Name( username):travisw3
Location/Time zone: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Preferred Style of game-play: (CityRP/PVP)CityRP
Are you looking to form a clan?:Yes
How old are you?:13
Have you read the rules?:Yes I read Rule 4:Cupcakes
Make sure you apply PROPERLY. Check the applications above if you STILL can't find what you missed.
Wow, Kevin, your making your own game? Thats awesome! Whats it called and what is it about? Starting to get into java myself.
It is called.... Cavera! (hehe.)
It's basically like an RPG set in Cavera(Which is the land I made up for the server, I liked it so much I decided to make a game.)
You create a character, you can select your difficulty level for that character at the start by choosing what kind of person it is (Slave, farmer, soldier, hero, or Champion, each rank increases the skill points you have to start.)
Then you just go adventuring in the lands, you can do cool stuff like gain influence with the factions or the people, which leads to you either becoming governor or starting a revolt and being appointed King/Queen of a new faction.
Ign: Uso15
Location: Texas
style of play: RP/pvp
If i joined a clan, i would be a guard.
Clan formation?: i prefer to join a clan.
Age: 15
Rules: i have read them.
i read rule four:cupcakes
Team rules 4 = muffins
I know you're probably not here to grief, because your friend told me about you. But I did tell him you still need to apply properly. Just go read the bold text under the part of the application you filled out already. I'll whitelist you when you post it.
Name( username):qedz
Location/Time zone: New York
Preferred Style of game-play: do not know am new to smp
If you were to join a clan, what position would you take? builder
Are you looking to form a clan?:no
How old are you?:17
Have you read the rules?:yes
Team Rules 4 = read. Muffins
I read rule 4: Cupcakes
I first heard about this server from my friend and now my brother and two of my friends play it. I have many ideas of things to build and feel no desire to grief beyond what the rules allow. I also got bored with single player and think that playng with friends will be fun. From watching my brother play I belive that this will be a fun friendly server to play on.
You my friend were whitelisted about a month ago. Hahaha.
Chad the Server Died, Rawr was un-able to keep anyone interested so He didn't get any donations to make the payment.
It only lasted about a month.
However, my server is up and running for two months now! To celebrate were having a bunch of fun events this weekend. Check out my signature and apply!
Bumping to ask a mod to erase the topic, RAWR has been MIA for weeks, and the server went down 2 months ago.
Fun fact: You can copy word-saves into your DIM1 folder to replace the nether with another save.
That right there is the main reason I am looking forward to even more dimensions. Three of my worlds all tied together into a single save? Yes please!
You are my god sir! I am building portals to other worlds IMMEDIATELY.
OOOOOO aren't you big and bad? :laugh.gif:
I highly doubt they care if 1 person changes their mind. I do think its stupid to change it over this, when Its not Bethesda Game Studios doing it. They make the game, they don't publish it which is BethSoft & Zenimax (and the actual ones doing this)
I never said I was "Big and Bad" I just thought it was kind of funny. If all of us made tweets like that, which was what I was trying to accomplish, then they'd realise they made a huge mistake.
Make sure you apply PROPERLY. Check the applications above if you STILL can't find what you missed.
It is called.... Cavera! (hehe.)
It's basically like an RPG set in Cavera(Which is the land I made up for the server, I liked it so much I decided to make a game.)
You create a character, you can select your difficulty level for that character at the start by choosing what kind of person it is (Slave, farmer, soldier, hero, or Champion, each rank increases the skill points you have to start.)
Then you just go adventuring in the lands, you can do cool stuff like gain influence with the factions or the people, which leads to you either becoming governor or starting a revolt and being appointed King/Queen of a new faction.
There's more planned too
I whitelited EARLIER tonight. I can't do two rounds in one day, it's a long process involving restarting the server etc.
I know you're probably not here to grief, because your friend told me about you. But I did tell him you still need to apply properly. Just go read the bold text under the part of the application you filled out already. I'll whitelist you when you post it.
You my friend were whitelisted about a month ago. Hahaha.
Just fixed it.
Bumping to ask a mod to erase the topic, RAWR has been MIA for weeks, and the server went down 2 months ago.
on the subject of floating islands.
You are my god sir! I am building portals to other worlds IMMEDIATELY.
Notices your signature has 16 in it also! IRONY!
In all seriousness digging STRAIGHT down is almost suicide. Maybe you meant a 2x2 or a 4x4 shaft? If not you're totally trolling the newbies.
Don't forget to post your updated application!