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    posted a message on New Realm: Terabithia and its Philosophy, Concept, and Invitation

    Sent you a Private Message. Talk to you soon!

    Posted in: Minecraft Realms
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    posted a message on New Realm: Terabithia and its Philosophy, Concept, and Invitation

    Another image!

    Posted in: Minecraft Realms
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    posted a message on New Realm: Terabithia and its Philosophy, Concept, and Invitation

    New Images from Tir Asleen, capital city, progress!

    Posted in: Minecraft Realms
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    posted a message on New Realm: Terabithia and its Philosophy, Concept, and Invitation

    I invited you! Check your Realms! :o)

    Posted in: Minecraft Realms
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    posted a message on New Realm: Terabithia and its Philosophy, Concept, and Invitation

    We currently have a healthy start to building the capital city, but would love more people in Terabithia. The invitation requirements have been reduced and a few pictures have been added.

    These are the images. Still a lot to be done!

    Posted in: Minecraft Realms
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    posted a message on Vanilla 1 month old survival realm

    IGN: Lumihnor

    Posted in: Minecraft Realms
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    posted a message on Minecraft Realm 18+ ONLY Creating a community

    IGN: Lumihnor

    Specialties: Building, Design, Farming, Castles, Workshops.

    Why? No one was interested in my realm, so I am branching out!

    Posted in: Minecraft Realms
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    posted a message on Small Survival realm.

    IGN: Lumihnor

    Specialties: Building, Design, Farming, Castles, Workshops.

    Why? No one was interested in my realm, so I am branching out!

    Posted in: Minecraft Realms
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    posted a message on A medieval fantasy Minecraft Realm - Survival

    -IGN: Lumihnor

    -Where you are from: Illinois, USA

    -what time do you play: 3-7pm Range for Central Standard Time

    -Reason for applying: Would like to take my building skills to another level and be a part of a faction that works together. I like fantasy and medieval architecture and I think I can learn a lot and contribute a great deal to your realm.

    -your building skills from 1 and 10. I would estimate 6 to 7

    I speak English

    Posted in: Minecraft Realms
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    posted a message on New Realm: Terabithia and its Philosophy, Concept, and Invitation

    Welcome to Terabithia

    Terabithia is a “Vanilla” survival world with several friendly active players. We are looking for mature, respectful citizens to join our ranks.

    When you first arrive in Terabithia you will spawn in or near Tir Asleen, capital city of the land. The city is still being built, the city walls and leveling of ground, are taking considerable work in survival mode—but progress is happening all the time. We all like to contribute to it together.

    The majority of players have their starter homes in the walls of the city with the intention of heading off into the unknown eventually. The city of Tir Asleen is the nexus of Terabithia’s democracy, and we gather in the Senate (in the capitol) to review laws, propose changes, etc.

    If this sounds like something you would enjoy, please leave the following information below:



    What do you like to do in Minecraft?

    IGN: Lumihnor

    Age: 36

    What do you like to do in Minecraft? I really love to build and work with people on creating big projects to make the realm a better place. I also love seeing other people’s creativity at work and learning from their builds. Also, farming is just simply a lot of fun! I specialize in medieval and fantasy themed villages. I love to build workshops for various artisans (e.g. Weaver, Blacksmith, Tavern, etc.).

    Posted in: Minecraft Realms
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    posted a message on Wanting tho join fun survival realms

    Private Message Sent

    Posted in: Minecraft Realms
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    posted a message on Looking to join an active realm

    Hi Foalan! I am also currently reading the Dune Series, and Harry Potter is a personal favorite series of mine next to Eragon/Inheritance Series! Would love more people on my realm. What is your IGN so I can try to invite you?

    My realm is still starting up and I am open to ideas and suggestions and want to make it a collaborative realm with cool builds!

    Posted in: Minecraft Realms
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    posted a message on Looking for the First Council of Tir Asleen

    Tir Asleen: Capital of the Galladorian Federation

    Realm Concept:

    The Galladorian Federation is a democratic political entity of various enterprises including cities, villages, ports, universities, guilds, and farms that were rallied under the banner of the Federation for mutual protection and prosperity from the terrors of the land by Heinrick Gallador, who gave his life for the freedom of all. The political, economic, and military nexus of the Galladorian Federation is the capital city of Tir Asleen for which the land is named. The capital represents the people as a whole and as the seat of the government, it is an independent entity governed by three to five councilors that form the Council of Tir Asleen. All citizens throughout the land are welcomed as senators who represent not only their personal interests, but the many enterprises that make up the Federation as a whole.

    Who I am looking for initially: (2 or 4 Leaders and 1 Me = the three members of the First Council)

    I need intelligent, mature, harmonious, hard-working, visionary builders, politicians, traders, and soldiers to make up the initial three members of the realm who will become the first Council of Tir Asleen. I will work alongside them to prepare the realm, build the history of the land, and begin construction on the city of Tir Asleen itself. Eventually the council will be responsible for recruiting citizens of the realm and mediate disputes etc.

    The goal is to create a survival realm for others to enjoy one block at a time. The city of Tir Asleen will be built over time in survival mode, allowing for the original three members to get to know each other and ready the world for the citizens and enterprises that comprise the Federation: cities, villages, ports, univeristies, guilds, farms, mines, etc.

    Ideally, I would prefer at least one of the Councilors to be female so there is at least one level-headed thinker on the team. ;0) Also, I think it is important for The Three to have different perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences to make a balanced Council that can run a harmonious and fun realm. [Don't worry ladies, I am happily married and looking only for friends. :0)]

    If Interested in one of the Two available positions:

    Send a private message to knsnyders on the Minecraft Forum or email [email protected]

    Please fill in the following information.

    Also, please feel free to ask me any questions you may have as well!



    Length of Minecraft Experience:


    Leadership Preference: (Politics, Trade, Military)

    Why would you like to join the Council of Tir Asleen?

    What can you bring to the realm that is unique and an asset?

    Thank you for your time and I look forward to becoming friends! Cheers!

    Posted in: Minecraft Realms
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    posted a message on Wild Woods a Casual Survival Realm. Looking to become more active. ◊Single Player Sleep & Home Teleport◊

    Age 36

    IGN Lumihnor

    Played Off/On many years

    I enjoy building, farming, and meeting new people.

    Posted in: Minecraft Realms
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    posted a message on Wanting to start or join a community survival server

    I would definitely love to join!

    katzeimhut is username

    Posted in: MCPS4: Servers
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