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    posted a message on Reddit Minecraft Thanksgiving Marathon for Charity
    http://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comme ... nksgiving/

    We'd love your feedback, input, and participation! Reposting the reddit text:

    Announcing the Reddit Minecraft Thanksgiving Marathon!

    On Friday, November 26th at 7AM EST to Saturday, November 27th at 7AM EST, there will be a build contest on the reddit public Minecraft server (r/Minecraft & in the sidebar, address is c.nerd.nu).

    A few people I know in real life will also be Livestreaming a full 24 hour marathon on our behalves, and you can finally see me build something in Minecraft!

    There will also be constant entertainment provided on the Livestream, as well as a Mumble chat and text chat that will be played through it, encouraging community participation.

    The marathon will benefit Child's Play Charity, and we encourage you guys to show your thankfulness and the generosity of the r/Minecraft community by donating to them. We'll have a goal of $1k to start, and I think we can meet that in 24 hours.

    All donations will be tracked through a script I wrote, and live totals along with a top ten donors and top ten recent list will be displayed both on the livestream and a URL which I will post on marathon day.

    All Reddit Public traffic during that time will be sent to the new server for those 24 hours.

    I want to participate, but I'm going to forget.

    Worry not, we have an e-mail and Reddit PM notification system in place. Simply type in your e-mail or reddit username here ( http://redditpub.appspot.com/), and you will get e-mail / reddit PM notifications before and possibly once during the marathon.

    How can I help if I'm really good at building, or if I suck at building?

    We're looking for dedicated master builders, who will plan out and guide the completion of large projects by directing the efforts of the community. Reply here with ideas if you're interested.

    We also need dedicated moderation staff to seek out and ban griefers and trolls. If you'd like this job, and have at least 20 hours played on Reddit Public OR 100+ comment karma and contributions to r/Minecraft, reply to the appropriate comment below.

    What do I get for participating?

    A good feeling! If you play more than 11 / 24 hours OR donate over $5, you'll get magic carpet and compass privileges on the Reddit Public SMP Creative server, and a subdued (subtle) turkey icon next to your name on r/Minecraft.

    We hope to see you there, and we think it'll be the r/Minecraft event of the year. Until then, keep building :smile.gif:

    Once again, SIGN UP HERE: http://redditpub.appspot.com/ to get notified.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Multiplayer Discussion
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    posted a message on Mixcraft + Soulscribe 128x128 Texture Pack
    Updated for the Halloween update and Soulscribe's new blocks.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Mixcraft + Soulscribe 128x128 Texture Pack
    I combined some stuff from Mixcraft and Soulscribe.... it's half and half, with all blocks textured and Halloween ready.

    Replace terrain.png and run the HD texture fix, keeping default water and lava for best results.


    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Reddit Public SMP
    It's up now... apparently the IP config doesn't do what I think it did.
    Posted in: Alpha - Minecraft Servers
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    posted a message on Reddit Public SMP
    From the creators of redditpublic.com, the longest running public server in Minecraft, comes Reddit Public SMP.

    Connect with nerd.nu:1337.
    Posted in: Alpha - Minecraft Servers
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    posted a message on Creative Builder Bot
    Quote from Summoner »
    Back from a long break from Minecraft, Nice program but i must ask you.
    Is that my texture pack in the vid? :biggrin.gif:

    Don't remember, I was just screwing around that day.

    As for everyone who wants the bot, patience indeed is the key.
    Posted in: Classic - Creative Mode
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    posted a message on Minecraft Android Chat-Client
    Quote from NGgod »
    I see, so really its server chat checking for when you arent at the computer?

    Right. And it'll work on servers you have or don't have admin on.
    Posted in: Classic - Creative Mode
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    posted a message on Minecraft Android Chat-Client
    Quote from NGgod »
    wow, wouldnt it be easier to use an irc bot and use an irc client on the android?

    Yeah, but if you watched the video I said it's not server chat (as in it's connected as a client to the game, not requiring admin access and not using /say, it's sending it's messages through the protocol). So there's a big difference.
    Posted in: Classic - Creative Mode
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    posted a message on Creative Builder Bot
    Quote from GarryH »
    OMG whens this thing comming out?

    Next Wednesday or Thursday. All that remains are a few more features (building squares, vertical/horizontal lines, grief protection, etc).
    Posted in: Classic - Creative Mode
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    posted a message on Creative Builder Bot
    Added greyscale building.

    Sourced from:

    B/W pallet contains two greys, a black, and a white.
    Posted in: Classic - Creative Mode
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    posted a message on Creative Builder Bot
    Quote from Frost01 »
    Are you releasing it soon? It would be fun to write poems on the walls :smile.gif:

    Releasing by this Tuesday. I'm just adding a few final anti-grief features, ownership settings, etc. and then I need to package the source into four different clients... builder, build+server administration, server administration, and chat client. I might just have different configs for each. :smile.gif:
    Posted in: Classic - Creative Mode
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    posted a message on Creative Builder Bot
    The bot does images also now. 3D and release coming after anti-grief features are added!


    Supports PNG, JPG, BMP and multi-directional building.

    Also, !build text [blocktype (optional)] [text] will build text in the direction you're looking.


    So who's excited?
    Posted in: Classic - Creative Mode
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    posted a message on Minecraft Android Chat-Client
    Yet another AlLnAtuRalX project due for simultaneous release with the builder/anti-grief/landmark bot and miCraft sometime next week. Minecraft on Android. Woohoo!

    Once again, thanks to Inside for the base code for this. :biggrin.gif: InsideInside!

    This will require ASE to run. Unless I rewrite it.
    Posted in: Classic - Creative Mode
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    posted a message on New Server Exploit - Every Server is Vulnerable
    Did a fresh round of testing tonight. Almost all servers marked vulnerable originally still are. Come on admins, are you ignoring this? It *will* bite you in the ****.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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