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    posted a message on I want to automate my survival world WE WANT YOU!
    Quote from steezedout»

    Looking for anyone interested you don't need experience btw newbies are welcome!

    I can help! Im the technical type of survival player! I need to get home first.

    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
  • 0

    posted a message on Management window wont show up

    Hello, its me again, KidWithAPickle, if you've read my intro thread, anyways...

    I use a mac, by the way.

    I was trying to run my bukkit server with plugins, I managed to open the .jar file, but the window wont show up. What do I do?

    Thank you.

    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Greeting and What i will teach you!

    Greetings everyone! I'm KidWithAPickle or @ItsToilet#2126 on Discord, and i'm new to the forum.

    I will teach People that are still new, or troubled at what i'm good at. the following are:

    · Advanced building.

    · Mining tips.

    · Multiplayer minigame tricks.

    What i will possibly study in the future:
    · Redstone.

    · Command block works.

    · Making a Private Server.

    I wish you all good tips and tricks! ill be active in the discord server if you need a direct chat with me.

    Make sure to vote in the poll everyone! That could be a real inspiration.

    Posted in: Creative Mode
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