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    posted a message on thank god jeb is doing mod API
    Seems like a logical time to do it. The game is in what Mojang considers a "feature complete" state - so you aren't building the mod API against a moving target.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Notch Stepping Down?
    Because everybody has to work on any project they start forever. I'm sure Bill Gates personally writes code for each and every new version of Windows.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on -=PAL=- People Against Lag
    Creating a union with a nice acronym certainly seems like an ideal way to address a problem with a computer game consuming too many resources for your computer.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Far Render Distance = Crashing?
    If you don't want to drop $100 on a new OS to play one game... you could always dual boot into 64bit linux (say, Ubuntu).

    Minecraft runs pretty well under linux, and you'd be able to keep your old OS and stuff intact.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on People Hating on Lydia?
    Quote from Koockaburra101

    Isn't it then rather silly to look down on someone for being "too girly"?

    Nobody is (or can) tell Minecraft Chick not to be "too girly." What is upsetting is how the male-dominated gaming culture rewards girls who fit the mold and punishes girls who do not.

    Gaming pop culture is full of fat, unattractive dudes... but it has no room for unattractive girls.

    You could be an amazing gamer, an insightful reviewer, or a brilliant dev. But if you are a girl you had better be good looking and spunky, and you'd better shop at hot topic.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Like Stable?
    I'm actually having a lot of stability issues since the update as well. Java Virtual Machine crashes, mostly. Seems to happen soon after changing from windowed to fullscreen or back.

    Weirdly, never had this issue before. Lots of transparent land issues, going back to 1.8 are still occurring, but those weren't associated with any kind of crash before. Win7, 64bit Java. Running at full distance, fancy, etc.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on People Hating on Lydia?
    Quote from Koockaburra101

    So what are you people suggesting? That if you're a girl you either have to hide your gender or you just can't do things that are considered atypical for women?

    No - what is being implied is that people aren't interested in women who do atypically girly things unless they fit a narrowly defined gender stereotype like Minecraft Chick.

    Reminds me of the year I went to a music industry showcase and saw a booth selling guitars made "especially for girls." They were pink, many had butterfly stickers on the pickguards. I couldn't help but feel like some girls might look at those guitars and think they were being talked down to.

    I imagine a lot of girls look at the gender roles available for them in gaming culture and feel the same way.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on The Pre-Releases of Minecraft 1.9
    The pre-releases are intended to test changes that will be part of the final version.

    If you don't like testing things, you definitely shouldn't install clearly labeled experimental updates.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Reviewers can, have, and will lower Minecraft's score if Notch does not add this soon.
    1. A very thin tutorial wouldn't be too bad. But not too much. Basic controls and concepts. No recipes.

    2. I'm not sure that getting positive reviews has been much of a problem for Minecraft. It's kind of a critic's darling.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Putty is lagging
    Putty is just a terminal client - prolly for connecting to your server via SSH.

    It's probably not putty that is the problem. While you are connected to the server try opening a windows command line and issue this command:

    ping -t your.servers.ip.address

    See if you are getting any timeouts, or if the ping time is really really slow.

    Since you say other users are getting disconnected, it probably isn't related to your internet connection specifically, so double check with your server host to make sure the problem isn't on their end.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Am I the only one who thinks the current villagers should stay?
    I'd like for them to be better at staying near their village, and maybe have more interesting behaviors of some kind. But I don't care that they look weird - they seem alien and mysterious, which is totally appropriate.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Prereleases - Is Notch babyfeeding the fans?
    I'd bet Mojang's main customer base doesn't even know about the pre-releases.

    Most people who bought Minecraft don't follow Jeb on twitter, read these forums, or know where their minecraft.jar file is stored.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on The End Doesn't Have to Be Your End... How to Live in the Mysterious New World
    OP made me think of this:

    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Thought 1.9 was good until this.
    BTW - wasn't MCRegion licensed and added to Minecraft in like 1.6 or something like that? That certainly seems to recognize the value of modding.

    Also, what's the status on Notch giving full access to the source code? It's no API, but that's pretty intensely supportive. I can't think of a commercial game that lets mod devs look at the actual source code.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Thought 1.9 was good until this.
    Quote from BetaMan1313

    42 rep > 20+ rep. More people are against you.

    Well since you put it that way I guess I'd better change my views. :rolleyes:
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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