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    posted a message on The Gnomish Inquisition (PvP)
    Online mode requires players to be legitimate; ie. not pirating the game.

    I don't think he gets how that works either; because it only lets cracked players onto the server if you turn online mode OFF.

    He's a noob, and wouldn't be able to play anywhere.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Ordo Imperator Novum - Recruiting
    Thanks man, we're still allies right? I haven't seen you guys on StormFall much!
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Ordo Imperator Novum - Recruiting
    I forgot it, it's "Code of Honor" I also changed the application to reflect that. Thanks for noticing.

    Welcome to OIN, please add Kevin4460 on Skype.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Project: PvP [Opening Soon][No-Whitelist][PvP]
    Guys we now need only $6.50 in donations to open; please try to donate if you can!
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Project: PvP [Opening Soon][No-Whitelist][PvP]
    Quote from voloder2

    They just stand around, allowing you to kill them and get the stuff when someone combat logs.

    That is correct
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Ordo Imperator Novum - Recruiting
    Thanks for personally Apologizing as well Milan. For the record, he did that of his own accord.

    Also, Looks like we'll be staying on StormFall.

    Also, New thread design.

    Also, Proto please add Kevin4460 on skype.

    Also, website soon.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Ordo Imperator Novum - Recruiting
    Everyone please welcome our newest recruit, who's a personal friend of Milan: joemalola
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Ordo Imperator Novum - Recruiting
    ProtoZeph - Accepted, if you still want to join after reading what is below.

    Official Notice: Hacking

    Hacking is not allowed in OIN. It is in direct violation of our values of Honor and Glory; as it is dishonest to cheat, and no glory comes from false victory. Often times at practice for running or skiing, I will find myself thinking a lot during the ski/run. Today I found my self picturing a rather disturbing image; me angrily yelling at my commanding officers for some sort of large mistake. Imagine my surprise when I come home to find that one of them had indeed made a mistake.

    MilanManiac9 has been using an X-Ray Texture pack, without any endorsement from the clan, for his/our direct benefit. As I understand it; he found a Moderator's house(Who Happened to be our Ally, lmao) hidden underground. He then decided it would be a good idea to raid it, as he didn't know it was the moderator's house. He said that there would be a raid, in either the skype chat or on the server, and Supo33 said he would help raid a house. Supo33 is also guilty of hacking apparently; and followed his commanding officer into battle when asked.

    As punishment for both dishonorable battle conduct, as well as sending a soldier into a battle where they were in unreasonable danger(Ie. Both of them were banned) MilanManiac9 has been put on probation for a week. Probation will consist of his rank being reduced to Militem, and any further misconduct in expulsion from the clan. His Rank will be restored at the end of Probation. Supo33 has been placed on probation as well, but his rank will remain unchanged for the time being.

    I will be issuing a public apology to StormFall, we will be giving away all of our items, and I will be finding a new server for the clan.

    Here's a Picture of our apology to StormFall, these guys have inventories full of enchanted diamond armor and potions and gold.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Ordo Imperator Novum - Recruiting

    New Signature!
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Ordo Imperator Novum - Recruiting
    @Saint We've been working on some on our own; if we can't come with anything good we'll let you know. Thanks for the offer!
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Ordo Imperator Novum - Recruiting
    Okay guys, server poll is up. Please vote.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Ordo Imperator Novum - Recruiting
    Good Raid today guys!

    We're about to get another one going too!

    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Ordo Imperator Novum - Recruiting
    Congratulations to our recruits who have passed basic training and completed their training mission; The member list has been updated.

    Wolf_gong - You still need to do the basic training but you have completed the mission; whenever you're ready just let me know.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Ordo Imperator Novum - Recruiting
    Raith Welcome back Mate, you're in squad II because you've already done training.

    Training starts in an hour, for all new recruits.

    Zoto has been promted to Gladius of Squad III in response to the new member influx.
    Posted in: Clans
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