Hey. I haven't played since 1.8 since I've been busy. On my server with the updated game.. yet not sure how to feed animals. I hold a bread and right click and nothing happens. Does anyone know the problem?
I'm a casual minecraft player.. I went on my server and went to the nether. I had built a huge nether railway to take me to far off lands. Turns out my whole railway has disappeared and nether has a whole new nether generation.
Is this common.. I went through many pages and no one seems to have mentioned it. Is it a bug or did my building really get deleted with a new biome generation in the nether :sad.gif:
This is terrible news! I have spent a large amount of time on filling in and water floating slime chunks to prevent them from spawning except where I want them to. If this now means they can spawn all the way up to the surface, I'm in for one hell of a messed up world
This ^ D:
I've spent time trying to make slimes stop spawning. They really mess up traps.
Those dragons don't spawn in the normal world so sure they can cause that much damage. Just don't spawn them if you don't like them in your normal world.
Read through the whole topic. No one really mentioned another point the OP talks about. The prereleases ruin the excitement and mystery of a huge new update to explore. Prereleases are buggy,unpolished and come in small updates. If all is put in 1 update with private testers.. and polished then the actual release is much more exciting.
@everyone attacking the OP.. You're being idiots. He didn't complain one bit. He offered his opinion of how it ruins his experience of excitement. Asked about other people's opinions and offered a poll. He was respectful while you're being all disrespectful.
They just changed skylands to ender.. Changing the look/name. Not like ender replaced something that was being done, it is skylands just with a different outlook and name.
We can and should be heard by mojang. Now i would not suggest spamming Notch in his email or anything but i believe that a very large part of the community wants refinement and adding more substance and meaning to things that we all loved in minecraft.
Maybe someone should tweet this topic to notch/Jeb
Excellent post! Was an enjoyable read. I agree on all issues especially the unique mobs in different biomes issue. You also hit the nail on Notch not expanding after starting something. I hope everything is polished by release I guess.. and hope for more future updates on all of those aspects.
Are you a mind reader since I haven't agreed with anyone on these forums as much as I agree with you. Kudos for the post.
Edit: In case you didn't get my message I think that is most constructive and best post I've seen on these forums.
there is zero proof skylands and ender are the same. Notch hasnt said that skylands was a placeholder at all.
Why would you assume otherwise? They seem extremely similiar. He has never mentioned he is working on anything else. You're looking way too hard to think they're different for no particular reason.
I'm being honest, in say combat is simple yet effective.
Anyway, grinder broke, boo hoo. You're still getting something, unlike most of us who have a thing called a "sword".
Stop being immature. He made a valid topic asking a question, take your crap elsewhere. Mob grinders are one of the most fun structures to make and are extremely rewarding.
@OP no idea, sorry s: haven't even tried prereleases. Mine is working fine on 1.8.
Is this common.. I went through many pages and no one seems to have mentioned it. Is it a bug or did my building really get deleted with a new biome generation in the nether :sad.gif:
This ^ D:
I've spent time trying to make slimes stop spawning. They really mess up traps.
@everyone attacking the OP.. You're being idiots. He didn't complain one bit. He offered his opinion of how it ruins his experience of excitement. Asked about other people's opinions and offered a poll. He was respectful while you're being all disrespectful.
Maybe someone should tweet this topic to notch/Jeb
Are you a mind reader since I haven't agreed with anyone on these forums as much as I agree with you. Kudos for the post.
Edit: In case you didn't get my message I think that is most constructive and best post I've seen on these forums.
Why would you assume otherwise? They seem extremely similiar. He has never mentioned he is working on anything else. You're looking way too hard to think they're different for no particular reason.
Stop being immature. He made a valid topic asking a question, take your crap elsewhere. Mob grinders are one of the most fun structures to make and are extremely rewarding.
@OP no idea, sorry s: haven't even tried prereleases. Mine is working fine on 1.8.
He says he'll work on the nether before working on the skylands(which is also the ender). Your point?