post a polite and detailed request in reply to this topic and I will try to help you out.

    About the Phantom Skylight Bug

    Here is an example of what the phantom skylight bug might look like:

    And here is a video I made explaining the nature of the bug. You don't need to know this stuff to use Lights Out, it's just here for the curious:

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from Redstone_Fanatic

    With 1.3 supposedly revolved around mostly the Mod API, I'm not sure how many bug fixes it will entail, if any. And I would assume any subsequent updates within 1.3 would be related to it as well. I'm hoping for a fix, but I don't know how aware Jeb and his Bukkiteers are of this bug - I haven't seen any mention of it, to be honest.

    Actually, Dinnerbone has responded to every one of my bug videos on Reddit, and a few of the bugs were fixed right away. This one wasn't, but I would be really surprised if it wasn't fixed in 1.3, if not sooner. I think Mojang takes the whole lighting situation very seriously, they just have a ton on their plate right now, what with the mod API and four new developers on the team. Of course, this is all speculation.
    Posted in: Maps
  • 0

    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from Zap_12100

    Well I guess we've gotta sit and twiddle our thumbs until Mojang picks up the bug.
    Or maybe someone could make a mod of some kind? LastUsername seemed to be able to fix it...

    Actually, that might be possible. I don't know the limitations around replacing classes using a mod. I mean, it can be done, but then the mod contains a bunch of Mojang's code, which I can't distribute. There might be a way to do it though. I'll look into it.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from kamyu

    Hmm, I was unaware of that additional conversion related light bug.

    I wonder...

    Well, i think it could be an easy enough fix for maps like Nightmare Realm where there isn't supposed to be any skylight anywhere, but it becomes considerably harder for cases like Legendary where there are open sky areas because you would have to do all the lighting calculations or end up just replacing one problem with another.

    It's not conversion related, it affects any Anvil world, even newly created ones. And it can't be fixed by changing the data, because Minecraft will delete the empty sections the next time it saves them and then fill them with glitchy light when it reloads them. This is why I say there's nothing that can be done outside of Mojang. It needs to be fixed in the actual game.
    Posted in: Maps
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