I play Minecraft on multiple different versions (1.14 for survival, 1.8 for most servers, and 1.12 for 2b2t. I switch between these versions a lot, but my ingame settings are rarely saved. Every time I switch versions, my sensitivity is totally off and I have to change it (it doesn't stay consistent to the numbers either, so one day I might play on 144, and another day I'll play on 60 and they'll both be about the same). Because of this, I constantly have to adapt to new sensitivity every time I switch. Along with this, my inventory hotkeys, shifting, and sprinting buttons are also messed with in inconsistent ways. Sometimes certain keyboard changes stay, sometimes they're kept the same but another control with the same button is switched back to its original, making neither of them work, and sometimes, they're set back to the original. This all only started after I factory reset my laptop.
TLDR: When I switch versions of Minecraft, my sensitivity, inventory hotkeys, shifting, and crouching options are messed with, seemingly at random.