Quote from kotoroshinoto»
Will there ever be a stable 1.7.10 build or has development focus shifted?
There have been no overly substantial bug reports for the build marked unstable, it will be bumped in the next week or so if no major bugs are reported. I personally consider it fairly stable but think it should be tested more thoroughly.
---Repository for code and issues---
If Divisor wants to have smart moving absorb this functionality i'm not against that, I just wanted smart moving to work with the ladders and ropes mods were adding to my worlds. Until he fully fixes the smart moving isLadder problem I'll try to keep this updated.to install this:You need minecraft forge. I haven't tested extensively on different versions but I built it with the 1.6.2- source.You also need smart moving 14.4 and its dependency Player Api.Install forge and place the mods in the mods directory of your chosen launcher profile's game directory.
WARNING: if you have a mod that allows placement of a ladder that is not against a wall, it will crash smart moving. I'm investigating why this occurs and have notified divisor.