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    posted a message on khalawarrior's graphics shop | Free Banners, Sigs, and Wallpaper | IM BACK!

    Hello, this is Ryan aka. Khalawarrior on the inter-webs. I make graphics for a hobby so i like doing this stuff as you can see. I am very experienced with photoshop and starting to use Corel Painter for my hand drawn images. You can take a look at my portfolio to see if you like my stuff. If you do like my stuff then you can fill out an application. I won't pump out the images very fast because school is in session. That's why I've been inactive for a while. To those people who did post an application before I will not complete the picture because i don't know if you still need it. If you want your picture then re-post your application.

    Computer Edited Image: (Avg Completion 1-4 hrs. Im most experienced with this.)
    How it's created: (Computer, hand drawn, 4d cinema)
    Type of gfx: (Avatars, wallpaper, etc.)
    Theme: (The stuff you want on the graphics; I will not complete the graphics if there are no themes)
    Size (Width x Height in pixels):
    [optional] Anything else you need to say?:

    Hand Drawn Image: (Avg Completion 4-10 hrs.)
    How it's created: (Computer, hand drawn, 4d cinema)
    Type of gfx: (Avatars, wallpaper, etc.)
    Type of tool: (Brush, Crayons, Oil Pastels, etc.)
    Theme: (The stuff you want on the graphics; I will not complete the graphics if there are no themes)
    Size (Width x Height in pixels):
    [optional] Anything else you need to say?:

    4d Cinema Image: (Avg Completion many hours. I am least experienced with this.)
    How it's created: (Computer, hand drawn, 4d cinema)
    Type of gfx: (Avatars, wallpaper, etc.)
    Theme: (The stuff you want on the graphics; I will not complete the graphics if there are no themes)
    Size (Width x Height in pixels):
    [optional] Anything else you need to say?:

    Posted in: Art Shops
  • 3

    posted a message on khalawarrior's graphics shop | Free Banners, Sigs, and Wallpaper | IM BACK!
    Quote from SelectedLime375

    Can you change my banner so that the "Click Here" acts like the splash when you are on the Minecraft main menu. I like the font and color, I just want to make it move.

    here you go :D


    Posted in: Art Shops
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    posted a message on khalawarrior's graphics shop | Free Banners, Sigs, and Wallpaper | IM BACK!
    Quote from SelectedLime375

    Can you make profile pictures and animated profile pictures, banners, wallpapers, ect.?

    Posted in: Art Shops
  • 1

    posted a message on khalawarrior's graphics shop | Free Banners, Sigs, and Wallpaper | IM BACK!
    here you go hope you like it!

    Posted in: Art Shops
  • 1

    posted a message on Looking for a small server
    Hello shaggylobster!

    Im am an admin on the new Foxtacraft server. We just went public just a few days ago. So far we have an active community of 10 people. I thought you would be perfect in this community because it is small. Our server is a PvP Survival. We run bukkit with few plugins like essentials and iconomy. If you were interested in trying us out, the server ip is
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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