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    posted a message on Ordo Imperator Novum - Recruiting
    Quote from voloder2

    It's not. Not really. Almost all PvP happens inside of carefully controlled Arenas. The attacks outside of there (like on bases) are even worse. You have to notify the enemy that you will be attacking them in 24 hours... :L Good intentions, but it doesn't work and there are just too many rules. They need to just let it be. What happens, happens.

    Which If I'm correct is one of the reasons we won't be going there, we're for vanilla unrestricted PvP. If I had enough money I'd host a server; but I don't

    I also don't like how you sort of force you clan's honor code on anyone who plays on the server. You told me you want the server to grow, my advice is to stop restricting the player's freedom; you'll attract more players like that. The towers/PvP Arenas are cool, but if they're the only place PvP is any fun you're out of luck.

    All in all from what I saw while I was on there it was a cool server, but you've got too many rules in place; and not enough incentive to join/come back. The Gameplay is not innovative or different, it's a factions server with extra rules. I believe I'm not the only one who feels like stiffling Vanilla PvP with plugins and rules is not the answer to a fun server.

    For example, a rule which I strongly disagree with, the obsidian wall rule. If someone wastes enough time to coat their entire castle in obsidian to strengthen it, by god let them waste their own time. Making someone leave a portion of the walls open for attack ruins the purpose of walls in the first place, keeping people on the outside of the wall from getting to the inside of the wall. Chances are people have a gate, and if they don't the solution I'm about to detail will make the need for one pretty great.

    My suggestions to improving the server:

    1) Do away with the notify-combat rule(Accidentally stumbling upon an enemy base and not being able to attack is stupid)
    2) Do away with the wall-vulnerability rule
    3) Do away with land claiming in factions; hear me out on this one.
    4) Add a plugin that sets a home to a bed, and set a cool down on it(Preferably a long one, five minutes or so.)

    The addition of the cooldown to /home and the elimination of land claiming will serve the same purpose of the rules you've installed; but without stifling freedom. If players want to move freely from their walls without waiting 5 minutes they'll need gates. Gates can't be made from obsidian; obsidian can't be moved with pistons. That means that opposing factions can raid the gates and break through. Also, without land claiming it'll be easier to scale walls anyways(now you can tower/ladder over them). In my opinion you could also do away with the water walling rule, because they can now climb the walls and block the water from above thanks to the removal of land claiming.

    tl;dr Factions is good for faction chat, ruins gameplay otherwise.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Ordo Imperator Novum - Recruiting
    Sorry I wasn't on yesterday, I'm sick. Probably won't be on much today either.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Ordo Imperator Novum - Recruiting
    Good Job guys, the only people left to face us on StormFall are ELKHunters.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on I found my 2 year old Alpha world (Video/Download)
    Sweet, I remember my world from when the Halloween update first came out!
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Ordo Imperator Novum - Recruiting
    Good raid today guys, Lol when we found the hidden base by blowing the first one up.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Ordo Imperator Novum - Recruiting
    We've already got a pretty Difficult Agility Course, and looking at expanding it!
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Ordo Imperator Novum - Recruiting
    Quote from weatherdog

    LOL! Haha, I wanted to see that.

    We'll prolly do it again tomorrow
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Ordo Imperator Novum - Recruiting
    Training today crashed the server, we put three militem against an army of ghasts, blazes, and pig zombies.
    They lasted long enough to crash the server from explosive damage.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Ordo Imperator Novum - Recruiting
    Quote from Locke_Erasmus

    I didn't leave the clan, you dissolved the clan, remember? If I left, then you left too. Apparently you didn't quite understand that Conquest is a different sort of server. It's not a place for clan wars. Also, no one in PRO cares about your "war," I suggest you give it up.

    You know full well it never dissolved, only went into hiding("I'm leaving because I want to be in a big clan, not a hidden one" was along the lines of what you said). Sorry for assuming a "Clan Based PvP server" is not for clan wars. I'm not carrying on a war with PRO, I even said I'm done with it. If one of my clan members brings it up I promptly tell them to drop it, because we're done with that. Don't turn this into Another Art of War thread fiasco, you've given my clan enough bad rep with stuff like that already; you're one of the reasons I decided to go into hiding.

    @ManPossum Silent didn't know, we already talked to you guys about it though.

    And incase you forgot what I'm talking about cosmic:

    Quote from Locke_Erasmus

    I don't know what you mean to accomplish by mindlessly insulting me, but I could care less. I'll admit that there are very few differences between griefing and acts of war, but they are still separate. Griefing, on most occasions, occurs when the victim(s) aren't present and have no way to actively defend their property or identify the perpetrators, and involves no combat. Call the ideas in the AoW thread whatever you like, but they're possible, and I'm going to prove it with Art of War: Empires. And I don't understand why you're putting the AoW thread down, when you're a former ONA member and you claim your server is so similar to PAoW, which is based on it.

    Don't bother saying your server is like PAoW, because it isn't. For one thing, PAoW had an extensive whitelist application to keep out the people who only want to mess with other people's stuff, and your server boasts of having no whitelist. I know griefing servers, my clan is currently stuck on one while we wait for AoWE to launch. Their thread looked even more promising than yours did, and they didn't use the words "anarchy" and "brutality," neither of which are words I would use to describe a clan war server. "Organization" and "strategy" are what come to mind when reading the AoW. You do have similar rules about hacking, bans, and protected spawns, but you present it so differently that it will be a completely different server.

    I know that every server has problems with hackers, and I'm not saying that your bans won't be effective. I take what I said before back. I actually agree with your ban policy. I'm just saying that your server looks like paradise to the sort of people who will try to hack, and to people who won't care about fighting in clans, even for the towers. My guess is that fights over the towers will be free-for-alls, with only a few small groups, besides the clans you're no doubt bringing in. The independants will likely team up against the clans, but they won't form clans of their own, and they won't be loyal or useful to any clans they join.

    The thing about brutality is that it only exists in a one-sided conflict, and the only people attracted to it are either the ones who want to be brutal or want to overcome the brutality. People who want to fight in clans according to the Art of War don't want either of these things, though I admit there are exceptions. The majority of clans want to fight against equals, which would be considered competition, not brutality.

    I can tell you're implying that Val is more involved in this server than he seems. I don't really care, I just want to know why, because this server isn't at all like PAoW. My guess is that he took your word because you were in his clan.

    You say I know nothing about PvP. The truth is that you and I see it in opposite lights, and you believe your point of view to be the absolute truth. If I had played on PAoW, I would've had a much different experience than you obviously did. We want different things out of it. This is why we both believe our servers to be closer to PAoW.

    P.S.- I never TL;DR. But apparently you do, since you call this a response to "everything I've ever said, ever." I wondered what you spent the three hours you spent working on this post doing, whether you were researching me or doing something completely different. I'm pretty sure now which one it was.

    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on The Art of War [Check Current Topic List]
    Quote from voloder2

    Agreed, but, what do you do if your enemy doesn't let you use spies? As in, bans you from a server if you do? What then?

    Leave the server,

    Also on the note of spying; interested to see people's opinions on buying an alternate account to infiltrate your enemy's clan. I did it, I feel like it was worth it.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Ordo Imperator Novum - Recruiting
    Training area is pretty Epic, HUGE area for Fort battles, LONG agility course including traps, new automated Archery Range
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Ordo Imperator Novum - Recruiting
    We're going to work on getting a training area set up on our new server.

    PM me on Skype if you want to help
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Ordo Imperator Novum - Recruiting

    Welcome Back,

    Join the server who's IP is the in the OP (Manpossum, that should help you too)

    And have silent_stealth add you to the faction in game.

    Someone should finish the mob grinder I've started please.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Ordo Imperator Novum - Recruiting
    Quote from The MANPOSSUM

    ^ Sounds, like fun... mind if I help? We won't be going to conquest if you don't.

    OF course not, the more the merrier! We're working on getting a base set up; you guys should come on and do the same.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Ordo Imperator Novum - Recruiting
    Yeah I don't quite get it either Manpossum. I told Ellie to let saint know he can contact me if he wants to have a go; until then we're at peace as far as I'm concerned.

    Meanwhile, we've got a big target on StormFall. Two buddies are all that's left of a clan; limitless supplies; full enchanted armor. We're working on getting their weakness figured out.
    Posted in: Clans
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