• 2

    posted a message on Water and Underwater/Underwater Structures
    I love water in any game. Minecraft needs some things here. Water can be scary as hell and can be peaceful on the surface. Underwater exploration needs to happen. The water is fairly bland. I'd like to voice some of my opinions on water and underwater.

    First we need some more life. Notch was working on fish before, but that never happened. Squid aren't enough to fill the oceans of Minecraft. Coral and Coral Reef areas would be cool as hell. Notch said that coral was weird but considering how the iron fencing is I don't see how coral is a problem.

    Sharks would always be cool, and so would jellyfish for some lighting and just as a cool passive mob. The jellyfish would hurt if you got near them; they would shock you.

    As long as there are more creatures there, it would be more alive. Maybe even eels as well.

    Scuba gear.
    A mask for more vision underwater. This could work how the current night vision potion works.
    :Iron: :Iron: :Iron:
    :Glass: :Glass: :Glass:
    :Iron: :Glass: :Iron:
    All this would do is give a bit more vision, not too much. Glowstone would still be a good source of light to help you down deeper.

    Air canister:
    :Diamond: :||||: :Diamond:
    :Iron: :Glass: :Iron:
    :Iron: :Glass: :Iron:

    The glass = bottles/potion flasks filled with air. To fill them with air you simply right click above ground and it will fill it. The wheat = sugar cane. I don't like the whole respiration helmet idea. It's not that easy to come by and not worth the time to try and get. I would rather just build up on land. Now if there was some underwater content, maybe. Either way I think there needs to be a different way to help underwater breathing.

    Basically the glass bottles will be filled with air. Your normal breath would last 2x's longer when this is equipped in your chest slot. Also, you can bring more bottles with you to replace the air canisters. Everytime your breath is reduced to nothing, a bottle will be used to replace it back to full. The canister can hold 2 bottles at a time. There will be a small display next to your breath to show how many caninsters you have. Again, you can bring more bottles to replace them. However, you will need to take off the canister from your chest piece slot to add more to it; so pick your area of replacing wisely.

    Underwater structures:
    With the air canister, having some cool things underwater would be really awesome.

    Sunken Ships:
    Randomly generated in large bodies of waters/oceans. They would have a bit of room to explore and have a random chance to spawn a treasure chest similar to a monster spawners chests. The chest items can vary. Maybe some more flasks with air for resurfacing, gold, maps for treasure, etc. There could be some air pockets in here so you can take time to refill your canister if need be. There will be different rooms and skeletons could be randomly spawned in these rooms. There could be certain blocks that will only be used there and can be brought back for decorations. Statues of monsters, weapons for item frames, fossils for display and more. Possibly keys for unlocking buildings in the lost cities.

    The treasure maps could use a normal map to plot out a path where the pirates hid their real treasure. This might need some thinking through but you would need to combine it with your own map to add the pieces together and find out where it is. Their map might be in a different location. The way this is generated might be a bit weird hence why I said it may need to be thought out. It will need to be within a certain number of blocks away from the ship; maybe 500 - 1000 horizontally. It can be at the level of gold and emerald in terms of vertical axis.

    Bring back the sponges! It would be nice to see underwater at the depths of the oceans. It could be used to absorb water. It will be able to hold more than a bucket. You could use it to water crops or just carry it incase of fires. I'll need to think of more in this section but for now that's what I think could work.

    Along with skeletons, ghosts could spawn. That or only ghosts could spawn and take out the skeletons. Either way the ghosts could be a passive form. Maybe some ships have skeletons which would attack you and some ships would have ghosts which would be passive. Or a mix of the two. Ghosts could just be there as a distraction. By lighting up the area they would disappear. They would just be a nice passive monster and maybe give items when killed.

    Underwater Skeletons: rarekwiebus
    "How about also making skeletons not drown in water? The skeletons should sink instead of driving. While you're under water you can encounter skeletons!"

    I like the idea. This could be an option.

    Lost city of Minetopia:
    This will be an underwater sunken city. Basically generated as rare as a stronghold. It could look similar to vilages on land but be covered in mossy cobblestone and inhabited by fish and other underwater mobs. It will be in very deep oceans and it's possible that the treasure maps could lead you here from a sunken pirate ship. That or Ghosts could drop an item similar to endermen. The item could lead you to these cities. I'm still working on this idea so suggestions would be cool. Maybe a new ore could be spawned here or just a new cool block. Ghosts and Skeletons could inhabit the cities just as they do in the ships.

    Beaches will be along the lines of deserts. The differences will be palm trees (I know this has been suggested with coconuts), crabs as passive creatures, possibly docks and harbors with villagers where you can exchange for fishing materials or boats. Beaches could provide deep oceans for locations for the sunken ships.

    Deserts should have the chance to spawn an oasis type area. Just for water, dirt, some food such as bananas or coconuts. It would be more of a visual change and just a chance. More variety is always better.
    I really like it when something offers variety. Simple structures and naturally occuring scenery just adds so much more to Minecraft. Biomes were crazy when they were first added and it gave way to a whole new world to explore. When you add one small thing at a time to each individual biome, it can just grow and grow into something even more amazing. That's why I would like to have things like beaches and oasis. It just adds that small bit of scenery to really bring something together.

    Both are a little away from the main idea of this post and I'm sure there are specific topics for these. I just want to reiterate them.

    Ending Statements

    For now this is what I have. I know it's a huge wall of text really so I tried to space it out. Any suggestions or comments to anything would be appreciated. I will probably update this if it gets views and people like the ideas. There are probably going to be more things I want to add too. A lot fo my stuff I want some input from other people in, so I'll wait to add things. A lot of drops need to be thought up for certain areas and those will be slowly added in.

    Thanks for reading through. And again, sorry if some of this has been mentioned or suggested before. Basically I'm trying to add my 2 cents, keep the topics a bit more organized and slowly link all the suggestions together in some way. I know everyone has probably seen these in some shape or another. Everyone has a different opinion and vision when they picture their suggestion so I'm trying to bring in more light. When many minds suggest the same thing, there will be more possibilities to create something even better.
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 4

    posted a message on Arrows; Weapons; Armor
    These are just going to be some things my friends and I have thought up over our time playing minecraft. I've looked through the forums for a few of them; So I apologize ahead of time if it's been suggested and I missed it. I might not have seen what Jeb has already said wouldn't happen either so just let me know and I can remove a section.

    First section; Arrows:
    I'd assume this has come up mulitple times but I'm just going to voice my opinion on some things. A little variation would be cool with arrows. Some of my ideas include more craftable arrows. Arrows used iron before, and that would be nice to see again. Flint should be the lowest tier of arrows. The reason why I think there should be more arrow variations instead of just enchantments for bows is because getting the enchantment is sometimes a challenge, but then at some points not. You could get it right away or not. Enchantments are random. Plus arrow combinations with bow enchantments could bring a whole new dimension into the bow combat.

    The iron arrowheads will have to be crafted though. Basically the reverse of a bucket in the crafting table:
    :: :Iron: ::
    :Iron: :: :Iron:
    This would produce 1 arrowhead. Why? When crafting arrows you already recieve 4. So keep that the same amount while using more iron thus making it more of a use for iron and more of a challenge.

    I have one cool idea that could be used for the iron arrows and that is poison tips. Poisonous spiders will be able to drop poison sacks that can then be extracted using a bottle/potion flask. After creating the arrows you will be able to put the posion overtop of the arrow in a crafting table or your inventory and the poison would apply to a stack of arrows. Poison would work just as the poison spiders poision works; damage tick over time; half a heart.
    This can just be a side suggestion or option, but on hard mode or hardcore monsters should not die from just poision damage. The arrow will have to do the hit damage.

    Basically the main point in the iron arrows would be to add poison to them. Overall the damage is not higher; but iron arrows will be the only arrows that can get a poison effect.

    The second arrow will be, obviously, obsidian. Created the same way as the iron arrowheads need to be crafted except with obsidian. Now with obsidian arrows, I think they should pierce through enemies and be the strongest arrows. The arrows would deal a heart more damage. When you have a line of monsters running towards you, you can shoot the arrow through the first monster and hit the one behind it. The damage would decrease after each target the arrow goes through by 1 heart and could only pierce three times. I do not think you would be lucky enough in the first place to pierce that many monsters in one shot :Sheep: .

    Some other things the arrows could be able to do would be piercing through wood, glass, sand, dirt; really any weak block. Of course the damage would decrease by 1 and 1 half hearts through these objects though and the object would be broken. There could be the option of having this take more stamina to shoot or maybe only stacking up to 16 and so on. Combining this with a power enchant would be very crazy and deal massive damage to multiple monsters.

    Onto weapons.

    A little variation to weapons would be cool. Instead of just having higher tier materials, you could add different variety to gameplay with new weapons.

    Long Sword.

    The long sword would be an addition to the traditional sword; just adding two more diamond.
    Crafting recipe would be like that. The long sword does more damage; plain and simple. However, its attacks will be a bit slower than a normal sword, your blocking will be slower and so will be your movement speed. I was thinking about having it have an extra block or two of range, but that's debatable and I'm not sure on that; please voice your opinion. Durability would carry over almost as if repairing; a % based on what's left and what's being used to craft. There will be something later in the suggestions to kind of add to this area of swords.

    I know spears have been suggested, and so have other weapons so I will not add anything else to this for now.


    Really the one thing I'd like from armor would be a shield. The shield could be made with any material and be made as follows:
    :: :Diamond: ::
    :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond:
    :: :Diamond: ::
    Shields will only be equipable when using a normal sword. The long sword will not be able to be used with a shield. I'm still thinking about whether it should replace a certain armor slot or if it has it's own. Really for now the only thing is it blocks more damage and a unique enchant would be reflection and it would reflect back a % of damage you recieve randomly. Monsters will not be able to die from this, and it will not work against a ranged monster; skeletons, blazes, etc. Still a decent amount that could be worked on here. Again I'd like to hear any feedback and suggestions.

    Ending Statements

    For now this is what I have. I know it's a huge wall of text really so I tried to space it out. Any suggestions or comments to anything would be appreciated. I will probably update this if it gets views and people like the ideas. There are probably going to be more things I want to add too. A lot fo my stuff I want some input from other people in, so I'll wait to add things. A lot of drops need to be thought up for certain areas and those will be slowly added in.

    Thanks for reading through. And again, sorry if some of this has been mentioned or suggested before. Basically I'm trying to add my 2 cents, keep the topics a bit more organized and slowly link all the suggestions together in some way. I know everyone has probably seen these in some shape or another. Everyone has a different opinion and vision when they picture their suggestion so I'm trying to bring in more light. When many minds suggest the same thing, there will be more possibilities to create something even better.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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