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    posted a message on In my opinion, square sun/moon were part of the essence of minecraft.
    Notch mostly made it round since square phases look really bad. At release when new people buy it.. they won't notice this at all but they would notice if it looked bad.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on What I feel minecraft is lacking.
    Excellent post! Was an enjoyable read. I agree on all issues especially the unique mobs in different biomes issue. You also hit the nail on Notch not expanding after starting something. I hope everything is polished by release I guess.. and hope for more future updates on all of those aspects.

    Are you a mind reader since I haven't agreed with anyone on these forums as much as I agree with you. Kudos for the post.

    Edit: In case you didn't get my message I think that is most constructive and best post I've seen on these forums.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Mob grinders destroyed?
    Quote from Trickysticks

    I'm being honest, in say combat is simple yet effective.

    Anyway, grinder broke, boo hoo. You're still getting something, unlike most of us who have a thing called a "sword".

    Stop being immature. He made a valid topic asking a question, take your crap elsewhere. Mob grinders are one of the most fun structures to make and are extremely rewarding.

    @OP no idea, sorry s: haven't even tried prereleases. Mine is working fine on 1.8.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Need to fix mineshafts...
    This is one of the few aspects that I strongly agree needs fixing. They should be way less common and more structured. Having them huge is ok.. as long as they're at least a bit linear and not chaotic/messy.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Give me one AMAZING reason why Hunger should NOT be toggable
    Quote from Rikaelus

    The only other aspect of the game that has changed since Hunger is how the bow works. And an experience bar that doesn't do anything. If anything, the sentiment of your point works against the new hunger system.

    The old food system was in place for 10 months and was balanced against all facets of the game. Wouldn't it being changed to begin with mean that all other aspects need to be changed?

    er? Are you ignoring points I stated. I didn't even mention the experience bar. Let me requote myself since I won't just retype them in a different form and waste my time.

    Edit: Old food system was not balanced. You were immortal with some mushroom stew. Now that it can't be stacked.. and it takes time to eat, you are no longer immortal using mushrooms.

    All the new updates revolve around the hunger bar. This balances out how you can fight indefinitely(even while fighting badly) if you stock up on mushroom stew. The new combat mechanics allows room to make health regenerate only. The persistent mobs, stacking food,addition of foods also revolves around hunger. Sprinting also depends on hunger...

    So that is all much more than just 1 reason why it shouldn't be toggable, food is a main aspect in minecraft now that is just as important as being able to light your house.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Give me one AMAZING reason why Hunger should NOT be toggable
    All the new updates revolve around the foodbar. This balances out how you can fight indefinitely(even while fighting badly) if you stock up on mushroom stew. The new combat mechanics allows room to make health regenerate only. The persistent mobs, stacking food,addition of foods also revolves around hunger. Sprinting also depends on hunger...

    So that is all much more than just 1 reason why it shouldn't be toggable, food is a main aspect in minecraft now that is just as important as being able to light your house.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on 1.8 was a major disapointment. Its the truth.
    Quote from Dreknathal

    You can turn npc villages off.

    The food system makes the game harder. Wait.. wasn't that what you were complaining about in the first 'point'?

    Biomes are much larger. I don't know what you're talking about.

    Mineshafts aren't supposed to be made of diamonds. They're there for a more 'adventure' like feel to the game.

    Exp points aren't supposed to do anything yet.

    First of all, it's ENDERMEN. Not slender. Also, they are just as difficult to kill as any other mob. Maybe harder.

    Go out in the real world and see how fast you can shoot a bow. Go on. I dare you.

    Sprinting is a great feature. But it hasn't ruined old maps. Want to play them? Don't sprint. Hey presto! It worked.

    New lighting? Making you lag? Go buy a better computer.


    Wanted an intelligent post. Instead got the same crappy complaints again. I have complained a lot about Notch and his work ethics.. but the actual quality is quite good(although lots pushed to 1.9).
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on 1.8 release date
    I like Sabby, and they have worked hard to provide info for all... and try not to get this forum too cluttered... but getting off topic.
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Best Levels For Lapis Lazuli?
    While best levels are being discussed.. what's the best level for gold ore?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on no diamonds!
    Diamonds do generate on level 6 just 12-16 give better rates. Recommend you find level 14 and mine from there, you won't have any lava on that level mostly.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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