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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    That was awsum

    So after this and Legendary, what should I play next? I'm worried that the rest will be too easy and I'd really like 1.8/1.9 content too. Maybe just wait for SH#10?


    After numerous attempts, I saved the spawn house like this:
    1. go to the basement and dig away from the ghast spawner, until it's out of range
    2. surface and build a staircase over the house, high enough to stay out of the spawner range
    3. build something to catch the lava
    4. go down the staircase and mine some TNT from behind the house
    5. go get a flint & steel from the chest, careful not to activate either ghast spawner
    6. go up the staircase, build a bridge over the ghast spawner and bomb it with TNT
    7. harvest all the TNT from the house and use it to bomb all the other ghast spawners in the map :biggrin.gif:

    The beginning was the highlight of the map for me because it was seemingly impossible and you really had to get creative to solve it. I like challenges that require all your Minecraft skills to get through. When the map assumes you are going to rambo in through the front door and doesn't balance for mining and building, that's sort of a let down. But I can appreciate that it's very difficult to balance maps that way.

    I knew the map would be a huge pain without wood and food, so the first thing I did was make a bridge to the forest and grab some saplings and seeds. This made Sanctuary kind of pointless though. It would have been cool if Sanctuary was on top of the bedrock.

    Anyway, it was great fun.

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on New Smallest BUD
    Quote from Tmidog69

    Well Ive Discovered a new Bud that is Super Small while playing around in 1.9 Pre 6
    The Direction its acing and tick Marks have to be exact for it to work.
    Pictures of it on Imgur
    Hope you like.

    That's clever, but the problem with torch BUDs is that they trigger themselves when the torch gets a tick, which happens at random intervals roughly every 10-20 seconds. So they are not useful as BUDs but they can be useful as random timers.

    Plus, if you are going to compare sizes then I think you need to include the reset mechanism.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from Canias

    But, you don't have to much use of it, unless you're really far into the map. To make an enchanting table you need both diamond and obsidian which is exceptionally hard to get in Nightmare Realm. And for bookshelfs you need reeds, and I think the only place you can find them are
    in Balstein Citadel, or however it's spelled.
    It's a cool farm but not really that useful compared to all the work you have to put into making it.

    You can go to that place at the start of the map, if you like. Once you have diamonds, you have obsidian. And there are lots of bookshelves there too.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Compact Light Sensors, 1x/7x/12x/14x Sensitivity

    It did not work as shown. Just to focus on the first issue, the redstone is in a + shape at all times because neither a lever nor a torch attracts a connection to a redstone wire on a lower level.

    It worked until pre6. Now it's busted. I'll see if I can fix it without making it bigger.

    EDIT: Well, that was easy. See the first post for the solution.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Just wanted to show off my XP farm in Nightmare Realms:

    There are six cave spider spawners in there. It used to be a tree. Locking it down was loads of fun!

    Without water, the kill room needs to be a bit bigger so the spiders can easily find their way in. And without lava, I couldn't think of an easy way to switch it on and off, so getting rid of all the torches inside when it was finished was pretty hazardous work. A couple of times, I broke the wrong block and got a fountain of spiders spewing into my face.

    But in the end, it works great. Clicking as fast as I can with an iron sword, I can just barely keep up with the spawners. I can get to level 50 in roughly 15-30 minutes.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Compact Light Sensors, 1x/7x/12x/14x Sensitivity

    Regarding the Nano circuit, the how-to-build diagram is faulty in three respects:

    In the lowest layer image, the redstone torch needs to be redstone wire so that the block moved by the piston can break the redstone wire link. As a torch, the redstone wire powers the block the torch rests upon and the torch remains off no matter the position of the piston.

    There is no redstone repeater in the circuit for the T-BUD. Without the repeater the T-BUD cycles twice rapidly when a block update occurs, leaving it always in the same state.

    The luminance of a repeater in the ON state is 9, enough to prevent grass from dying at night. The repeater needs to be faw away or put on the far side of a wall to block the light, so the lay out needs to be bigger.

    I have built this and it works with the modifications I described.

    Did you try it without the modifications first? It works fine. To address your concerns:

    1. The piston doesn't disconnect the wire, it re-orients it from an L shape to a + shape. As you can see in the screenshots, both the torch and the wire are on.
    2. Three torches provides enough of a delay so that the repeater isn't needed
    3. Since there's no repeater, there's no light leak problem
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Slime Hunter - find slime chunks
    Ok, fixed now
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on Compact Light Sensors, 1x/7x/12x/14x Sensitivity
    I've narrowed down the sticky light bug in Minecraft and found that it actually effects this machine perpetually, though fortunately it only reduces the day sensitivity a bit rather than breaking it.

    Usually, some light will get stuck in the shallowest part of the water on the side opposite the window. This prevents one/two of the day sensor blocks from resetting, effectively disabling it and making this a 6x/12x sensor in the morning. I may not be able to fix it.

    But the machine still works.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Slime Hunter - find slime chunks
    Quote from xDarkSadye

    Another bug. Using Google Chrome, when I put in my seed ("Brave New World"), your script changes it to -4603979502, while the java applet changes it to -309012206. I am sure -309012206 is the right one, 'cause I had built my farm there and it worked. Any clues?

    Yep, it seems to be broken for some non-numeric seeds. I'll fix that asap. In the interrim, use the other tool to convert seeds to numbers.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on Compact Light Sensors, 1x/7x/12x/14x Sensitivity
    Quote from Spookybear

    Alright fixed the stuck piston problem, I did indeed have a wire that connected to the wrong place.

    its the x14 model, currently having 2 chained together to the same latch.

    Anyway I'm still having the oscillating problem, it happens during night and it does not switch back and forth instantly.

    It seems like its grass growing regrowing, not behaving as it should

    Picture is when its in the wrong state, at night.


    Look for light leaking in through pistons, most likely through the water control pistons. They shouldn't be exposed to the outside. The BUD pistons should not be exposed to the inside. It's gotta be some kind of light leak.

    Also, it looks like a sensor block in the middle of each unit isn't covered by water. Or is that just because you snapped the image quickly?

    EDIT: One problem for sure is that 18-long wire on the ground on the upper left. Just put a repeater in the obvious spot to split the wire into 14 and 3.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on What makes a T-BUD work?
    Quote from Owl Exterminator

    How is that different from a pulse BUD's wiring, though? I keep making pulse BUDs and can't seem to get a TBUD to form without using someone's incredibly similar template.

    What I described is a pulsing BUD. That's how they usually work. It will pulse If the extended piston head is in notification range of the redstone. The simplest way to do that is to point the piston sideways and run the wire over top of the head. If you want a T-BUD, just make sure the piston head is not in range of the redstone i.e. more than two blocks away from the dust.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on What makes a T-BUD work?
    A T-BUD is actually doing less than a pulsing BUD. It's just a piston that doesn't notice changes to its power until a neighbor block is updated. This is true for both rising and falling edge, thus it naturally acts as a toggle.

    To make it a pulsing BUD, you want it to notice the falling edge immediately, so it resets. Typically you do this by running the power next to the extended piston head, which picks up the notification from the redstone wire turning off. When the power comes back on, the head is retracted, so the piston misses the notification.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Wireless Redstone [No Mods!]
    I am glad that real wireless devices do not work this way
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Piston BUD Switch may be taken away
    Quote from moomoomoo309

    Shame no one ever remembers Etho's first water one, not compact, but only relied on non-glitchy water behavior...

    Water changing direction when you play a record next to it seems fairly glitchy to me.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Compact Light Sensors, 1x/7x/12x/14x Sensitivity
    Quote from dragongild

    Just use your imagination. Right now, I'm trying to fit four of the 14x sensors together, and build a solar panel :smile.gif:

    The way I would do that is to have them all share a single RS-NOR latch, so they are all in the same state and any one of them can change the state. If you want to get creative, they could probably also be joined end-to-end and share water sources. If you build something like that, show it off here.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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